mymichele's Diaryland Diary


I've got the blues in the most hardcore of ways, building trust by telling lies, and for planning purposes

Hi, earthlings.

My birthday is a month from yesterday! It's never too early to start shopping!

For some reason, this is going to be a big ol family related entry! Sounds like fun, I know.

So, we are not going to Reno. My mom and dad talked amongst themselves, like Linda Richman told them too, and decided that instead of going to Reno, they will support me and BB in our long ass road trip after Christmas. Which I think works out better.

It works out better because now we don't have to deal with that ugly "ex girlfriend who's bitter about not being with my dad anymore" situation. I was really looking forward to renting a car and driving to San Francisco, but that's okay.

So now we'll get to go on our long ass road trip and not have to tell any lies about it like I did last year, which makes me happy.

It's weird how I've managed to build up trust with my parents by lying to them at first. My first big road trip was going to Arkansas with BB, and I told my mom I was just going to Austin. The second big one was going to Canada, and I told my mom we were just going to Arkansas. I never told my dad about any of these trips, of course. And then I got to go all the way to Las Vegas last year because I told my dad I was going to Louisiana, even though he knew I was lying and going to Las Vegas anyway. And now I get to go without even having to lie!

You might call it taking advantage, I might call it good times!

Speaking of family and crap like this, my dad and my brother have barely spoken since he told my dad that he was gay. That was in April. So my brother is curious as to whether or not he would be invited to Thanksgiving and Christmas festivities, so he just emailed him and asked. My dad, ever so lovingly, said that yes, "for planning purposes" he can come to these festivities. Ahhh, my dad is such a romantic.

And also, I finangled my brother into buying me the Guns N Roses Rio tape on Ebay. Cuz I was suspended from Ebay last year (due to bidding on a Journey CD for Crazy Friend, who didn't give me money until like a month later when the buyer was all pissed off) and I just really want that tape. Cuz like, Axl is all hot in it and stuff. Anyway.

Speaking of Bootlegs, I want my CD! The dude who sold it to me got a cease and desist letter from GN'R lawyers like 2 days later, telling him not to sell it anymore, so that's a little scary. But hey! I want my CD!

What's on the CD? It's the concert from Leeds from a few weeks ago. And all you MP3 people should go download the Blues. Go here and click where it says "The Blues from Leeds." Because it's awesome.

Let me tell you how awesome this song is. I listen to it at least 10 times a day, and when I'm not listening to it, I'm thinking about listening to it. Because it haunts me! I know that sounds slighty obsessive (slightly?!), but it's that good of a song.

*sigh* It's hard to be this hardcore about a single human being, you know? It's just hard work.

In other news, my pants keep falling down. I have to hold them up when I walk. I can't put a belt on them because two of the loops are broken. But it's a nice feeling, you know? Thanks Subway and Pizza!

Axl picture of the day:

I like this one cuz it's just so cocky! Look at all those friggin gold records! I think I read somewhere that GN'R has sold like 50 million albums. That's a whole lot, ya know!


What was MyMichele doing a year ago?

"I just got out of my Abnormal Psychology class. My teacher is a bitter old man. He's kinda like Bill Cosby, but he's like the old, mean, bitter version of Bill Cosby, you know? His kids all left, little Rudy (who I'll always remember as getting her period when they were talking about puncuation in class) is an adult now, and I think they had another kid but I don't know who that one is. Anyway, his kids are all gone and Mrs. Cosby divorced him and now he's teaching my Abnormal Psychology class."


I'll probably write another entry later because I'm just kooky like that.

P.S. - I've listened to "The Blues" twice since I started writing this.

12:24 a.m. - September 13, 2002


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