mymichele's Diaryland Diary



Too many entries, damnit! I am a Diaryland addict! Is there a support group for this kind of thing?

I just started my billionth ring. Come here to join it if you got from a 70-79 on your Diary Review! I'm not bitter, really!

I am lonely. BB left a few hours ago to go do work related stuff that I won't mention here, because it's a unique kinda thing and if I told you and if you think you knew me and him then you'd definitly know him. Do any of you think you know me, anyway? I doubt it. Anyway. I miss him. I'm lieing in his bed and I can't sleep cuz I want him there with me, damnit.

Something that's really irking me is that I'm going to have to wake up early and go home (45 minutes away, might I add) to turn off my alarm clock. I forgot to turn it off before I left. I have a tendency to do that, and now I'm going to have to waste gas to go and turn it off. It goes off around 8:30, which means I'm going to have to wake up at 7:30 just to turn it off! Bah!

I was watching the greatness of Conan tonight and Slash was on!! It was some little tiny thing about random rock star thingies, but he said funny stuff! Like, "Once I asked Axl why he left the e off his name, and he started crying because he didn't know it was supposed to be there." Oh Slash, how I love you. Now go rejoin the band, you'll never do much without Axl.

I'm also a little sad because I spent tonight watching Oprah from a week ago and that Telethon thingie from Friday. The telethon had me crying from start to finish. One comment I have to make is what the hell is up with Celine Dion? She looks like she's aged a million years since she took some time off. I guess sometimes having a kid will do that to ya.

Anyway.. I need to keep myself away from reading or watching anything else about the terrorist attacks. I can't handle it. I cry every single time. I was reading People magazine and there was a picture of tourists in Times Square, and the square was covered in flags and memorials, and I started crying in the bookstore. It's just too sad. What really gets me is the people who lost their mothers and the mothers who lost their kids. My mom is everything to me. Once, my friend and I were watching the movie Roommates, and someone's mom died and I just started crying. I can't handle the fact that my mom is going to die someday, that's just not going to happen.

It's kinda like in the Van Halen video for "Right Now", they have a thing that says "Right now, mothers and dogs are dying." It's just no good.

It looks like we're definitly going to see Elton John in Reno! I've never been a huge fan but I like all his songs. "I guess that's why they call it the blues, time on my hands can be time spent with you, laughing like children, living like lovers, rolling like thunder, under the covers!" Anyway. It's my birthday present, and I'm excited.

Here's some of my other rings that you can join if you wish:

the Ben Affleck ring! (my brother doesn't look like him, damnit!)

The Baby Sitters Club Ring! You know you want to be Dibbly Fresh too!

The Orchestra Ring! Oooh baby, touch my f holes!

The Jon Stewart Ring! He's a cutie pants!

the I heart Axl Ring! For lovers of this mysterious being.

The burplovin ring! For those who like to emit gas orally!

the committed ring! For those of us in relationships and such!

The nonsense ring! The purple monkey danced on the potato butt.

(Do you think I'm bored since I just shamelessly promoted all my diary rings? Okay, you got me. I'm extremely bored and I can't sleep and I have to wake up in 5 hours. Good lord.)

Other Random Boredom activities:

Why did Monica Lewinsky cross the road?

Because she sucks.


My name backwards is Htebazile. Kinda has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?

I like Pepsi One.

Tonight, for dinner, I had Quesadillas from Taco Delight. It was tasty.

Also, I watched the Season Premiere of Friends. I think Dr. Laura would highly dissaprove of Rachel's situation. Tsk tsk, Rachel! Courtney Cox looked beautiful.

I'm going to see my puppy tomorrow!

I'm also going to see my endocrinologist, but those things don't have anything to do with each other. He's going to yell at me for gaining so much weight. I'm not going to have happy fun times there.

I heart Adam Corolla. And Tom Hanks. And.. Benicio Del Toro. And.. Willie Nelson! I sure do love Willie Nelson.

Okay.. it's time for me to grab the hook and hook myself to bed.

(as if that made any sense!)


1:30 a.m. - September 28, 2001


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