mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Drunken fun and sexual debauchery.. does it get any better than that?


Last night was probably the weirdest night of my life. Check it out if you haven't already. If that's not a ringing endorsement for a UNT graduate, I don't know what is.

I was more drunk than I've ever been in my whole entire life. Seriously. I hardly ate anything at all, plus I had 3 whole margaritas, and that just KNOCKED ME ON MY ASS! I know, I'm a total lightweight.

Let's look at the night in detail, shall we?

Graduation really sucked. It was really depressing for all kinds of reasons, most of which being BB-related. I won't go into them cuz it's just boring. But let's just say I realized I wasted about 4 1/2 years of life and now I'm totally ashamed for it.


So after graduation (a long, painful process.. my school has 30,000 people in it, so you know graduation is gonna be a party), my family went to Z Tejas, a nice happy little restaurant in North Dallas.

First of all, Dorkus Boy came to my graduation. He is so totally my new hero. I'm going to have to think of sometihng to give him, because he so seriously was the coolest person ever last night. But anyway. He also came to Z Tejas with us, and my dad was THRILLED to see him. He has always loved Dorkus Boy. Everyone in my family loves Dorkus Boy.

So we're all at the table, and the BL says I should get a Margarita. My mom had said the same thing earlier in the day, so I was like, "Hell yeah, gimme one!" So our flamingly gay waiter brought me an apple Margarita. And that was just the beginning.

After my first margarita, who shows up? Well that would be Old Friend, of course! I totally forgot that I invited her because she never responded, but there she is, looking like she lost another million pounds and looking quite foxy. I haven't seen her since May, so that was fun. I was excited to have both Old Friend and Dorkus Boy there with me, it was really fun.

Then I got to witness the first meeting of my step-dad and my dad. I kinda remember the first part of this awkward exchange, and then I remember that they both took pictures of each other for some reason, but after that, it gets rather fuzzy.

I swear, it's all the BL's fault. She told me, "Let loose. It's your graduation. Don't worry about driving home, I'll drive your car back to my house and you can stay there tonight."

Well, it's like she fuckin gave me permission to act like a crazy motherfucker.

All I remember after leaving the restaurant was Dorkus Boy driving me back to the BL's. At some point, Old Friend was in the car with us, I think we were going to the porn store. But we were diverted because I had to pee, so Dorkus Boy took us to his house because it was around the corner. At Dorkus Boy's house, I wrote that lovely entry while Dorkus Boy and Old Friend got to know each other. They probably bonded a lot. I feel bad that the first time they meet each other, I'm totally shitfaced. Fun, eh?

I think at one point Old Friend told me the only other time she saw me like this was the day after me, her, Ali-Kat and Ali-Kat's boyfriend played strip truth or dare together. The fun never ends.

Then we came back to the BL's, and Dorkus Boy and I watched SNL with Al Gore. I slowly, s-l-o-w-l-y came down from my happy fun time, and then we went to the porn store. It was like old times! I bought a new vibrator and 2 new movies. I spent $50 at the friggin porn store! I feel dirty.

But it's not even over yet. While Dorkus Boy was here, I didn't message BB, and I had no intention of doing so. But when he left, no one was holding me back, so I did.

For 2 hours, we had the absolute worst conversation ever. He used everything he knew about me against me to leave me feeling like a total and complete loser incapable of hiding my emotions. I think at the end of our conversation I actually said, "Fuck you, I don't care if I ever see you again." Of course, I wrote him an email right after that saying that I was sorry for being such a jackass.

I swear I'm not going to talk to him again until I know I can handle my emotions. That was just so stupid last night.. I totally brought myself into a situation I knew was going to end badly. He knew it was going to end badly, yet I just kept trying to get a little more out of him. No more talking to BB. It's just a bad bad thing.

But seriously... for about 3 hours last night, I totally forgot about BB and my problems. All I cared about was apparently telling Old Friend and Dorkus boy about all kinds of sexual things, which I don't even remember half of. The whole time I kept apologizing for acting like such an ass, but I don't think anyone in my family, nor Dorkus Boy or Old Friend, were really all that impressed by it. I think they knew I needed to get crazy, and I think they've all been that crazy before and now they're used to it. The last time Dorkus Boy was like that, he came out on national radio. So it's all good.

I'm pretty sure there's pictures of my debauchery last night. My dad took a ton of them. I will share them with you soon.

Today is my dad's farm party, so now I get to go face everybody I acted like such a freak with last night. Even Old Friend is coming, which will be.. I don't know. Strange is the word that comes to mind.

I think I should go back to bed. I went to bed last night after 4 am cuz I had to uh.. test out my new equipment. Good stuff, people, that's all I'm saying.

So now I'm a college graduate. And I'm also a really crazy drunk.


What was MyMichele doing a year ago? (ironicly enough...)

"So my mom was at Lane Bryant with me and was as surprised to see Old Friend as I was. Old Friend had always loved my mom, she would come to our house and hang out with my mom as much as she did with me. It was crazy crazy times.

The irony of this, and perhaps the thing that sucks about this, was that when we were 15ish we went to Lane Bryant together, and I looked at the big huge underwear and said, somewhat loudly, "Oh my god, this is the BIGGEST underwear I've ever seen!" And she said, "Elizabeth, this store is for overweight people." And I was like.."Oh." And now I'm shopping there. It's sad how that happens, sometimes."

9:37 a.m. - Sunday, Dec. 15, 2002


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