mymichele's Diaryland Diary


bigger puppies, you've got mail, and california love!

I feel like Meg Ryan in "You've Got Mail" when she tells Tom Hanks that no one will ever remember him, and "No one will ever remember me either, but they remember my mother, who was a good person." Everyone remembers my mom! If I go somewhere with my mom once, the next time I go, everyone is asking me where she is and how she's doing and all this. It would bother me if I didn't like my mom. But I love my mom and really, she deserves all the attention she gets.

I think she also deserves the BMW 525I my "stepdad" (in quotations because I still just consider him the guy my mom married a few months ago) bought for her today. My mom loves BMWs. She is addicted to them, really.

Anyway. I should be going out and getting Subway right now, but I can't find my keys. Isn't that a sad reason?

I went to the endocrinologist yesterday. I've been going to him since I was 14. I remember once, when I was around 16, he said to me, "Wow, you've really grown up to be a beautiful woman." And I looked in the mirror and thought to myself, "yeah, I really am!" That was the only time I've really ever been able to do that.

This time, the big subject of conversation was my weight. He's going to put me on some kind of pill to suppress my appetite and such.

If you're curious, I have Polycystic Ovarian Disease and it's not really good times. But I'm sure you really weren't that curious.

I got my blood taken, and it looks I've been taking some heroin or something. But I only do that on Tuesdays.

I got to see my puppy dog yesterday. He's such a cutie pie! His hair is growing back nicely from the mutant puppy incident and his little mohawk is coming back. He's my little boy, yes he is!

And at one point yesterday I called BB to let him know when I'd be coming back over, and I apparently interrupted him mid-song. So I got seranaded with a stirring rendition of "California Love" by Tupac. There's no lovin like California loving, aint that the truth!

Today I went to the mall. Grapevine Mills. To experience the "Mills Effect." I walked around the whole mall, cuz it's a big huge circular type of thing, and I didn't buy a damn thing, although I did cry about 100 times because I kept seeing posters of the NYC skyline pre-attack and I read some magazines and such. I don't know why I'm still crying over this! Well, it's a sad state of affairs, that's why. Overall, I enjoyed my mall experiences.

I then went to see Rock Star again because I wanted some Marky Mark. Here is another picture of him for your enjoyment.

Good lord, I love that movie!

I heard yesterday that a pizza place I used to work for is closing. That means out of like 5 places I've worked, two of them are closed. This is mildly alarming, because I feel like I'm never ever going to get another job again, but thats okay.

Um, did anyone else notice that the Queen of Jordan is like.. really hot?

While I was napping, I had two dreams. One of them involved me walking into my dorm room and two guys were in there, stealing my stuff or something. I told them to get the hell out, and they did, but they stole my curtains. The people at the dorm still made me pay for new ones!

The other one entailed of me taking my dog to the vet and asking for a bigger version of him. I mean.. the same exact dog, but bigger. And wow, they didn't have one, but they kept him, so I lost my doggie. It was very sad.

I'm going to go look for my keys again now. I'm hungry, damn it.

Thank you and have good times.

9:55 p.m. - September 29, 2001


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