mymichele's Diaryland Diary


A survey for your enjoyment, and also I'm still bitter.

I am watching When Harry Met Sally. They just slept together. I hate when they do that! It's all uncomfortable and awkward.

I am so sad today that I will deprive you of my sadness and just steal a survey from the luscious Heather again. I have no shame.

My mother thinks i am: talented and that I'll make something of myself. I wish I had faith in myself like she does.

My friends think i am: neato, but I don't call them enough.

Your three best qualities: Honesty, understanding, loyalty

Worst qualities: sloth, jealousy, and the inability to get over boys who royally screwed me over.

A compliment you got that made you blush: I'm not sure if this is a compliment, really, but.. "You have big lips.. made for sucking." I was 14.

You get embarrassed when: I have an opportunity to display my social retardation, which is like.. everyday.

Makes you happy: Having good times with my friends. Which I don't do often enough.

Upsets you: It upsets me that I know BB is at home and is as depressed as I am, maybe even more than I am, but he refuses to ask me to come over or anything like that. It's not fun. And I'm depressed, damnit. I bet you couldn't tell.

You keep a diary: I have like 12 different diaries right now. This one, my depression diary, my regular diary, and I bought another one last week. I have to write or I might possibly go crazy.

You like to cook: I do. When I move out of this dorm and get to cook all the time, I'll be happy.

You have a secret you have not shared with anyone: No.. I'm a blabbermouth and I tell everyone everything.

Fold underwear: Nuh uh. I'm lazy like that.

You talk in your sleep: Yeah. Last night I was crying in my sleep. Not fun.

You bite your fingernails: Guilty. I stopped for a few years but now I'm right back at it.


Movie you saw: When Harry Met Sally.

Movie you bought: Porn. "House of the Sleeping Beauties" to be exact.

song you listened to: I just watched this show on bubble gum pop music, and I have David Cassidy stuck in my head.

Person you've called: my mom to thank her for the clothes she bought me at Lane Bryant yesterday. It's good stuff.

Person that's called you: My mom to tell me she was going to order pizza so I could have some later. I know, I'm such a party animal.

TV show you've watched: the Bubblegum Pop show. It was really interesting. I love all those shows on MTV and VH1 about crap like that.

time you laughed: I laughed with my mom about my dad's taste in lactating boob porn.


You wish you could live somewhere else: God yes. I wish I could get the fuck out of here, right fucking now, so I wouldn't be so god damn depressed. As my dad says "You can't escape your problems!" Well, no, I can't, but at least I can move away from them for a while. A change of scenery.

Only a month and a half until Austin. *taps foot impatiently*

Others find you attractive: My mom thinks I'm beautiful. BB once thought I was hot, but now he's just sitting at home and watching football and ignoring me. Not that I'm bitter.

You want more piercing: I only have my ears pierced and I've never had the urge to pierce anything else.

You want more tattoos: I want a tattoo. Someday I'll get one.

You like cleaning: I need to clean today. Maybe it'll take my mind off things. Probably not.

You like roller coasters: Not particuarly, no.

You write in cursive or print: Both. My handwriting sucks either way.

Have you..

Ever cried over a boy/girl: Uh, yeah. Last night, and then when I was sleeping, and then a little this morning. I'm a crying whore. I admire Heather's answer.. "just once.." I was crying over boys since I was like 10 years old. I should probably stop doing that at some point. Or start seeing people that won't make me cry. Or putting myself in situations where I don't need to cry. Whatever.

Ever lied to someone: Yeah.

Ever been in a fist fight: No, I'm a big old wimp.

Ever been arrested: Nope. I thought I was once when I was 19 and my friend had a trunk full of beer. But the police were nice and just made us empty the beer.


Shampoo do you use: Thermasilk.

Conditioner: Ehh.

Perfume do you use: I've worn Obsession for wayyyy too long. I should probably get a new perfume at some point.

Are you scared of: abandonment (thanks, BB) and spiders are the main things.

Favorite food: *sigh* I don't know. Pizza. Fajitas. Anything mexican.

Color: Gray, black, red.

Of times I have had my heart broken? One major time. And I think we all know when that was. Like, 2 weeks ago. *sigh* Well, the Psycho Boy thing was no picnic, either. I developed this horrible cough that nobody could diagnose. It lasted for like.. 6 months. It was the psychotic cough from hell.

Of hearts I have broken? I'm not really the heart breaking type. But I think I might have hurt this dude's feelings once. Maybe I hurt Dorkus Boy a little back in the day. Boys aren't exactly forthcoming with that information.

Of people I've slept with? Two. It's been that way since August 17th, 1997. I'm looking to boost this number at some point in my life.

Of people I consider my enemies? As cheesy as it sounds, I am my only enemy. I battle myself everyday, and it's not a fun party battle, either.

Of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? Like.. once. But if we're counting my name on the byline as having written the story, that would be every single day of last semester. Yeah, I rock.

Of things in my past that I regret? One of them includes IMing BB last night because I couldn't take it anymore. That's never a good idea, by the way. Just leave it alone. Another is not leaving Texas when I had the chance to go to college. Then I wouldn't be sitting in this dorm room eating miniature Mr. Goodbars. *mumblemumble* Also.. I regret not making better grades. Kids, take it from me - make good grades! It's a good idea.

This survey took a long time. And I'm still depressed.


What was MyMichele doing a year ago? "Dude, I saw this picture of Coreys Haim and Feldmen in EW Weekly, and wow. Corey Feldmen still looks like a doofus but Corey Haim sure did go and get hit by the hot stick! He was one good looking boy, let me tell you. Seriously, go check it out, he's a hottie."

10:56 a.m. - Sunday, Nov. 24, 2002


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