mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Ode to newspapers, quitting, and other stomach ailments

Today is offically the last day of my job. We're having our last Friday meeting today, and tonight we're having "The paper's dead" party, which should be a lot of good times. So of course, I'm going to have to reflect on that now.

But first, I must reflect on my chosen activity of last night: going to see E.T.! Oooh yeah.

This movie made me bawl my eyes out! It.. was.. soooo.. sad! Especially at the end when E.T. and Elliot hug for a long time and E.T. says "I'll be right here." Oh, I just lost it. I may have a new favorite movie here, people.

Isn't he cute?!!

Elayne Boosler is on the radio right now. I used to love her shtick, but now I think she's a dork.


A year ago, I had a reporting class. We were supposed to do 3 stories a week, and I was just terrified of this class. I found it almost impossible to call people for a story. I had this shyness that would just not allow me to do this. I ended up getting a C in the class even thought it would have been really easy to get an A if I just did the damn 3 stories a week.

Somehow, I got over my terror and most weeks during the 4 1/2 months I worked at this paper, I usually did 4 stories a week without much of a problem.

So, this semester has probably been the best one of my college life. Maybe not friend wise, and probably not grade wise, but just in the experience I have gained, as a person and as a writer. I proved to myself that these things aren't impossible. My editor mentioned yesterday that I was "reliable" and that kinda made me happy. Nobody has every really said that I was reliable before. But I guess I am. I never missed a deadline, I didn't complain too much, I did extra stuff when he needed me to. It was all good.

And the social factor of it. As you might recall, I had a lot of days there in the beginning where I didn't know how to talk to people and I felt like a big dumbass. But then I got over that, and my conversations with all the rest of the staff came naturally, and I think when this is all over and we see each other in the hall, we'll be friends. We all have the same classes and the same problems with teachers and registration and class and jobs and it's just really nice to have peers like that.

I'm (sniff) gonna miss (sniff) them!

Things I learned:

1. Nice people that talk a lot are the greatest thing ever.

2. Mean people suck.

3. Getting things done the day before it's due is a very good feeling.

4. Reviewing things is fun!

5. When people say they will be somewhere at a certain time and they aren't, that's a bad thing. (see #2)

6. Interesting ways to get 2 sources

7. Such.

Thank you.

Does anyone else find it funny that I am #1 for the yahoo search "Riki The Big Poo? I just don't even want to know.

I'm thinking about quitting my Review place. I've done over 300 reviews by myself and the requests keep coming in and I'm just not really into it. There's just so many 14 year old diaries that I can read, you know? I think I'm going to that. I know certain people wouldn't like that very much, but what can ya do. I think I'm going to do that right now! Mauahaha!

Okay. Bye bye.

9:05 a.m. - April 26, 2002


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