mymichele's Diaryland Diary


A hodgepodge of crap and bitterness, plus the Virgin Suicides!

Gotta love Monday morning.. I've already had a massive test in one class and a massive prick in the other.

This guy, apparently a journalism teacher that I've never had before (and I've had a lot of journalism teachers.. that sounds sexual but really that's not what I mean, so get your minds out of the gutter, please.) came to talk to us about investigative journalism. He was Mr. "I've won a pulitzer so I am your Lord and God and you must all be impressed with me and my god awful long pauses that try to show how sensitive and smart I am."

I just couldn't stand the guy. Also, he's probably a very good reporter that knows his shit, but I have a hard time taking him seriously. Why is that? It's probably because of his horrible comb over. The guy looks like he's in his 30's and he has this comb-over that is really extremely scary. He needs to just shave his head and get the whole thing over with it.

*takes a deep breath*

anyway. I'm not bitter this morning or anything.

This has nothing to do with anything, but remember when I went to the GN'R concert in Vegas (gee, I never talk about it or anything), and I said that when the confetti came down after New Years, Axl said "I love you, Michelle. I can't see you, but I love you?" Yeah. That wasn't Axl, that was Robin Finck, the guitar guy. So I'm a dork, and if I found this Michelle and kicked her ass, that would have been bad. I just thought I'd clear that up for you.

Okay, so I'm having relationship bitterness right now, as we all know. I'm having major issues with something, though, and that is the whole "I'm going to check my email every hour when I'm supposed to be sleeping just to see if he writes me an email" thing. It's not just that.. when I'm online, writing my story or whatever, and I see that he's online, I keep waiting for him to IM me and say something. To say ANYTHING! Like, "Hello, come get your stuff so you can be out of my life" would almost be sufficient. This is really pathetic. I tried taking him off my buddy list so I wouldn't have to see him there, but that doesn't seem to help much.

Can anyone tell me what to do about this? It's driving me fucking crazy. We haven't spoken since Thursday! That's a long time! I know with guys it's sort of the whole out of sight, out of mind thing, so maybe he's not even thinking about me! GUHHH! BREAK UPS SUCK!

Urrm, anyway. I have a hold on myself, really.

I didn't win Guns N Roses tickets yesterday. I turned the radio after a while because a girl can only take so much Disturbed. I mean, seriously, how many songs do they have and why do I have to listen to them 12 times an hour? Holy fuck monkeys. Tickets go on sale on Saturday and my mom offered to pay for them for an early Christmas/Graduation present, so that's good stuff.

So let's talk about Nanowrimo! My novel is really coming along. I am up to 27,000 words, and it's all kinds of fun, yo. I can't seem to stop writing, even last night when I had to study for my test today. It's a fun story. I added some kind of ridiculous lesbian sex scene, which was a kind of spur of the moment type of thing. When all else fails, add some lesbian sex, that's what I say.

I want to publish this story at some point in my life, but I don't think I can. First of all, I have it on the internet for all to see, and I think that violates some kind of copyright thing for future publishing considerations.

Also, it just might not be that good. I don't know, not one person has offered any kind of criticism of it yet. So probably no one would want to publish it anyway, but I can see this making lots of money and eventually be bought for movie purposes. I am an optimist like that. Anyway.



Today we go back in history to see what I was doing last year. Of course I do that everyday, but it's just weird because I was watching The Virgin Suicides last year, and I just watched that 2 days ago with my dad and the BL. I don't know if you've ever seen that movie, but it's definitely not one to pursue watching with your dad. *cringe*

Anyway, here we are:

"I am currently watching the Virgin Suicides. The part where goofy ass Josh Hartnet and hot Kirsten Dunst are about to hold hands during the Hurricane movie. I've been there. Where all of a sudden, your hands move closer to each other, and then you find yourself holding hands. Yeah, that's good times. BB and I did that the first time we went to see a movie together, at 7 Years in Tibet."

10:48 a.m. - Monday, Nov. 11, 2002


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