mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Nanny has a diary, shaved puppies that kinda look like poodles, and 48 points on your ass.

I don't remember a good god damned thing I wanted to say here tonight. Here is a list of some things, though.

1. Resnet is still not working, which means I still can't use the internet in my room, which sucks. But that's good, because I can concentrate on studying for the essay test I have on Monday and not on the various goings on in Diaryland and such.

2. I had dinner with my dad and other assorted people tonight. My little boy Charlie got shaved for the summer, and wow, he looks sooo cute! He kinda looks like a little poodle, but not really, because he's part golden retreiver and part cocker spaniel. Anyway, I called the golden part of him out tonight because I went swimming, and he didn't come after me in the pool! My golden when I was growing up would jump in the pool whenever someone was in it because it was an instinct for him: save the person in the pool because they might be drowning. Ahhh, I love golden retreivers.

Anyway, my cousin was there, and if she wasn't the nicest most genuine person in the world, I would hate that girl. She just graduated from high school, and she was first in her class. Yes, first. I did not get those genes. Plus, she's going way the hell up to Maine to go to Bowdoin or what not and I'm so jealous. She's getting the hell out of here when I never really had the courage to do that. AND she's going to France and Belgium and Brussells and Holland next week. I told her she was a lucky bitch and she agreed with me.

But, she has no boobs, so I can at least take consolation in that.

3. I went swimming today. I really like to swim, it's good times. While I was swimming and everyone else was outside having a drink, it started raining. It rained for about 2 minutes, and it was just really nice! Summer rainstorms = good times.

4. You know, I kinda fancy myself a basketball player. I've always been pretty good at getting the ball in the basket, and that's the most important thing, right?

Anyway, BB and I are very competitive against each other. I think this is a good thing for our relationship. We play miniature golf, we play air hockey, we do all kinds of stuff. Our favorite thing is the basketball thingie you play at the arcade, where you can link the games together and play against each other, ya know what I'm talking about?

So we played some last night. I've never been able to beat him because for some reason, he was born with incredible athletic and academic abilities that I will never measure up to. But I was still proud of myself when I got the amazing score of 48 when playing against 3 other people in that game last night. I was so friggin proud of myself, and I knew BB was proud that his chick just kicked three different people's asses. However, my 48 quickly paled in comparison as he got a 77 on the last game he played. 77 points. My good lord. I was so proud of him. I'm always proud of him, he's just such an amazing person. Anyway. I thought it was cool that I whooped up on those people.

5. I really do like this picture, alot:

6. Today I learned that when shopping for blush, Sephora is not really the best place to do so if you're looking for cheap stuff. Also, the salespeople there will drive you insane with asking "Is there anything I can help you find?!" Same with the lovely people at Bath and Body Works. "Sure, you can help me put this boot straight up your ass!" Oh no, I don't have issues or anything.

Another thing I noticed while shopping today is something that I notice a lot. An outcome of me getting caught stealing (once, when I was 5.. not really, it was when I was 13, but still) is that I think everybody who works in the store is watching me, and they look like they think I'm about to steal something. I get so paranoid about this. I carried a lip brush around Sephora today, and I knew that all those salespeople were eyeing me because they thought I was going to put it in my bag. This is not a one time thing. This is a big deal.. it happens in almost every single store I ever go to. And this stealing incident happened 9 freakin years ago. Geez Louise.

The feeling might have been intensified because that particular mall is one where me and my friend had two big Steal-a-thons, where we stole everything (little things, like necklaces and useless spoons and crap) we could get our hands on. I'm a criminal, yes I am.

7. More school tomorrow. I don't wanna go. Wahhh.

8. I bought a book today, people. The Nanny Diaries. I have read more than half of it already. I consume books. Especially good ones, like this one. I love books that horrify me. "WHAT? SHE DID WHAT TO YOU!" Anyway.

9. I really want to go to Reno in October.

10. I've started the task of reading every page in my diary in preparation for my one year anniversary. Next, I will be reading the month of August! Who wants to join me in this plight! Come, don't be ashamed!

I'm going to bed now.

10:58 p.m. - June 09, 2002


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