mymichele's Diaryland Diary


The story of Austin and interpersonal relationships

Something I am quickly learning: I really am getting tired of people close to me involving me in their dysfunctional relationships. It's really making me uncomfortable here, people.

My dad has apparently decided he's going to be an asshole with his girlfriend. I called her to ask something completely unrelated to him, but she launched into this tearful declaration as to how he's mad at her because she's not a dog person. Charlie has really been living at her house since my dad and her have been dating, and she's okay with that, but she doesn't want him in the bed and she wants him to go stay outside for a few hours during the day.

My dad is a dog person. He takes it personally when you don't like his dog. So he's basically dumping her because she doesn't want Charlie to be in the house all day with her.

So yeah. I have to go over there at 12 to talk to her about something that isn't related to this, but I just know I'm going to have to be all comforting and shit. I know how my dad feels, because it's not good when somebody doesn't like your dog. But it's also not good when you dump your girlfriend when you've already got her 2 year old son attached to you just because of the friggin dog. Not cool, people. Not cool.

My brother and his boys are like an episode of the friggin Penis Monologues. On Monday night, he had his current boyfriend and his ex boyfriend over to his new house. They got along and everything, it was really cute.

Then current boyfriend leaves and him and ex boyfriend have a heart to heart. I felt like I should have left or something, but they both wanted me to stay. I got to here about my brother being so slutty and that's why they broke up. Good god, people! I don't need to know these things! It's just way too personal and I'm starting to think that I have no business hearing about people's personal lives.

Anyway.. I'm now going to launch into Austin: A Love Story. Because I'm a dork.

The first time I went to Austin was when I was 12, and my brother was 18. It was time for him to head off to college, and he had picked the University of Texas. We all packed up the Suburban and made the 3 hour trip.

I fell in love with it right away. I was fully into my rebellious Guns N Roses stage of life at the time, and Austin appealed to me in that way. I liked the college and the people and everything about it. It was good times.

I should have taken that more seriously. I really should have said to myself, "You really want to go here, you should get good grades and strive to be the best you can so you can end up here!" But no. I didn't. Anyway.

I've been there every year since I was 12, sometimes more than once. And I feel like it's my place of destiny.

Other Austin memories I have: I went there for a journalism conference my junior year in high school. I was dating Psycho Boy at the time, and he was being psycho about me going because my kinda ex boyfriend was going too. Well, it turned out he had a reason to be a little jealouos, because me and the kinda ex got a little cuddly and flirtacious. In fact, we made everyone else on the trip sick with all our affection. I think I did that because I was so tired of being in a psycho relationship.

I also fell in love with UT more on that trip, cuz I took some journalism classes there that weekend. It was awesome, I was so in love with that friggin school.

When I got back from that trip, I got my first car. That doesn't really have anything to do with anything, but I just thought it was cool.

The next time I went was in July of 97, when my mom had finally had enough of me and BB's relationship. Which was good, because I had a bag packed and was just about to run the hell away from there anyway. This relationship had gotten to a really bad point. I was fired from my job because I was always late, due to him keeping me on the phone and threatening me if I left and all this other wierdo stuff. So my mom decided enough was enough and she sent me to Austin with my brother for a week.

That was good. I wrote poetry and hung out and saw movies and bonded with my brother. That was when he first told me he was gay. Before that, believe it or not, I had no clue.

Anyway, I like Austin. I think I'm getting over the whole soulmate city thing, though. When I was over by UT and looking at the University of Texas shirts, it seemed like "North" was missing in there somewhere. UNT sounds better than UT, right? Right?!

But I dig it. I have my own little routines when I go there. One of them is getting supremely lost on the maze of highways they have over there, but I usually can find my way back.

I'm going to shut up now.

10:25 a.m. - March 20, 2002


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