mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Hi, I'm a pop culture whore, have a nice day.

Hi. I have decided to grace you with my presence again tonight, because I am a whore like that.

Well, a pop culture whore, anyway. Everything I want to say tonight is pop culture in nature, so yeah, I'm an MTV kid, shoot me.

BB and I were watching Conan when we were on our trip, and the Get Up Kids were the musical guests. I have never heard the stylings of the Get Up Kids, I just knew that they were what those silly emo kids liked.

I listened for about 15 seconds before turning that crap off. Good lord almighty, how can people stand that crappy ass music? I know.. people would probably say the same thing about my Axl (I listened to one of the live albums tonight while I was studying.. Patience.. *drool*), but yuck.

I mean, under intense pressure I finally let down my wall of hating Eminem, Staind, Linkin Park, Limp Biskit.. I can stand all those in small doses. But all this emo crap.. Weezer, Get Up Kids, etc.. I just won't. I refuse to. It's total crap and I hope everyone will forget about it sometime in the next 5 years.

Thank you.


And the next pop culture subject is the radio station in College Station that we listened to. They played not one, but 2 songs by Stabbing Westward! I used to be a huge Stabbing Westward fan back in the day, and nobody ever plays them anymore, so that excited me in the pants.

Not only did they play Stabbing Westward, but after one of the SW songs they played Gravity Kills! "Guilty" ! That makes me giggle because Stabbing Westward and Gravity Kills are both bands that make me think of each other. I saw them both live and all that kinda stuff. If that makes any sense.

So that was a good radio station. Especially when they played Sweet Child. Cuz that's Axl. And Axl is good.


And my next pop culture whore subject is Austin Powers. I am soooo excited! Austin Powers is coming out on Friday! YAYAYAYAYAY! The first one made me giggle but the second one had me balls out laughing. I loved that movie so much. And the previews are making me giggle for this one, and I just can't wait, it's like my own personal Star Wars! EEEK!


Now everyone go thank Booga for making me have a craving for Kit Kats. It's 10:13 and I haven't eaten since 4:00 and I'm about to go to bed and I don't need a Kit Kat, yet I want one. Bad. *Drool*


Okay, so that didn't have anything to do with pop culture. So bite me.


That's about all I can think of at this moment in time. Oooh! My mom watched Vanilla Sky last night and actually liked it! If she liked it, it's making me think I should go rent it again and watch it alone and see if I like it any better. I just don't think I will.. it was a very sucktastic movie, in my opinion. And I have a suspicion my mom liked it just because she's had a thing for Tom Cruise for a while, and I'm not a huge fan of his. Except for Jerry Maguire, the greatest movie of all time.


Speaking of Jerry Maguire and Vanilla Sky.. I can't fathom that Cameron Crowe could possibly write both of those. One is a piece of trash and one is a master..piece. Did you know that he also wrote Singles, another really extremely lovely and wonderful movie? "We had good times, and we had bad times, but we had times!" Oohh yes. And Say Anything! Which is not the greatest movie ever but it certainly is good! And Almost Famous! Which is good too! And Fast Times at Ridgemont High! Which is decently groovy! So how can such an awesome writer of Fast Times, Almost Famous, Jerry Maguire, Say Anything and Singles write a piece of crap like Vanilla Sky?

Am I being too hard on the guy? I mean, he's a writer, and he got tired of all the regular romance stuff and decided to go out on a limb. I shouldn't bag on the guy for doing that. But I mean.. it.. was .. such.. a .. bad.. movie!

I'll shut up about Cameron Crowe now. Really.


And don't even get me started on Road to Perdition. Which doesn't have anything to do with Cameron Crowe, but yet still sucked.


Okay, really, I'm done now. But I had fun! THank you for letting me rant my little pop culture whore heart out!

10:00 p.m. - July 22, 2002


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