mymichele's Diaryland Diary


My brain exploded and this is what happened!

I've been thinking about it, and I think that I want to be a rock star.

I mean, really, how hard is it? You have to have a good band of people, sure. And you have to have the right connections. You have to be in the right place at the right time, I guess. But then, it's easy! Right?

Let's look at the song "Paradise City," a real rock song. This deep and intellectually stimulating song is mostly made up of the words "Take me down to the paradise city, where the grass is green and the girls are pretty, oh won't you please take me home?" That's pretty simple. I think if I tried hard enough, I could write a song just like that.

It just seems like an amazing life, you know? Selling millions of albums, never having to pay for anything, fame and fortune and crazy crazy times. Unless you're the Rolling Stones or Aerosmith, it only lasts a few years and then it's over, and you get to go through life knowing that you were once in one of the biggest groups on the planet.

I think I'd be a good rock star. I'd probably be a bit of a diva, but not a bad diva. I wouldn't be a druggie, but I might tear up the margarita circuit if I'm not careful. I would give money to the little people. I'd be HOT! I'd wear school girl skirts with boots and I would learn how to play guitar and I would just rock the hizhouse, you know what I'm saying, yo?

There's a couple of things that are bringing me this mindset. First of all, I'm writing a a new story about a rock star who feels like he's washed up, but then a young girl comes around and makes him believe in himself again. Yeah, pathetic, but shut up. And it would just really be awesome to be a rock star.

Also, I was reading a story about Duff (ex GNR bassist) in Classic Rock and he is just an amazingly down to earth guy. After he left the band, he went to college in Seattle and amazingly enough majored in accounting! Think about that.. a guy who was in the biggest rock band of the 80's going back to school for accounting. That really fascinates me for some reason.

There's probably no chance in hell of this ever happening in my lifetime. I think I'm a decent singer, but not really. And unless a band is looking for an out of practice viola player, well, yeah. But I can always dream.


Speaking of Duff, he and Slash and Matt Sorum, former GN'R drummer, have formed some kind of supergroup. I even saw this on freakin CNN last night! It's big news, apparently. I wish them the best.. they don't have a singer yet but they're looking. Someone mentioned Sebastian Bach. Man, I would be all over that. Anyway.


So, me and BB had a fight last night. Our fight that we drag down from the shelf every 3 months. We both have roles in this fight, and we play them well. It's almost like a script now, because the exact same things are said, the exact same things are agreed upon, and the exact same things never change. It's really a pointless waste of 45 minutes, but sometimes these things happen that way.

And after our fight, we dust ourselves off, give each other kisses, and we move on like nothing ever happened.

Last night, we even had a fun little time before going to bed. Like I've said before. I usually go to bed 3 or 4 hours before him, but last night I just wasn't tired so we both went to sleep at 4 am. We wrestled and giggled together and stuff that only people who have been together so long can do at 4 AM. It was fun. We're dorks.


I saw One Hour Photo today. OHMYGOD. That movie is seriously the freakassiest movie ever in the whole world. It was awesome. Robin Williams was just total greatness. Is there really any other adjectives I can use to describe it? Just go see it. It's good.


Something I've noticed about my stories, and undoubtedly everyone else who has dared to read them, is that I write purely from fantasy out of my life. The last one I wrote was obviously based on Psycho Boy, and what I would do to him if I ever really had the chance. That's the point.. all my stories are born out of me thinking to myself, "What if this happened? What if it went a different way?" It's an effective way to put my feelings to rest sometimes. I can dig it.


When I lose 30 more pounds, my present to myself will be a tattoo. On my ankle. Of a rose. I really want that. I think it would be awesome. So that's something to strive for.


I was watching this thing on VH1 about Aerosmith and their videos or some such, and watching this, I realized that I have been an Aerosmith fan for a really long time. They showed the thing from SNL when they were on Wayne's World and Tom Hanks was their roadie.. the best SNL ever, in my opinion. But that was way back in 1990, when I was a meager 10 years old. I have liked them for a long time, and even though I don't really have any of their CD's or what not, I can still appreciate what they've done for music. Yay Aerosmith, rock on and such.


Crazy friend left me a message today and reminded me that I told her last weekend that I would go to church with her.

The anti-social weirdo in me instantly started thinking of excuses as to why I couldn't go to church with her tonight, but honestly, there's really no reason I can't go to church with her tonight. So I'm going. Yay for worshipping God and such.


So I was listening to Appetite for Destruction in my car today, right? And after Paradise City, I turned on the radio, and Paradise City was on the radio! Weird! I'm being invaded by the spirit of Guns N Roses!

I changed the name of my page to Impatience because I'm umm.. getting impatient. You know how when Kurt Loder asked Axl about the new album and if it would be coming out soon, Axl said "I don't know if soon is the word, but it will come out?" I want soon to be soon. I mean, how long is soon? Did he mean soon in the way of "Not in the next 5 minutes, but sometime after that"? Or did he mean "Sometime in the next 3 years" soon? Guhhh. Come on, Axl. We're waiting for you. We're waiting here to make you a big star again, and we will if you let us. Bring it on!


What was MyMichele doing a year ago?

"Last night, BB and I went to a high school football game. Isn't that kooky? The NFL, Major League Baseball, the PGA, everyone postpones or cancels games but not high school football, no, let's not be silly."


Axl picture of the day:

Damn.. I just love that friggin tattoo.. mmmmm.. sweaty tattooed Axl..

4:24 p.m. - September 15, 2002


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