mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Message to Ali-Kat, Cancun misadventures, and lack of HTML skills

Dude. BB is driving me a little crazy today. Insane, really.

As some of you may recall, he went to a Dr. Laura book signing back in March and won a friggin trip to Cancun! At the time I was all excited becuase dizamn, we're going to Cancun!

Correction: He is going to Cancun. With the dude that dragged him to the Dr. Laura book signing in the first place. Two dudes going to Cancun! Good god almighty, it just doesn't seem right! I could go, I guess, but I'd have to pay for the airfare and I'm just a po college student!

BB was looking at the hotel online, and it's just absolutly beautiful. Friggin Cancun, people, and he's taking a boy! Well, not a boy, but not me! I WANT TO GO TOO! Bah!

Anyway. I'm not done begging you people to sign! I mean.. I have 128 people listing me as a favorite but the past couple of days, I've only gotten 50 or so hits! What's up with that! Do you guys not love the Lizzie monster anymore? Am I NOT ENTERTAINING ENOUGH?! AM I TOO FAT?!!

Urrrmm, anyway.

Attention ALI-KAT! If you still read this, and I gather that you do based on the recent guestbook signing, call me or write me an email or something. Cuz I wanna hang out with your fine ass on Saturday so we can go unleash all kinds of chaos onto the world. Okay? Okay.

I started a new diary today, mostly to tweak my HTML skills, of which I have none. I am using two places to help rememedy that situation, so good times should be coming soon. I am a bighuge fan of what Quinn/Andrea has done for me, but it's probably time to branch out and actually make something myself. Woop!

I don't have much else to say today. We had a lively discussion in Sociology of Sexuality, with one dude actually talking about how he used to just go out with chicks that "would give me head".. uh huh. And um.. I had a french test. And also, I am enjoying the new porn that I purchased. And tomorrow we're going to see Road to Perdition. I loooovvvveee Tom Hanks. Anyway.

What is it about Garth Brooks that instantly takes me back to the 7th grade? All the songs from Ropin the Wind.. Cold Shoulder, Lonesome Dove, Shameless.. I always feel like I'm 13 again when I hear those damn songs. Grrr, Garth!


What was MyMichele doing a year ago?

"They've sent normally skinny women out into a fat suit to see how people will treat them. The skinny women were so uncomfortable. They had to tell people they knew what was happening so they didn't think they were actually fat. But you know what? At the end of the day, after they felt like they've been judged and stared at and generally cast out of society for being fat, they can be skinny again and return to normal. For those of us who can't do it, we have to live with it everyday, and we'd appreciate it if you didn't take advantage of that to sell your fucking magazine.

Wow, I didn't intend on going off like that, but come on. Do they really think women who aren't skinny are going to read that and go, "How interesting. People perceive us to be lazy and disgusting. That makes me feel really good about myself, and I'm going to go out and lose 30 pounds now." Assholes!"


"I have noticed that when you sign people's guestbooks, they come and sign yours in return. That is pretty much how I've gotten all these people to sign it. Is that a secret? Should I really be revealing this to so many people? GASP!

Oh, I have email. It's probably another one telling me how to add 1 to 4 inches to my penis.

What do ya know... Subj: Add 1-4 inches to your penis in 4 days!

I'm a fucking female, assholes. I don't need 1-4 inches on my penis, because then I wouldn't be female anymore!"

7:43 p.m. - July 11, 2002


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