mymichele's Diaryland Diary


I'm a writer, damnit!

I think some kind of cosmic force is trying to make me stop speeding. Oh wait - that's the Plano police. Apparently, going 56 in a 40 is not permitted! Forgive me, I am not of this earth. I don't understand your human laws.

So last night I went to a concert by myself to do a review. Bowling for Soup = Bowling for Poop. They were okay, but the numerous gay jokes and fat jokes and booger jokes got a little tired after a while. I wanted to yell at them, "SHUT UP! JUST PLAY YOUR CRAPPY ASS SONGS ALREADY!" I think I was probably supposed to stay for the whole show, but around 1:45 I got tired of it and left.

It was funny.. there seemed to be this rotation of 30 year old guys that would come up to me and ask me why the hell I was taking notes. They were all fascinated by that. Each time I had to take them by their tiny little brains and say "I'm a writer for the newspaper and I'm doing a concert review!" And they were like, ooooh. The coolest thing about this concert was that I was on the guest list. That is definitely something I could get used to.

Today BB and I went guy clothes shopping. Yeah, that's about exciting as it sounds.

So I was thinking last that I should probably tell you folks about my evolution as a writer. It wasn't something that just happened when I got up in the morning and said "Wow! I'm gonna be a writer today!"

My mom and I went into a bookstore when I was 7 years old, and we bought a BabySitters Club Book. It was #5, Dawn and the Impossible Three. This was the first book with chapters I had ever read, and I was fascinated by it. I started reading all the books, and got excited everytime a new one would come out.

From there, I started writing short little stories about going to the farm and playing with my puppies. In third grade, I remember telling my friend that we could do books together when we grew up. Since she was the artist, she'd illustrate the book and I'd write it. We thought that was the perfect plan.

In 6th grade, I started writing stories about being stuck in an elevator with Christian Slater. Then, after I got into music and Axl and all that, I started writing song lyrics and more stories about being stuck in an elevator with Axl. I wrote this story called "The New Wave," about being in a band, and I was so fucking proud of that damn story. I gave it to a friend to read, and her mom found it and threw it away because she thought it was "inappropriate." I never quite got over that. I became really good friends with her in high school, but I always carried a grudge for her mom.

In 7th grade, I fell in love for the first time and thus began writing poems. I wrote poem after poem after poem, and as I look back on them now, I'm like.. "Damn, that poem sucks ass!" But at least I was writing stuff.

People liked my poems. My mom would read all of them. Ali Kat and her mom enjoyed reading them. My english teacher liked them, although she pulled me aside one day and asked me how my "personal life was going."

As the years wore on, I wrote more poetry, and the poems got better. In 9th grade, I was in the Young Writers Club. I know Ali-Kat enjoyed that club, too. (Inside joke #1!) In 11th grade, somebody recommended me to the yearbook comittee for some reason, so I got to be on the yearbook. I had always wanted to do this, ever since 9th grade, really, so this was very exciting to me.

Yearbook opened alot of doors for me. My teacher was kinda like my mentor. She knew I had talent, and she made sure I knew it, too. I made friends. I dated a guy. It was good times. I was bad at the whole deadline thing, but I liked doing the interviews and writing the stories. I even got 5 poems in the literary magazine, which was cool.

My senior year, I got to be in charge of the Literary Magazine. I got to pick the stories and the artwork from it, and I only included two of my poems in there. Hey, I was boss, I got to do that!

One day, someone asked my mom what she thought I'd major in when I got to college. She said, "Oh, probably journalism." Up until then, I always thought it would be English, or maybe even Music since I was playing viola at the time, but journalism made since to me. After she said that, I never considered majoring in anything but journalism. It just seemed like the right thing to do.

So, here's the freshmen year of college. I think I might have written an article for the yearbook, but I don't know if it ever made it in there or not. I wasn't exactly interested in academic pursuits that weren't related to eating pizza and playing Jeopardy online my freshmen year.

Last semester, I finally got to take a creative writing class. I learned that writing creatively isn't as easy as I thought it was, and I learned alot. I learned that even though my writing was a little off and had lots of problems, people still really liked it.

So here we are now. I'm at the paper. I kinda did that on a whim. Sometime during my sophmore year, I decided I wanted to write for the newspaper. That was my goal in life. So that's what I'm doing now, and in the summer I'll do an internship, and hopefully it'll lead to other things. Ultimately, I want to write the great american novel, but who doesn't? I figured out that if I do get a novel published, with my last name, it would be right next to John Grisham and Winston Groom, who wrote the Forest Gump book. I think that's pretty good exposure, don't you?

So damnit, I'm going to be a writer. If this semester makes me disillusioned about life in general, I really don't know what I'm going to do. I'm supposed to graduate in December, so I can't really change my major. Other careers I could maybe go into include: Real Estate (My dad would love that, oh yes.), dog training, Secret Shopping Goddess, housewife, race car driver, Guns N Roses groupie, taco maker, professional miniature golfer, nailpolish mixer, etc. I just asked BB and he said "You'd be good at marketing, maybe high level customer service or something." That sounds like fun, doesn't it?

I'll shut up now.

Shameless self promotion: To see some of my poems, you can do so here. To see a few stories, you can do that here!

10:01 p.m. - January 26, 2002


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