mymichele's Diaryland Diary


It's football time, my incredibly interesting CDs, and Tom Selleck

Hello there, mah friends.

Football season has officially started. What does that mean? Well, first of all it means that BB is going to be a happy guy for the next 3 or 4 months. It also means I have to obsess over some kind of football team because I'm weird like that, but I don't know if it's going to be Oakland this year. I liked Oakland last year, but they lost John Gruden, and I don't think I can root for them anymore for some reason.

And last night was sad. Oakland lost its first preseason game! Of course, it was to the Cowboys, which is good cuz you know.. my hometown team and such.

I'm not really looking forward to high school football this year, because I will once again have to stare at all the young 16 year old girls with perfect bodies who seem like high school is the greatest thing ever in the whole world. I hate those girls. They're gonna make me feel old and bitter.

But high school football is cool because it means it's fall, and I love the fall. I can't wait for the fall! Like right now, it's 77 degrees and it's raining and that's fall weather in the summer and I want it all the time! I want the fall to hurry up and get here!


Yesterday before the french final I had brought my CD's because I had planned on listening to them while I studied. One of the chicks in my french class wanted to look at my CD's and announced that I had good taste in music. So, I wish to share these CD's with you today.

I have a whole lot of CD's but the little CD wallet I carry around only has room for about 20 of them. Good times, right?
1. Fiona Apple, Tidal
2. Fleetwood Mac, The Dance
3. Rolling Stones, Let it Bleed
4. Billboard's top hits of 1979 (hey, it was the year I was born, what can you do)
5. Meat Loaf Greatest Hits
6. Britney Spears - latest album, whatever that is
7. Dido - No Angel
8. Guns N Roses - Use Your Illusion 2
9. Live - Secret Samadhi
10.Guns N Roses - Use Your Illusion 1
11. Moby - Play
12. Guns N Roses - The Spaghetti Incident
13. Garth Brooks - Passport Limited Commemorative Package Worl Tour '95-96
14. Guns N Roses - G N R Lies
15. The Saint soundtrack
16. Blake Shelton - something or other
17. Pink - missundaztood
18. Tom Petty - Good Booty, greatest hit CD
19. Madonna - Bed Time Stories
20. Guns N Roses - Live CD 1 and 2
21. The Ticket - compilation CD for a local radio station
22. Garth Brooks - Ropin the Wind
23. Trisha Yearwood - Where Your Road Leads

So don't ever accuse me of not having a good sense of musicalness! Bah!


I have a growing appreciation of Tom Selleck. I used to watch Magnum PI all the time without really caring about him, but now I really think he's kinda sexy. Don't you?

That really didn't have anything to do with anything, I just felt like sharing.


Last night was a little weird and uncomfortable. I feel like this week has been an important one for me, because I kinda went through a lot by myself, and I think I took that out on BB last night. I want to tell him about it, but there's just some things he doesn't need to know. But we fought anyway, and I ended up crying and feeling lonely again, and it just wasn't good times.

But then we went to El Fenix and had some fabulous grilled onions, and it was better. Today we got it on for the first time in 2 weeks, and that was awesome as usual. Yesterday just really sucked, and I'm glad it's over. I'm just happy that I have two weeks to hang out and have good times before I start my crazy school schedule.


I have 2 checks left, my friends. I ordered new checks on Thursday, but sense my bank is in San Antonio for some really pointless reason, I might be waiting a while. That's bad, really. But anyway.


What was MyMichele doing a year ago?


Okay, so it's 4:39 PM and I'm sitting here in my underwear (my NEW underwear, might I add!) eating cookie dough. Am I proud of this fact? Not really. But come on, it's 102 degrees! I was wearing clothes at some point, but it's just too hot to wear anything right now. The cookie dough I have no excuse for. I just had a craving."

2:29 p.m. - August 10, 2002


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