mymichele's Diaryland Diary


War Emblem jobbed, brief rain, and a really long, dorky survey.

First entry for today is located here. Read it, especially if your name is Kristin and you used to be located here.

I'm a little upset, my friends. My boy, War Emblem, did okay in the Belmont Stakes for a few seconds, but then he jobbed to a horse that was 70-1! Dizamn! Someone won a lot of money today!

I have to brag on my BB before I proceed into this survey that will waste everyone's time. Yesterday, he took the GRE without having really studied for it and he got a 1300+ (I don't really remember the exact score) on the damn thing. I don't know how this boy is so smart, but it never ceases to impress and amaze me.

Here is a survey that I stole from this person, whom I reviewed recently. It's a long one, so have some good times.

time now: 7:02 PM

1.Do you shave? Yes

2.What do you shave? Legs, Armpits, Toes, Stomach

3.Why? Because I have polycystic ovary disease and that's what happens.. we get a bit hairy! Exciting, I know.

4.What color is your razor? Blue

5.What size is your bed? Twin at my dorm, Queen at BB's. you like it? I don't mind the twin, but the Queen is good for other activities, if you catch my drift.

7.You're going on a date for a walk around the lake then a coffee at a cafe. what do you wear FROM your closet? Jeans and a black T-shirt. I'm a casual kinda girl.

8.Would you go naked in a bathtub with a naked old man/woman with each of you having a bar of soap and soap each other till the bars of soap run out for a million dollars? I would not do that for any amount of money.

9. If you woke up one morning and found out you were going to stay in the body you have now for the rest of your life, what would you think? Well shit! At least let me lose 40 pounds before you do that! Geez Louise.

10. Letter or e-mail? E-mail is good, but I really enjoy getting letters.

11. If world war III broke out, what would you say? There's not much you can say in that situation. You just have to hope for the safety of you, your family and friends.

12.Buttons or boxes? I don't really understand this question, so I'll just say boxes.

13.Which 5 people do you trust and are open with the most? BB, Ali-Kat, Jeep Girl, My mom, my puppy man.

14.What's something a guy/girl will wear that'll turn you off? Those Jnco things that people used to wear. Geez Louise, I hated those things.

15. What's something a guy/girl will wear that'll turn you on? Doc Martens and long hair. I used to really dig on those wallet chain thingies, but I've gotten over that.

16. What do you think of soulmates? They exist, but they may not be what you think they are. And they may just end up dissapointing you because you put so much stock in them as your soulmate, ya know?

17.Florida or cali? I am in love with California. It's beautiful and it's fun and only a few hours from Las Vegas!

18.Is the world screwed? Yes. Yes indeed.

19.Is cussing a neccesity in life? I think it is. Sometimes, you just have to use some colorful words to emphasize your point. "Fuck you, motherfucker!" if you will.

20. What's an object you can't live without? My car. It takes me to a lot of different places, a lot of good places.

21.Can you live without the microwave? Sure. My mom does! My stepdad doesn't seem to believe in them, so they don't have one, and they do just fine.

22.You have this uh, erotic dream about your friend of the opp. sex. how do you act and feel around that friend the next day? I'd tell him about it (he already knows I'm a perv anyway) and then I'd feel really weird about him for a little while. My dreams affect me.. I take them very seriously.

23.Would you rather be rich with 15 spoiled brats or just barely making it with a dog? Making it with a dog?! Ewww! Anyway, that's a little 6th grade humor for ya. I'd rather be poor with a dog.. I wouldn't want 15 kids in any kind of way.

24. How's your schoolwork for you right now? I'm pretty much a C student. I really aim for the stars.

25.What's something someone's done to make you hold a grudge against them? I still haven't gotten over that chick who said I had no internal compass. What's funny is that she works at the paper this summer, and if I was working there too, there'd be some words. I kinda do wish I was working there now, because I enjoy confrontations.

26.Favorite weather- Rainy, with no chance of tornados. They're a big problem for us from April until October, and it's a scary thing.

27.What's one look trait that attracts you to a guy/girl? Long hair, baby, all the way.

28.What's one personality trait that attracts you to a guy/girl? Honesty. I like a person who can be brutally honest.

29.Do you know what 143 means? On Matchmaker, You choose a user name and the system adds three numbers to that. My name, for the three years I spent on that BBS, was Obsession934. BB's was *BB*143, and so 143 makes me smile and remember where we came from.

30.Who's phone number are you hoping to get? Jeep Girl's. I left her a note on her Jeep last Sunday to call me, and she still hasn't. I don't know what's up with her, but it's really quite annoying.

31.Describe melancholy, if you don't know, then skip this question. Melancholy and the Infinite Sadness, but the Smashing Pumpkins.

32.Describe mellow- Cool. Calm. Collected. Good times.

33.Do you beleive in ghosts? why or why not? Yeah. I've never seen one myself, but there's too much evidence I've seen and read about it and heard about to not believe they exist.

34.What time did you sleep last night? Around midnight. I was tired.

35.Which guy/girl do you wish to be with RIGHT now? Well, I'm with BB right now, so I gotta just go ahead and say Axl. Just give me an hour with him, that's all I ask!

36. Is it right to flirt if you have a bf/gf? Sure, but don't do it in front of your significant other and don't lead the other person on if you don't intend on cheating.

37. Would you rather be married in venice, italy, or honolulu, hawaii? Hawaii. I'm sure Italy is beautiful and everything, but I've been to Honolulu and I loved it.

38. Would you rather eat sandwiches or pasta for the rest of your life? Sandwiches. I was raised on them. Also, only a few bites of pasta makes me full, but I guess that's a good thing, so I'll shut up now.

39. How would you feel if you got a flower from a guy? Giggly.

40. Do you want to drop school? This is kinda a lame survey, don't you think? Anyway.. I don't want to drop school, I want to finish the damn thing, so I can move on in life!

41. What do you think of the phrase, "no pain, no gain" ? It's very, very true. It's a reality for me right now. I feel it a lot when I want to get some pizza and have to settle on a granola bar instead. Also, I don't really like walking 2 miles in 9 degree heat, but you do what you gotta do to get the desired results.

42. What do you think of the quote "eyes are the passageways into the soul" ? I've never found it to be true. I've never looked in someone's eyes and got the clues to anything, or some such.

43.What do you think of sleep? I am a fan of sleeping. I took a nap today and it rejuvinated me! Also, I always try to get 8 hours of sleep.

44. If you had the chance to slow down your growth now and live to 500 years but it's like a 50 year old body by then, would you go for it? I wouldn't want to do that. The world is going to shit right now, and I'm not sure I even want to bring another life into it, because that would be harmful and suck-worthy.

45.At one point in a girl/guy friendship will one them them like each other even if it's only for a little bit. true or false? It's inevitable, I think.

46.Are you a procrastinator? Yes.. it's a bad thing. Something I should overcome one of these days.

47. Waffles or pancakes? Waffles, yummy. But there's something to be said for chocolate chip pancakes from IHOP.

48. How's your cereal in your bowl? It's just fine, thanks.

49. What's an annoying trait about you? I just asked BB this question and he said, "Your inability to take no for an answer, your propensity for rebelliousness."

50. Football or rugby? Football.

51. Hat or visor? Visors are dorky looking. I prefer my Oakland Raiders hat.

52. Ice skating or rollerblading? I've never done either one, but I'll just say ice skating cuz that's what the hockey players do.

53.(guys) your gf has long beautiful hair which you love, she comes to school the next day with a short crop cut. what do you HONESTLY think?

First of all, it would never happen. BB loves his long hair. But if it happened.. well.. I dunno. We'd have to talk. There'd be some fighting words. I love his hair. Once, Angel Boy cut his long hair and when he showed up, I almost cried. The whole reason I liked him in the first place was because of his hair! I got over it, though.

54. Pizza or burgers? Pizza. It's a sickness, I think.

55. What color is your jacket? Gray

56. What's something you ALWAYS have on you? My keys and my student ID.

57. What do you think of guys with nailpolishes? Whatever blows your skirt up, I guess.

58. Do you stay in bed thinking or do you fall alseep in 5 seconds? I usually have little pornographic fantasies before I go to bed. Sick, but it's somethinig I've done since I was like 11 years old.

59. Would you rather go to a boarding school, private school, or an all girls or guys school? These questions just keep getting lamer! A co-ed school.

60. There's a high school that'll be on a cruise ship and you have the opportunity to go. it's your last year at school. do you go for it? Nah.. I don't think so.

61. Who do you want to take with you to the prom? I didn't go to the prom.

62. Your bf/gf gets drunk at a party. in their state of drunkness, they babble about that one time they fooled around with someone else while you were together. they wake up the next morning with a slight memory that did something stupid. what do you do? Well, we have an open relationship (mumblemumblegroan) so technically, he's allowed to do that. But I'd cry and be depressed and all those other girly things.

63. Is cyber sex considered cheating? No.. cyber sex is harmless. do you react to change? Not well. Very bad, really. I don't like change.

65. Are you happy? I suppose. But I won't be truly happy until I lose this weight.

66. Favorite berries- I'm not a berry kinda girl, really.

67. What's one facial feature you'd like to change about yourself? My facial hair isn't very pleasing to me.

68. Do you take a shower after a bath? I don't take baths.

69. What's color's your towel? Umm.. I have a lot of towels. Of all colors, even!.

70. What do you think of knuckle cracking? It's not fun to listen to.

71. What was the last thing you cried over or got teary about? BB and I got in a little tiff on Wednesday about me being so friggin selfish.

72. Chalk or crayons? I like me some crayons, they're fun.

73. How's you happiness level right now? Fine, how is yours?

75.wouldn't you just love to hug someone right now? I could just get up and go across the room and hug BB. He's studying right now. It's kinda dorky, but we both have computers, and we're both doing our computer thing right now. In the same room. I have the laptop and he has his regular computer. We're dorks.

76. Who was the last person who complimented you? BB.

77. What's wrong with your school? The registration process is maddening.

78. Do you know what an aphrodisiac is? I do. Do you?

79. Who do you wish you could kiss? I wouldn't mind kissing Angel Boy one more time. Also, I went out with this guy on one date, and it was a really horrible date complete with seeing Angel boy, who I had just broken up with a month ago, kissing some other chick at the mall. It was a bad date, but we kissed during a movie and it was really one of the best kisses I've ever had. It was memorable.

80. Movies at home on in a theater? Theater.

81. Wanna live in a castle? I already do, with Axl Rose.

82. Isn't gondola a cool word? Gondolas = Venetian = Las Vegas = I WANNA GO!

83. What coat do you wear in the winter? I bought one this winter at Old Navy. It's not a very good coat, but it's one that fit.

84.(girls)What's something about guys you don't get? Their inability to committ. Just do it, damnit! What's the big friggin deal!

85.(guys) what's something about girls you don't get?

86. Who was better in rush hour/rush hour 2? I haven't seen either one.

87. If someone said you were hot, what would you think? I'd glare at them and know they were lying.

88. You go to your bf/gf's house for the first time and in his/her room, and everywhere is... you. what do you think? It would be a bit scary, and perhaps a bit flattering, as well.

89. What happens when you hear the word christmas? I get a little excited cuz it's a selfish holiday. And this Christmas will be the first one after I graduated from college. It should be exciting, indeed.

90. Does being a psycho sound appealing? I am a psycho, baby.

91. What food brings back good memories? Cream chicken. My mom makes that and it's just way too good.

92. Do you talk to yourself? Not much anymore. I used to allll the time.

93. Sun or moon? Oh please, give me the moon. The moon doesn't make Texas 105 degrees in the summer.

94. What's your opinion on love? Oh, dear. Well.. you know. Stuff. And some such.

95. What's a happy memory of a time you've spent with the opp. sex? I can't answer this question because there's a lot of memories that are happy for a lot of different reasons.

96. Would you rather go ballroom dancing or square dancing? Square dancing is just so cool!

97. Do you think you can afford to lose weight? Yes, and I'm going to, damnit.

98. If you could dye your hair any color, what would you dye it? I always wanted red hair like Angela in My So Called Life.

99. What's the nicest thing any one has ever told you? Angel Boy said I was the most beautiful girl in the world. When I was 15, that was big time. But BB has said he wants to spend the rest of his life with me, and that's an even bigger compliment in my opinion. was the survey? Long, and really kinda lame.

time finished: 8:24 (I took a little bit of time out to watch WWE Uncensored with Shawn Michaels.)

6:59 p.m. - June 08, 2002


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