mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Bras, flukes, poems, fajitas.

Okay, so I don't know where my bra is, so I went to my research thingy and Subway with my big ol boobs flopping all over the place. I know that's a beautiful visual, but what can I say.

The internet scare yesterday turned out to be a fluke. I stayed in the computer lab for a few hours, and then came back here to find the internet working here, and I was oh so happy. The new RA, a really geeky looking guy to replace the really hot chick RA I had last semester, came by and said that it was supposed to be working intermittently, so if it turns off in the middle of whatever I'm doing, that will be normal. Good times.

This RA turned out to be not very smart. I had three candles going at the same time when he came by, and as we all know, candles are not allowed in the dorms. He asked if he could come in, and I said,"Could you wait outside for a second while I take the underwear off the floor and stuff?" He blushed and said sure. So I closed the door and quickly blew out the candles and stashed them in the closet. Oh yeah, I'm good, muahahaha.

On Monday night, I went to BB's and we cooked fajitas together. One thing about us, we can't get enough grilled onions. I cut two whole onions and grilled them in the old George Foreman, and that still wasn't enough for us, so I went to Pancho's and got more onions. Mmmm, grilled onions. We have onions on everything.. burgers, fajitas, spagetti, sandwiches, everything. Anyway.

We ate these tasty fajitas and watched WWF wrestling. BB is a total wrestling addict, and turned me into one when I first met him. For almost 2 years, I went to his house every Monday night and watched it. But I lost interest, and also moved 45 minutes away, so I stopped going. Also, Shawn Micheals wasn't on anymore, and therefore there was no reason to watch. I will watch it if I'm there and it's on. Well, sort of. I watched while I wrote another lovely erotic story, which should be available on Literotica soon.

Anyway! I keep getting off the point here. I haven't watched in a while, so it came as a shock to me too see how dorky Stone Cold has turned. He used to be bad ass and flipping everyone off and all that crap, but now he's hugging everyone and leading "the alliance" and he's just fucking hilarious. If I would have known that Raw was this funny, I'd be watching every week. It's just good to know, that's all I'm saying.

I love fucking with dirty old men online. I mean, that sounded wierd.. I enjoy fucking with their head, that is. I always get the 40 year olds hitting on me. They start out nice, and then ask for a picture, and sometimes I'll just say, "No, I don't want to send you a picture." Which just confuses their feeble minds. Sometimes I'll send them a picture, and they'll send me theirs, and if they ask if I like their picutre, I'll just say.."Eh, you're not really my type." I have in my profile that I have a boyfriend, but some of them don't pay attention to this, and keep engaging in banal chatter until they just say, "So, have a boyfriend?" In which case I'll say, "Yep." And then they wonder why the hell they've just spent 10 minutes talking to me when I can't offer them what they want. AOL guys are just icky. Icky, I tell you.

Last night, my mom and I were cleaning my room, and I replaced my 20 year old surge protector. For some reason, I jostled the TV a wierd way or something, and now the power button is broken, and that is indeed bad because I can't turn my TV on! That's not extremely terrible because I don't watch much TV, I prefer to listen to my favorite AM station all day. But I am using this opportunity to get Dork Guy to finally come up here and fix stuff for me. This is what he does. He fixes things, because he's handy, and I'm not. It's just a pain in the ass to get him up here in the first place. But I need to be able to watch the Golden Girls!

Here, for you, and for Pervert Girl, are some more poems. I have this book that I've been writing my poetry in for 6 or so years, and I stayed up reading it last night, and I've gotta say, a lot of my poems just really suck ass. But here's some that don't suck ass. And a few that do.


Flowers January, 1999

Purple flowers I have seen

flowers turned black by seventeen

some petals fall off and make me cry

Some petals stay on until they die

the stems turn brown and silenty choke

for the ones that make sure that still will be broke

broken flower, oh dear me

it grows black, and so you'll see.

The Theater I wrote this when I worked with Angel Boy at a movie theater.

The ice melts on the floor

the chocolate is too old

I wait patiently until close

Wishing you were here

to make the ice un-melt

and to make the chocolate new again

sweep the popcorn

wipe down the counter

look up at the office to see if she is there

she's there

how could you?

Don't hold my hand

don't tell me you're thinking about me

don't lie.

I thought you knew me better than that.

I hate you as I count the money

because she's there

and I'm not.

Star Wars This is about Psycho Boy. We had a thing about movie theaters.

We went to see Star Wars twice

after you ate your chicken and rice

but we didn't end up seeing very much of the movie

but what we did do was pretty groovy

we did it on the floor

I wanted more

but I was paranoid

that someone would open the door

I'm a whore.

Mindfucked I wrote this in 1993, when I was 13. Boy, I sure do catch on fast, don't I?

He said he loved you

He said he cared

It looks like you've been mindfucked, baby

he didn't give a damn.

1:11 p.m. - 2001-08-15


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