mymichele's Diaryland Diary


A whole lot of stuff you might not know, not giving a fuck, and Axl.

Well, I am a fan of the Flagstaff Arizona police department, indeed. And apparently they are quite the fan of me, because they tracked me down and said "If you don't give us $140 now, we'll take your driver's license away in Texas! Muahahaha!" So yeah. When you get a ticket in January and not pay it, expect them to catch up with you in June and make ya pay up. *sigh*

Anyway. I've seen a few movies in the past couple of days. Let's see here.

1. Minority Report - We got there about 5 minutes early and we still had to sit in the second row of this huge theater because the rest of the world seemed to want to see it with us. Good times. Anyway, I was really suprised by how much I really enjoyed this movie. I'm not a huge Tom Cruise fan, but it was really good. Very actiony and exciting and made some good points, and I'd recommend this to everyone!

2. Viva Las Vegas! This movie came on CMT, which BB watches like 24 hours a day, so we watched a little of it. It was freakin hilarious! I've never watched an Elvis movie before and this was quite an interesting one.

3. Scooby Doo - I only saw this one because I got a wild hair up my ass this morning and wanted to see a movie. When I got to the theater, the only movie that was going to start in the next 15 minutes was Scooby Doo, so I saw it. I left before it ended, though. My favorite part was finally confirming my suspicions: Mark McGrath really is a monster!

Since none of you apparently give a flying fuck about what I should do for my one year anniversary, it'll probably just me a small entry that talks about what's happened in the past year, because a lot has happened, and it's been good, oh yeah.

For a couple of years, I've tried to avoid all the new crap that has come out on the radio. I've tried to avoid it like the plague. People like Lincoln Park and Emininem and all those people like that.. I couldn't stand it. But I find myself falling to the dark side. I can't help it! That god damn "My December" song.. how catchy and almost eerily beautiful is that friggin song! I can't stand it! I tried and I tried to turn it to another station when it came on, but the beginning really stabs me in the chest and says "LISTEN TO ME!" So I do. And now I want the new Eminem album because that new song is just really awesome. "Everyone always discusses me, so I must be disgusting." Awww yeah.

My diary is #99 on google when searching for "maniac depression." I've only mentioned that particular phrase in my diary like.. once. I just find that to be odd.

Here is a survey that shows what a give up this entry is turning out to be:

I stole this from Penmaster.

1. Open up your CD player, what's inside? Guns N Roses live CD.

2. Look in your VCR/DVD player, is there a movie? Well, it's a porn, my friends. I might have thrown away the vibrator, but uh.. you do the math.

3. If there happens to be music playing right now, what is it? There isn't any music on right now, but if there was, it would be Guns N Rosesish. Actually, I'd be listening to Lovelines right now since it's Sunday after 10, but I'm in the computer lab, where you can't do such a thing.

4. What are you wearing? Black T-Shirt from the gap, blue jeans, really awesome hair, blue bra, purple underwear, Doc Sandals.

5.Look down, what's the first thing that catches your eye? My sandals.

6. Turn on your TV if it's not on already, what network is it? I'm not in my room, but my TV is probably on MTV because I'm just a whore like that.

7. Look out the window, what's the weather like? Very dark. And warm, but not hot.

8. If you were to hit redial on your phone right now, where would it call? My mom. I called her to confirm dinner plans.

9. Say "hello?" out loud, did anyone answer? Since I'm in a computer lab, if I said "hello" out loud right now, a whole bunch of people would look at me like I was crazy, especially the chick next to me who is looking at something called "Narratives and neural waves."

10. What are you planning on doing next as soon as you get offline? Going home, drinking some water, listen to Lovelines, and go to bed.


[Full Name] Yah, like I'm gonna tell you that. Elizabeth is my first name, and your mom is my last name.

[Nicknames] My nickname among BB's friends is "LEB", which is Liz E. Bear. Cuz BB calles me L-Bear or Lizziebear. And such. Most people call me Liz because I guess I just look like Liz.

[Screen Names] OctoberRose79, MyMichele79

[Birthday] October 12th, 1979

[Marital Status] Single in some kind of long-term relationship.

[I Would Never Become A/An...] teacher.

[I Can't Stop Listening To...] That new Eminem song. It's friggin catchy, damnit!

[My Favorite Song of the Moment Is...] Patience, Guns N Roses

[I Hate School Because...] I've been here 4 years already and I should have graduated by now.

[I Like School Because...] It's an active social community and umm.. I learn stuff.

[I Dress The Way I Do Because...] if it fits, I wear it.

[Say Something Cool...] Je suis le journalist.


If I Were a Stone, I Would Be a- rolling stone. Muahaha!

If I Were a Tree, I Would Be a - giving tree.

If I Were an Insect, I Would Be an insect on the verge of suicide in order to stop me and others like me.

If I Were a Machine, I Would Be a - blender.

If I Were a Fruit, I Would Be a - an apple, cuz I taste good.

If I Were a Flower, I Would Be a - Rose. (wink)

If I Were a Kind of Weather, I Would Be a - Thunderstorm, because they're beautiful and cause a lot of chaos.

If I Were a Mythical Creature, I Would Be an - Muppet. Those things were so cute. Or a unicorn, because they just stand for so much beauty.

If I Were a Musical Instrument, I Would Be a - A viola. They're underrated.

If I Were a Kind of Profession, I Would Be Umm.. I don't know. That's a strange question. I'd be the profession of psychology, because I'm such a weirdo.

If I Were an Animal, I Would Be a - puppy...

If I Were Anything In The World, I Would Be - Mary Higgens Clark. I know, weird answer, but she makes so much money with her books and I would like to have that kind of prestige and financial freedom.

If I Were a Color, I Would Be - red

If I Were a Fragrance, I Would Be - Obsession.


If I Were an Emotion, I Would Be - anticipation.

If I Were a Vegetable, I Would Be a - celery. It actually takes an effort to eat that. And as my mom says, it's a "toothbrush for your colon!"

If I Were a Sound, I Would Be - A tree falling in the forest with no one there to hear it.

If I Were an Element, I Would Be - water.

If I Were a Movie Star, I Would Be - Lordy! There are so many I would choose! Sandra Bullock. Because she's beautiful and makes a lot of money.

If I Were a Holiday, I Would Be - Thanksgiving. I really like Thanksgiving, for some reason.


Do You Have Any Allergies? To cats. And I think something in the air during the summer causes my eye to twitch uncontrollably. Not pretty.

Have You Adored Someone? I adore lots of people.

Do You Talk To Yourself, Loudly Enough For Someone to Hear You? Not anymore.

What Do You Smell Like Right Now? The computer lab.

1) Three things you'd eat on the last day of your life: Stuff my mommy makes (except that yucky vinegarish spinach related thing that I ate tonight), lots and lots of pizza, and movie theater popcorn with Recees Pieces.

2) Three CDs from your collection that are your favourite: When I Look In Your Eyes (Diana Krall), Jagged Little Pill (Alanis), Urban Hang Suite (Maxwell)

3) Three movies that made you think: Good Will Hunting, Jerry Maguire, Minority Report.

4) Three people you would have sex with: BB, Axl Rose, Steve Nash.

5) Three vacations you have taken: Two weeks in Florida for Christmas, A couple of days in Las Vegas, Mardi Gras in Baton Rouge. And that was all in the space of 2 months!

6) Three songs you get stuck in your head frequently: Bleh! I dunno. Country songs, mostly.

7) Three things you'd like to learn: HTML, Russian, tact.

8) Three beverages you drink frequently: Water, Dr. Pepper, Pepsi One.

9) Three TV shows that were on when you were a kid: The Wonder Years, the Golden Girls, Empty Nest.

10) Three things you'd like to do now: Go to Las Vegas, meet Axl Rose, and drink some water. Those are the things that immediately came to mind.. interesting, eh?

11) Three things of which you are scared of: Spiders, the future, my french class.

12) Three things you hate: People who neglect their dogs, this new shit my mom gave me tonight that was something from the spinach family but absolutly tasted like shit, and how BB is always right.

13) Three things on your desk: A broken computer, my degree plan, and a broken printer.

14) Three things I plan to do before I die: Go to Europe and drive to all the groovy countries, get married and have kids, make a whole lot of money on something (on a book I write, an invention I make, an accident I cause.. who knows.)

Now, to make this entry even longer and to fill you with more useless information about me, I present you with an interview from Plain and simple.

- I see you dig Axl Rose by the big ass picture on your layout. Nice. So did I at one point before boy bands took overmy brain like invasion of the body snatchers. Is GNR the same without Slash?

No, it's not the same. The original lineup will always be special, and you can't recreate that with new members. You can have a new beginning, though, and you can start on the road to a new recognition, and things can be good again. Really. I swear! And Axl is the only one that matters, anyway.

2- If you could pick a GNR song for a wedding dance (no, you can not pick November Rain!!), which one would it be?

Can I say Patience, then?! I would pick Don't Cry, but that's not a particularly happy song. Patience isn't quite happy, but it's not sad, and it's romantic. Kinda. Maybe Estranged, if I'm in a weird mood.

3- "I was so cute when I was 15. I didn't have any self esteem so I didn't really know that I was cute, but I was. I want so badly to lose weight, I really do. There's just some kind of circuit in me that won't let me. The part of my brain that says, "Another cheeseburger won't hurt. Another hour of being online is okay you can study in the morning. You don't have to exercise today, you have the whole summer to do that."

Did you ever get that circuit fixed?

Not exactly. But right now, I'm working out everyday and well.. trying to eat better. The working out thing is going good.. I've lost 18 pounds in about a month and a half. But the eating good part.. that's not going so well. Also, I chose to not fix my broken computer so that if I want to check my email or whatever during the week, I have to go to a computer lab on campus. That really helps me, I think. When I'm at home, I use that time to study or do other stuff instead of rot my brain all day online. This is a big deal for me.. I've never gone without a working computer, especially not by choice.

4- This entry tickled me. I felt the same way when I started Plain & Simple Views. Then again, you could consider me Simon from American Idol. (check out this link to see what I am talking about.) Has your past reviews changed how you review a diary? What did you honestly think of my vein attempts to be different?

I'm not sure who Simon from American Idol is, but yeah. My past reviews are why I started my reviews in the first place.. they took points off for not updating everyday, they took points for not having enough contact information, they took points for not having a friggin Imood or what not. I just want a person to know if their content sucks or not, because it doesn't matter if they don't update or if they have the greatest layout ever if their content is as boring as watching the World Cup at 4 am in the morning. And honestly, your site isn't much different except for the interviews, which is a nice touch. I like the reviews like Tainted Views and the like that don't really have a structure, but that's just me.

5- BB is the object of your affection. Does he ever read your stuff (diary)? Would you recommend Matchmaker to any of your friends? How comes we can see a pic of your dog but none of the blue eyed mullet man?? No fair.

I actually have a few pictures of him in there.. there's even one with the infamous mullet.. you can see some here if you wanna. :)

And due to weird happenings and circumstance, he knows that I have a diary, that it's on Diaryland, that I talk about him a lot, but from what I can tell and from what he says, he's never read it and probably never well. He respects privacy too much. He really enjoys his privacy and I guess wouldn't want to get into mine. I can't say the same.. if I knew he had a diary I'd read it from cover to cover. And I'm not really a big fan of Matchmaker anymore.. it was good when I was using it because it was a BBS and I made lots of friends and it was just a special thing.. now it's all Internet-like and corporate and not fun.

6- You work at a newspaper�Eso do I. How funny. What exactly do you do there? Are you doing this because you want a career in journalism, or because the bills are due, and you need a check every week?

Well, I worked at a newspaper last semester, at the school paper. I was an arts and entertainment writer, which meant I had one or two stories due everyday. For the stories, I'd have to have at least 2 sources, so I'd be on the phone a lot, mostly with the music faculty. Sometimes I'd go to concerts and give reviews of them, and I did quite a few CD reviews, and one book review. I did it because it seemed to be a good stepping stone for a future career in journalism, which is what I am wishing to pursue. And it looked like fun. And it was. Stressful, but really fun.

7- I absolutely LOOVED this entry!! Do you think that this experience crossed over to other parts of your life? Discuss.

I'm not sure which experience you're referring to.. the high school football game or me obsessing over my boyfriend? Well, obsessing is an experience I'm quite familiar with.. my name online was Obsession for like 6 years, after all. When I like something, I really like it. And BB is really smart and talented and gifted and sometimes I let it hit me that hes truly an amazing person that I'll never live up to. That's not exactly healthy, but hey, I lack self-esteem, what can I say.

8- What makes Texas better than New York?

I don't think I ever said Texas was better than New York, did I? I've only been to New York once.. we drove through most of it on our East Coast Road trip, and we were in New York City for about 3 hours on that trip, too. I wouldn't say it's better, because I have no experiences to compare it to. They are two very different entities.

(was supposed to be a joke question...)

9- After reading almost your entire diary, I only found out after this entry that BB is a virgin. How do you do it? Does this affect your relationship greatly? If you had the opportunity to get lovin' elsewhere, male or female, and BB didn't know�Ewould you do it?

First of all, wow.. thats a whole lot of entries that you read :) Thats all kinds of cool. And based on the nature and rules of our relationship, I, and he too, can get lovin from someone else at any time. It sounds bad, and sometimes it is, but its a long long story that has evolved into something thats bigger than it is over the years, ya know? But I wouldn't have sex with anyone else. That's just not something I'd want to do because for me, sex means way too much and it causes too many problems anyway. Anyway.. how do I do it? After almost 5 years, it gets easier. I mean, it's not like we're not all over each other all the time anyway.. he may be a virgin, but that doesn't mean he doesnt believe in doing "everything but." After all this time, we're both still attracted to each other, and its good times.

10- You use the phrase "good times" a lot throughout your diary. Did this phrase come from a particular event? (It just sounds so kewl�E

I started saying it a few years ago when my roommate said it all the time. I'm easily influenced. :) I also started saying it after I listened to Lovelines a lot, cuz Adam Corolla tends to say it a lot, as well. It's just an addictive saying, ya know?

11- In this entry, you talk about porn�Esn't it great? At what age did you discover double anal penetrations and gang bangs? Would you ever consider being a porn star if the profession wasn't so nastified?

I have yet to discover double anal penetration and gang bangs.. I'm not that hardcore! I'm just more of a girl on girl or group sex kinda girl. I started watching porn out of my parents collection at a really young age because my brother showed me where the stash was.. they had all the classics, Behind the Green Door, Debbie Does Dallas, etc. I was probably about 10 years old. I think watching so much of it has kinda affected me, though.. I can't look at most people without thinking about throwing them down on the table and doing some kind of crazy porn thing to them. So I don't watch much of it anymore, which I think is a good thing. And I've thought about it.. everytime I watch one of these movies, I can't help but think about those girls and why they'd do something like that. Maybe if I had a porn star body, I'd want to try it once or twice, but probably not.. it's just not something I'd want people to see.

12- You say you have a deep appreciation of the 80's and early 90's�Eo you have big hair?

I have an appreciation for it, I don't live it :) I have very small hair, thank you very much!

(ha ha..did I touch a nerve?? lmao!)

10:04 p.m. - June 23, 2002


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