mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Stuff, some such, and other random thingies.

Two things I seem to be fascinated with as of late are diary reviews and surveys. To prove this, I just got reviewed at Hitz-Reviews (I got an 82), and here's the survey. I swiped it from Rockstarusa.


What do you notice first: Hair, eyes, shoes.

Must have personality traits: Passion, humor, fear, intelligence, patience (it takes alot to deal with me!), ambition

Best thing to do: A good day with me and BB: Road trip to Oklahoma for miniature golf during the day, see a movie and then go eat all you can eat fajitas at the Wild Turkey at night and play movie trivia.

last person you slowdanced with: BB, at homecoming my senior year in high school. We don't do much dancing, you see.

Worst thing to do: Be mean to puppies.

short or long hair: LONG HAIR! Long hair does it for me. BB has long hair. Oh yes. I think this stems back to one of my first crushes being Axl Rose, but who knows.

Piercings or none: I used to dig ear piercings with guys, but that doesn't do much for me anymore. I'm not really a piercings kinda girl.

expect of them: To support me (not financially, but you know, yeah.), to be honest with me, to respect me, and to push me.

usually want from them: Thoughtful kisses, fun conversations, meaningful glances, good times.

~~~~~THE LAST TIME~~~~~

Showered: Umm in about 5 minutes

Had sex: (checks watch) Hmm. About 4 1/2 years ago. August 1997.

have been to a party: Went to a party on a Saturday night, didn't get lied, got in a fight, uh huh. It aint no big thing.

Had a great time with the opposite sex: Every day with BB! (rolls eyes)

Have been to a dance: Homecoming, 1997.

~~~~~WHAT IS~~~~~

Your good luck charm: My boobs. I don't know.

Person you hate the most: The Spin Doctors! Okay, that's people. Well, my ex was kind of a psycho hose beast. But I don't think I hate him.

The worst song you've ever heard: Sex and Candy, by Marcy Playground. Because at the time, I had just been dumped, and my ex was dating someone named Candy. That wasn't good times.

your most embarrassing cd: I don't have a whole lot of CD's, and even if I did, I wouldn't be embarrased about any of them.

The nicest thing anyone has ever done for you: For Valentines day, BB made a copy of my key secretly and when I was asleep at my dorm, he came over and put flowers and candy in my car. Awww.

the best thing that has happened today: I finally passed the $200 mark on my research thingie.


Colors: Silver, red, black. I'm kinda like that chick in the Sleepover Friends book who only likes black, white, and red, but I'm not extreme.

movies: Jerry Maguire, Sliding Doors, Pulp Fiction, Gleaming the Cube (okay, not really), Beaches

book: Welcome to Temptation, Jennifer Crusie, and Pink Slip, Rita Ciresi. And the Firm, by John Grisham. I love that freakin book and I don't know why.

subject in school: Creative Writing. In high school or what not, it was Speech, Yearbook, and orchestra.

on-line buds: Don't have alot anymore, but I consider Davey and Quinn to be on-line bud type of things. When I was in my BBSing days, I had a whole ton of them, and I met pretty much all of them. Like, 70 of them or something. I was a dork.

Juice: Apple.

place to go when you have nowhere else to go: Barnes and Noble, or Borders.

types of music: Rock, classical, country, contemporary.. pretty much everything. But yeah. Guns N Roses and Elton John are my favorites. Interesting combo, huh.

cars: Used to have a Jetta, now I have a gas sucking Rav 4.

food: Pizza, fajitas, breakfast sandwiches, cheeseburgers, pretty much anything that's not good for me.

Ice cream: Cheesecake, Peanut Butter Chocolate

soft drink: Dr. Pepper!

sports to watch: Football, basketball

holiday: Christmas, Thanksgiving

season: Fall!

possession: my seashell, lotus-shaped candle holders

breakfast food: McDonalds Steak, Egg, and Cheese bagel, Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich, Breakfast on a Bun. Oooh, how I'm a breakfast whore.

Place to go with your honey: Shopping and fun exciting places such as that. And bed, of course.

Place to go with your friends: Out to eat, to the library, to church, and some such.

Also, I think this deserves a mention, it's from Andrew's Interview, and it kinda got me all excited in the pants:

"When I say striking too, I don't just mean nice, I mean anything that makes you actually really notice it for some reason. The other day I found a diary whose design was made up almost entirely of a big picture of Axl Rose, how could I not read that?"


2:42 p.m. - November 14, 2001


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