mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Google wonders, Axl obsessions that are intimidating, and BB stuff.

Mike Myers is on David Letterman! How happy am I! I didn't even know he was on tonight, and there he is! I'm so proud of my Mikey.. he is a goddamn motherfucking genius. A GENUIS, DAMNIT! HOLY CRAP! And Austin Powers is the biggest grossing comedy movie in the opening weekend ever! EVER!


So, I got yet another review. And yet again, I am dissatisfied. This time because she said my fascination with Axl was "intimidating!" What in the goddamn hell is so damn intimidating about loving me some Axl? I've been obsessed with him for 10 YEARS. Yes, 10 YEARS! And when you've been obsessed with someone for so long, they just become a part of you after a while.

Axl Rose is a part of me. HE'S A PART OF MY SOUl, MOTHERFUCKERS! SHIT!

Do you like my cussing tonight? I just felt that sometimes I need to let my inner potty mouth out every now and then.


Sooo.. BB. He's being weird today. He didn't jump me within 30 minutes of me getting here today, which in itself is strange. But he just has a new and annoying attitude about life in general. A certain cockyness (is there an i in that? I'm having a brain fart.), if you will. And well, he certainly deserves to be cocky since he's lost 90 pounds in the past 3 1/2 months. But it's annoying. And I don't like it.

Because, and this is going to sound horrible but this is how I feel, he doesn't even look that great. I think he looked better when he was more overweight! At least before he was so overweight that it was kinda like he was saying "Hey, I'm fat, fuck you," and now he's like in that awckward stage of not yet skinny but not fat anymore. I don't think it's very flattering, really.

But maybe I'm just bitter because he's lost 90 pounds while I've been struggling to lose fucking 20 pounds. Yeah, that kinda drives me crazy, but that's not why I don't think he looks good right now. Ya know? Am I really the most horrible girlfriend of all time?

I'm trying not to really obsess over the Austin thing. I know it's stupid.. it was just something my mom brought up out of nowhere and there's nothing we can do about it now, but I can't help thinking about it. I try to tell myself that if we had moved to Austin, I wouldn't have met Ali-Kat! And that's not good! And I wouldn't have met Angel Boy, who consequently changed my life. And of course, no BB. But there also wouldn't have been Psycho Boy. Or other such things.

*sigh* Shit. Motherfucking shit, and stuff.

Can anyone tell me why my older page looks so freakish? It has one July entry as being in October and it doesn't have my last 3 entries in there. I did that whole thing Andrew told us to do, so I don't really understand why it's being such a crackwhore.

Dude, Bruce Springsteen is on David Letterman, so Max Weinberg is on too! Isn't that weird? He just doesn't belong there. Go back to Conan, Max!

Now it's time for the always popular segment GOOGLE LOVE.

Yes indeed. I have been getting Googled up the friggin ass lately and it's really starting to get on my nerves. Because really, it's only perves who are searching for stuff in my diary, and it's just nasty. And disturbing. So here are the googles I've gotten just in the past 24 hours!

1. "Why is my boyfriend being such an asshole?" I'm #2 in that search. Lovely.

2. "Baby Boy Angel". (#11)

3. "Went down on him. Oh dear.

4. My personal favorite: pictures of the vagina with a human baby inside! Ummm.. cringe?

5. Horny gay brothers. (#11) How exciting.

6. Scooby Doo Erotic Stories. Oh yes. Sign me up for that.

7. Guns N Roses stories. (#7)

8. psychology papers - beaches with bette midler. I am happy to say that I am #1 for this search.

9. Vibrator baby warning. Eh?

Okay, I just got bored. Other searches: 3 little fonzies, Axl Rose + Phone Number, "the first time I got fingered", like farting, axl rose house, orgasm videos, old people fucking pictures, getting rid of man boobs (this one has been way too popular as of late), your babysitter's boobs, pictures of cowboys asleep, and such.

I'm sorry. I'm just fascinated.

I'm gonna shut up now.


What was MyMichele doing a year ago?

To ease my mind a bit, I present my Celebrity Crush List from 1988-2001: 13 years of obsessions!

1. Tom Hanks (1988-now) I still like him, but he was my first crush, when I was 8. He stirred up happy feelings inside me, even at that tender age.

2. Bette Midler (1988-now)I don't really know why. I had just seen Beaches, and I loved it, and I thought she was awesome. I saw her concert a few years ago, and it was the greatest thing I've ever seen. She sang the Rose and Wind Beneath my Wings and I Think it's going to Rain Today, all my favorite songs, and it made me laugh and cry and everything! I love her.

3. Christian Slater (1992-1993)Oooh, how I loved me some Christian. This was a crush of obsessive sorts. I had 2 walls covered by pictures of him. I watched his movies constantly, I talked about him every second, I wrote three different stories about him. The worst it got was when my cousin from Chicago brought his girlfriend over, and she was an actress. She said she knew Lara Flynn Boyle. So I made the connection. Lara Flynn Boyle was in Mobsters with Christian, so I wrote her a letter asking if she could ask Lara to ask Christian to come to my 12th birthday party. Needless to say, I never heard back from her. Imagine my surprise when I look in my diary, which I made her sign, years later and saw it was Robin Tunney, the chick from the Craft. A few years later I saw her in a movie called Julian Po, starring her and.. Christian Slater. *sigh*

4.Danny Cooksey (1992) He was in Salute your Shorts, Diff'rent Strokes, and Terminator 2. I wanted him. He was the only guy I ever wrote a letter to, and oh my lord, it was a scary letter. He was in this band called Bad 4 Good. I dug it.

5.AXL ROSE (1992-2001)This intially started out of rebellion, partly because I wanted to listen to cool music like my older brother did. I was too hardcore for NKOTB, so I liked G N R instead. But good lord, look at him! He's beautiful, damnit! I have 2 posters in my dorm room and one magazine cover with him on it. My roommate saw this before she met me, and later confided in me that it scared the crap out of her. This obsession comes and goes, but lately, it's here, and not to be ignored. GIMME SOME AXL!

6.Assorted heavy metal/rock lead singers (1992-1995)

Dave Pirner, Sebastian Bach, Vince Neil, Micheal Hutchence. My first concert was INXS in 1994, pre death of Micheal Hutchence. That was an awesome concert.

7.River Phoenix and a bunch of other young boy actors, mostly from Stand By Me (1993)

I liked all of em, Corey Feldman, Wil Wheaton, Corey Haim, Keanu Reeves, you name them, I liked them. River Phoenix was the main guy, though, and I was really depressed when he died.

These are my obsessions. There are other people I had crushes on, but I don't remember, so they don't count. Good times!"

11:17 p.m. - August 01, 2002


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