mymichele's Diaryland Diary


It's Ross's baby, mmm.. bagels, and flying ducks

Good morning, D Landers.

Quinn admitted her love for Snood today, and while I don't even know what that is, I have to admit my love for the game that is Super Mario Brothers. I am addicted. It's a 16 year old game that never loses it's charms. I used to (used to meaning when I was like.. 10 years old) know every little secret about it but now I'm relearning it, like when you have a stroke and you have to relearn how to live your life. Last night I made it all the way up to level 7-4 without killing myself! It was almost orgasmic.

You might think to yourself.. MyMichele, Super Mario Brothers is an old game. Why aren't you playing something more entertaining, like the Sims or some such? Why are you still using such an old, archaic piece of crap? Well, BB and I have a PlayStation and his roommate even has a dreamcast, but we've never been able to seperate completely for the greatness that is the original Nintendo. I can't turn my back on it, because it will find me. It will haunt me in my dreams.

I mean.. come on. I know I mentioned this somewhere before.. but they have flying ducks! And little triangular monsters! And Luigi, how can I forget Luigi? It always disturbs me that when I'm Fireman Mario, and get hit by a duck or something, I return to just being little Mario instead of bigger Mario. And wow.. there's a whole level that's GRAY! And.. the Hammer Brothers! Who try their little turtle hardest to not let you pass, with their flying hammers and mean demeanor. How can you not be addicted?

I think the absolute worst thing about being sick is the fact that my ears itch. You can't scratch them or empty them out with Q-Tips, no, the itching is too strong for that. It's so frustrating! I walk around with a finger in my ear all day, trying, trying so hard to get the itching to go away! I can take Claritin and Nyquil and the itch will not desist.

I'm sure you wanted to know all about my itchy ears.

Can someone sign my guestbook and please tell me what happened on Friends last night? I am in a household where it's either watch Smackdown or watch nothing at all. All I heard was that Ross was the father of Rachel's baby. I'm totally sucked into that plot.. please satiate my desires.

Yesterday I discovered that every single guestbook I've signed while I was on AOL (and there was alot of them) instead of IE, the place where you put your website or whatever is all screwed up. I just feel really dumbassed about that.

I'm actually kinda looking forward to the high school football game tonight. It's BB's high school that we always go see, Plano East, vs. my old high school, Richardson. It's just too bad that Richardson is going to be bent over and spanked. The whole time I was there, they won about 3 or 4 games. In 3 years. They are not good. My excuse for them is that it's an artsy people school, and umm.. artsy people don't play alot of football!

We're supposed to get a big cold front today, and tonight it's going to be about 50 degrees. That excites me in many, many ways, ooh yes it does.

And speaking of excitement, many people have been requesting that I write some more erotica. It's been like 2 months since my last submission to Literotica and my fans await me to return to the seedy world that is soft core porn. So there will be more shortly. Get your right hands ready! (umm just kidding)

I'm going to go whore myself out to McDonalds to get the sweet goodness that is the Breakfast Bagel.

8:24 a.m. - October 05, 2001


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