mymichele's Diaryland Diary


I say this to the reviewers, and also, other things.

As a review whore, I sometimes get reviews that say I lack emotion in my entries. To those reviews, I say this.

Way before I had ever heard of Diaryland (was there ever such a time?!), I had always wanted a web page. Somewhere where I could go online and tell everybody about my love for Axl or how I humiliated myself in front of everybody or how much traffic was on the George Bush tollway today or what have you. I have random thoughts, and I have sad thoughts. I have proud moments, and I have pop culture whore moments. I am a pop culture whore. The Oscars turned me on so much last night that it hadn't even started before I had to go get some from BB.

My point is that there's lots of stuff going on in my head. I've had a paper diary ever since I was in 3rd grade. I didn't usually write about pop culture stuff in there because it seemed pointless. But here at Diaryland, I can give out my opinions, I can say random stuff like Why does Star Jones do commercials for Payless Shoes when we all know she's so rich that she'd never ever have to shop there as long as she lived? And people will know what I'm talking about, they'll sign my guestbook and tell me that they agree! And I will know that I'm not alone. And I dig that.

So here's some random thoughts that are floating around in my head.

1. Anthony Rapp was in A Beautiful Mind. He was also in Adventures in Babysitting. I so want to sign his guestbook and say wonderful things about Adventures in Babysitting. That is, after all, my most favorite movie of all time next to Pulp Fiction and Beaches. It just makes me giggle. He has a guestbook, for crying out loud!

2. If me and BB ever break up, I am never dating a Taurus ever again. My dad is a Tuarus, BB is a Taurus, and I've had enough of them. Damn stubborn bungholes.

I mean, Easter is coming up, right? And part of being part of a dysfunctional divorced family is doing holidays twice, right? So that involves Saturday and Sunday. BB is all offended that I can't go to freakin El Paso with him to do more secret shopping because I have family committments. Well, that's tough! My dad pays all my bills and he keeps my puppy dog and he has a lot to hang over my head.

The thing about Taurases is that they are REALLY good at guilt trips. Like, fantastically good. And it's not fair.

3. When I got my hair highlighted last week, I looked at it in the mirror and thought for sure that I was going to transform in to a glamorous fashion queen. That everyone at school would fawn all over it and wonder why they never saw my beauty.

Well, that feeling has worn off, but I did get some really nice comments today. All the girls noticed right away and they all had really positive things to say about it. That made me feel better about the day, because when I first went to class, I was feeling like a loser. This class has almost everyone from the paper in it, and not one person said hi to me. I didn't say hi to anyone either, but I was feeling like a big honking dork.

4. I had a feature writing story due today at 2:00. I wrote it during my 12:00 class. Yeah, I'm such a great student. I lead by example!

5. I compare BB to every single guy on the planet. Everytime this one chick's boyfriend comes to visit her at work, I'm like, "BB would never do that." He wouldn't. He only comes up to the school like once a week and doesn't come near my building. But it would be nice for him to visit every now and then. And he's just different. There's so many reasons that I love him because he's different, and so many reasons why I hate it. It worries me, especially when I think of the future. So many things I wonder about... how will we be able to have a dog if he wouldn't be willing to take him to the vet if the dog got sick? (long story on that one.) There's so many questions I have and it's just poopy sometimes.

6. Russell Crowe. Russell Crowe. Holy god, Russell Crowe. I plan on renting a whole bunch of movies this week.. Gladiator, Mystery Alaska, Proof of Life.. oh yes, gimme some Russell.

He just looked sooooo hot last night at the Oscars. I am a sucker for long hair and blue eyes. Good god almighty!

These pictures are from AUSTIN. I was in AUSTIN like FOUR DAYS after these were taken. Does that drive me crazy? YES.

Damn that luck Jennifer Connolly.. bah!

Hot. Oh, so very hot.

Don't worry, this will all be over in a couple of days. I'm just wierd like this sometimes.

Poor Axl. Sitting all abandoned in his little corner over there. I feel bad for him, but I still love him. I've loved him for 10 years, and I'll love him for another 10 years. He just has to put up with my occasional dailiances into the other side.

7. I just got an email that was titled "Tall Men Insurance Rates." Ummm.. yeah. Me too.

8. I think I'm going to take a nap soon. I spent the night at BB's and I watched the whole Oscars and then some and then woke up early and blah blah blah. And plus, me and my vibrator have been seperated for a week, and that's just way too long.

9. This is funny.

This is just some of the things that go through my head in a given day. There's more, but I think that's enough for now. And also, see number 8.

Thank you and have a nice day.

6:06 p.m. - March 25, 2002


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