mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Crying boys, chair races, maybe roommates, and other fun good times.

Hello, girls and boys! Tonight is my last night of freedom before summer school starts. It's very sad, indeed. I'm going to miss being at BB's so much. I wish I could just hurry up and graduate so I can move out of Denton and closer to him. He's my cutiepants.

Today we saw Sum of All Fears. I didn't really care to see it, but BB did and since he's such a rare moviegoer, when he wants to go, I go. And I wouldn't have minded staring at Ben Affleck for 2 hours, anyway.

The movie was really intense and scary. Shocking, too. If you haven't seen it and you want to see it, there's a spoiler kinda coming up here, so yeah..

SPOILER: The whole movie climaxes when there's a bomb at what is assumed to be the Super Bowl. This bomb wipes out a while stadium full of people, and it's so shocking, the audience just got really quiet. You could hear a pin drop and all those other cliches after that happened. It was really scary! And like I said, shocking! I knew something like that was going to happen, but I was unprepared for the magnitude of it all.


I think I let movies affect me way too much. Even when they're over, I find myself thinking back to them frequently during the day and even feeling like I'm taking on some of their characteristics. Like, after I saw a Beautiful Mind, I felt like I'd turn around and see someone following me all the time. And after I saw Enough, I thought someone was following me and I'd have to get away from them. I'm just a big freak like that.

I'm also a big giant pop culture whore. During the previews, I am not happy if I can't identify every single actor in it. Like, when I saw a preview for "The Bourne Identity" today, the chick in it kinda looked like the chick from Run Lola Run. And then when I looked it up on the Internet Movie Database (A pop culture whore's best friend), it confirmed that. And things like that make me feel so satisfied, it's ridiculous. But I guess you have to have something that blows your skirt up, right?

Anyway, after the concert we heard "Used to Love Her" on the radio. I love that song, I really do. I wonder what people who just happen across it on their drive to the mall or whatever think about a song that says "I used to love her, but I had to kill her, I knew I'd miss her, so I had to keep her, and she's buried right in my backyard.." it's a bizarre song, but oh so good.

Okay, we just heard something that sounded like 6 gunshots outside. We are in the insanely safe city of Plano, and we never hear that. And of course, BB has to go outside and see what's happening. He always does that! Like when there was a big giant loud noise like a spaceship landing a few years ago, he went outside and saw that a car had actually flipped off the road and right on to the lawn of the house next door! The chick in it was okay.. he sat with her until the ambulance came.. it was all very exciting. Anyway. It appears as though the gunshots was just a car backfiring or something, but that was scary. I don't want the demise of my boyfriend to be gun shots for no reason! That would suck ass.

Here's a picture of BB and his friend.. I just thought I'd share. He's on the left.

I feel like I must share with you all the concerts I have been to. Here, I list the concerts, the year, the place, and who I went with. This isn't in any particular order.

1. INXS/Catherine Wheel - 1994 - Ft. Worth - My mom. This was my very first concert (except the Micheal Jackson concert I went to when I was like 2) and it was quite awesome. I was in love with Micheal Hutchence and as long as I had him in my line of vision, I was happy.

2. Smashing Pumpkins/Garbage - 1995 - Dallas - Old friend. Don't remember much of this one.. it was probably pretty cool.

3. Fiona Apple/Counting Crows - 1997 - Dallas - Old Friend. We didn't like this one so much and we left early. I think this is like 4 days after I lost my virginity. Not that it really has anything to do with anything, but I just remember that for some reason.

4. Tom Petty - 1995 - Dallas - Old Friend and Old Friend's mom. Was the reigning champion of My Favorite Concert Ever for almost 5 years!

5. Oasis - 1996 - Dallas - Ex boyfriend (Ponytail Guy) - We went to this one because our song was "Wonderwall." That was the first song someone ever dedicated to me, so it was really special to me. It was a good concert, and we were all cuddly during it and such.

6. Alanis Morissette - 1996 - Dallas - Old Friend - This was a pretty awesome concert, I must say. Alanis surely did rock the hizhouse.

7. Aerosmith/Collective Soul - 1996 - Dallas - Old Friend, Ali-Kat, Old Friend's mom - This was cool. It was

dissapointing, though. I mean, how can they do a concert and not sing Dream On? Please tell me how that is possible!

8. Live - 1997 - Dallas - Ex Boyfriend (Doofus Boy)and online friend - Honestly, the only memory I have of this concert is the two guys I was with crying when "Turn My Head" came on. My ex, who I still had feelings for but he never quite had the same feelings because he was in love with his ex, he stared at the ring she gave him when they were still together, he played with it, and cried a little as well. The other guy cried because he was still in love with his ex too. I was like, "hello?" It was not pretty.

9. The Cure/Seven Mary Three - 1997 - Dallas - BB, my brother and his friends - This was kinda cool. It was kinda a last minute decision to go. All I really remember is the Seven Mary Three were way cool and I tried to give BB a hand job under my coat. Lovely, eh?

10. Goo Goo Dolls - 1998 - Dallas - Dorkus Boy - Pretty cool. Dorkus Boy and I had alittle flirtation thing going on at the time and it was kinda fun.

11. The Nixons - three different times - mostly with Old Friend - I used to be quite the fan of the Nixons. I got to be on the front row on my 17th birthday, and that was pretty awesome.

12. Various Edge christmas concerts and edgefests - Mostly Old Friend - I've seen a lot of different bands in this manner, including Modern English (ya know.. "I'd stop the world to melt with you), the Nixons, Stabbing Westward, Tears for Fears, Deep Blue Something, Gravity Kills, Barenaked Ladies, the Verve Pipe, Poe, and probably a whole lot of other important people that I'm forgetting because I seem to be losing my memory.

13. The Verve Pipe/Tonic/K's Choice - 1997 - Austin - my brother. Oh lordy.. I can't believe I went to this concert. It's the One Hit Wonder Trio, indeed. It was a few days after I broke up with Psycho Boy and all three of them had songs that reminded me of him (The Freshman, If You Could Only See, and I'm not an Addict, which is awesome song but unfortanetly still to this day reminds me of him) and it was just not good times.

14. James/Texas (a british band) - 1994 - Arlington (Six Flags) - Elementary School Best Friend and my mom - this was a damn awesome concert. I really used to dig James, and they had a really nice show. I can dig it, can you?

15. Sarah Mclachlan - 1995 - Dallas - Old Friend and my mom - I had a 104 degree fever but I went to that damn concert! "Fumbling Towards Ectasy" was my favorite album at the time. I listened to that album over and over and over again, and it helped me with a bad breakup. Pretty groovy concert, let me tell ya.


1. Bette Midler - 1999 - Dallas - My mom. She was just awesome. It had long been a dream of mine to see her live and there I go, seeing her live. So awesome.

2. Elton John - 2001 - Reno - BB - He's a legendary performer and the Reno crowd was just electricfying.

3. Guns N Roses - 2001 - Las Vegas - BB - Awwww yeah.

Other assorted performances I have attended: Various WWF, WCW, and ECW wrestling events in New Orleans and Dallas, Phantom of the Opera in Dallas, Cats in Dallas, Tommy in Dallas (which I went to see because Steve Issacs, an MTV VJ that I was somewhat obsessed with, was the lead, but I couldn't see him because I was so friggin far away), various orchestra concerts (which tends to happen when you're in orchestra), a few Dallas Mavericks basketball games, 2 charity hockey games put on my by favorite radio station, and a couple of performances of the Ticket Timewasters, a band made of people from my favorite radio station.

That is all I can remember. I've probably been to more, but that's all I can seem to recall at the moment.

As you can see, Old Friend and I rocked the concert circuit. We used to do a lot of fun things like that. We would see movies every single Friday night. We had a ritual.. we'd get there, buy a ticket for some other movie and then sneak into the R-rated one, we'd share a big bucket of popcorn and when that ran out we'd get another one. She was a bit.. hefty back then, and when she had popcorn, she'd rock the nacho cheese as well. And I would have a Crunch bar. This was every Friday for like.. 2 years. Anyway.. after the first movie, we would sneak into another one, and if we had time, we might even do the triple feature. And we had this thing where, if there was no one in the theater when we got there, we'd have a chair race.. we'd climb over all the chairs to see who'd do it the fastest. Awww.. those were the days. Sometimes I forget the good times me and Old Friend had, ya know?

Anyway.. tomorrow I go back to my dorm and I may have a new roommate. I hate new roommates. I hate my dorm.

My roommate is supposed to be Jeep Girl, but I would be awfully surprised, pleasantly of course, if she did move in there. That would be cool. But the far off look she got the last time I asked her if she was told me that I should probably not expect that.

I'm tired. Love you, bye.

11:33 p.m. - June 01, 2002


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