mymichele's Diaryland Diary


El Fenix is good at giving complitments, forgetting what to say, and that Axl picture again

My counter is nearing 50,000! If you happen to be the 50,000 person, let me know.

***** Hi hi! I'm back! Back again! Guess who's back? Tell a friend! Anyway.

Let's just get my newest obsession over with, shall we? If you missed it from my last entry, this is a picture of Axl from Sept. 6. He was shopping in Malibu. And such.

I dunno. I think I'm starting to like the hair more now. But I just really like this picture a lot. I think he looks fuckin hot, really. But that may just be me.

As I said in my last entry (hell, just read the damn thing already!), Axl is what set the rules for people who I find attractive now. I didn't like guys with long hair before Axl, and now I do. I don't know about the red hair, though.. the 2 guys I've dated with red hair, both who had the intials JW by the way, have been trouble.

So what I'm saying is that I owe it all to Axl.

He looks hot in that picture, damnit! You can kinda see the tattoo, and his glasses are cute, and does he look fat? No. Does he look like he's 40 years old? No. HOOOTTTT! HOTTT DAMNIT! BLUHHHHH!!! *DROOOOOLLLL* GOOD GOD AXL TAKE ME NOW! DON'T MAKE ME LIVE IN THIS WORLD WITHOUT YOU!

*slaps self* Okay umm yeah. I'm okay.

Damn.. even I'm annoying myself by talking about him so much. But come on! Look at that picture!

Actual conversation I had with the chick at the cash register at our neighborhood El Fenix:

Her: That man you're with that comes in all the time, is that your husband?

Me: No, that's just my boyfriend.

Her: Well, the managers are all saying that he has lost so much weight.. he used to be really big and he lost so much weight!

Me: Yeah, he has, he looks good now, doesn't he?

Her: Yeah, how does he do it?

And then BB comes over and tells her how he lost his weight.

That was just incredible to me. People at friggin El Fenix noticing his weight loss. I was just so genuinly happy for him! He's lost 125 pounds and he deserves all the praise he can get. That lady made me so goddamn proud of my boyfriend, I can't even tell you. *sigh*

We also went to a high school football game tonight.

During the second quarter, I thought to myself, "I can either sit here and stare at all the high school chicks and be bitter because I never looked like that, or I can have fun, damnit!" I decided to have fun. I actually showed interest in the game, I yelled and screamed, I jumped up and clapped during appropriate times, I just generally got into this game more than I have in most games I've been to.

I figured that I should probably show a little interest in BB's obsession so that when the GN'R tour comes around (and it will damnit! Soon!), he can go with me and participate in my obsession. Sounds like a good plan, right?! And anyway, I had fun. The FGG was there and I even had a good times with him. It was a fun night, honestly.

Right. Right.

Cuz when we take our road trip, if GN'R is playing anywhere near where we're going, guess where we're gonna be? Uh huh.

I haven't worked out in a week, and I'm starting to feel more lumpy. I don't like feeling lumpy. I want to go to El Fenix and be noticed too, damnit!

I'm about to punch that "Can you hear me now" Verizon asshole in the face.

Pepsi One is a refreshing beverage.

I want December to hurry the fuck up and get here. I am really looking forward to this road trip. 2 weeks of being on the road, lots of time in Vegas, maybe Axl.. bring it on, damnit! I'm awaiting.

Don't you hate it when you can't think of everything you want to say in your diary, and you even ask your boyfriend if he knows anything I forgot to say, and he doesn't know, and you still can't figure out what you forgot to say? Yeah, I hate that too.


What was MyMichele doing a year ago?

Nothing, apparently.


Can you hear me now?

12:43 a.m. - September 14, 2002


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