mymichele's Diaryland Diary


jealousy, muffins, and Jules Winnfield

Hi, my friends. I am finally coming to you live from my room and not a lab. I'm not sure how long this fun is going to last, because my silly computer is still acting.. silly. I thought if it rested for a month or too, it might get all better! It works for people, right? But apparently it hasn't, so we'll see how long this lasts.

I am watching the ESPY awards.. well, I was watching it until I turned it on MTV to watch Cribs and Movie House. Oh holy lord.. Vin Diesel. When we went to see MIB, there was a preview for XXX, and I told BB that I wanted Vin Diesel in the worst of ways, and he was like, "I thought a guy had to have long hair for you to want him?!" And I was like, not Vin Diesel, baby! Lordy!

Anyway, the ESPY awards are kinda funny, but I think they're using Samuel L. Jackson in a bad way. I like him in all his movies, but that doesn't mean he should take advantage of those roles! Jules Winnfield is sacred, my friends! Sacred!

And atheletes don't seem to understand how to dress. Have you noticed that? I have noticed that.

Sign it. I have no pride. I don't mind begging. Just do it.

My total at Subway today came to $6.66. Yes, yes, it's just a number, but I still found that to be rather disturbing.

So, yesterday I went to 7-11 because I am a 7-11 whore. And I saw this muffin. It was one sexy muffin. It was a Chocolate Chip Cheesecake Muffin.

I didn't buy it then because it was kinda late and it was probably icky, but I knew I'd get it this morning. I practically dreamed about this thing. And then I ate it during class today, and it was good. Not worth the fuss I made over it, but good nonetheless. And I only ate half because I didn't want to know the calories contained in that bit of goodness.

I also had Dr. Pepper for the first time in a while, and damn! That stuff makes a chick burp! There was a whole lot of burping going on, and it was like I couldn't stop. My lordy.

Today in my new Sociology of Sexuality class, we had a lively discussion on cross dressing. The first 30 minutes or so, the conversation was exciting, but the teacher doesn't really have a grip on this class. He had to tell us all the shut up about 1,000 times. People definitely have lots of hot sports opinions on the subject of crossdressing. And after a while, it just got redundant and boring. There's only so much people can say about the situation, right?

Sign my guestbook, damnit! What, did you think my last entry wasn't a cry for help?! Come on, people! Give me validation!

My computer has been working for a whole 20 minutes, almost! That is good times, my friends!

You know, excercising without a sports bra doesn't feel very good, let me tell ya. I have bigguns.. 38Dish, to be precise, and they are quite bouncy. And the elliptical is like all kinds of painful. I can't find my sports bra, though! And bah! Anyway.


So, my friends, I kinda have a little problem. I don't want BB to be successful.

I know, that sounds weird, and it's just really fucked up. In our early years, he and FGG were starting a business. I went to all the business meetings and helped out where I could, but I never really wanted it to succeed, ya know? I never thought it would. And you know, they actually got the business started and it was a horrible failure. It bombed. And I was actually.. relieved. I was glad it bombed. And I really don't understand this feeling of mine.

Now he has this new business.. all he does is dispute credit card stuff online for people, and people pay him for that, and it's really starting to get successful. And I still don't want him to be good at this one! It's so weird.. if he made money, he would spend it on trips and stuff for US. He would buy stuff for ME because he is a generous person like that. So why am I so against his success in life?

The only thing I can think of is that I'm jealous, and I know that I'll never be creative and enterprising like him, but that's just retarded. I love him, and I should be happy for him, and my feelings on this subject really disturbs me.

I think I need therapy.


What was MyMichele doing a year ago?

"I hate looking for a job. I just want to sit here all day and watch Vin Diesel movies and play Scrabble. Is that so wrong?

I'm getting annoyed with my boyfriend. He's wanting to spend lots of time with me. That's not exactly a bad thing, but I kinda like to hang out by myself. On Thursday, I had planned to do other stuff, look for a job mostly and then hang out with my friend, but he wants me to go watch him Bowl! Wow, sign me up for that, please.

I don't know why I like to spend so much time by myself. It's just easier than having to deal with other people. I don't like doing anything that involves making an effort, if you couldn't tell."

9:57 p.m. - July 10, 2002


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