mymichele's Diaryland Diary


It's almost fall, damnit!

Oooh, Diaryland people, it's almost fall! I'm so excited. School is starting next week, and that means all kinds of good things are going to happen.

Basically, I drag my ass through January and hide until September. Why do I enjoy the fall so much? Well, the weather is nicer. I love cold weather. I have this nifty leather jacket I like to wear. And sweaters are fun, yes they are.

And, my birthday is in October (the 12th, it's never too early to start planning, you know!). And me and BB's 4 year anniversary is just a week before my birthday.(Yep, I was a ripe old 17 when I first met him. Which is legal!) And my mom's birthday is in November. And Thanksgiving, and Christmas, and Halloween, and good times! I just get so excited.

Also, BB said that on the News today (which I couldn't watch, because my TV is still broken, and I haven't watched TV in 4 days, not that thats bad) our weather guy said that the summer weather will be over by next week. That amazes and excites me very much. This summer has been so great, weather wise. It hasn't really gone over 103 degrees, and really, it hasn't gone over 100 very much either. In comparison, there was about 30 days in a row last year with no rain and temperatures over 100. Not good times.

This year won't be as good as years previous, because my dad's farm, where we've celebrated my birthday and thanksgiving and Christmas for the past 3 years, burned down at the beginning of the summer, due to lightening. That is not good, if you're following along. We may spend Christmas in Lake Tahoe, but that's my dad's girlfriend's (who lives in Reno) place, and the way he's been dating this other Playboy Bunny chick here in Dallas, I wouldn't quite count on that place.

Anyway. Also, my dad's girlfriend has a hotel in Reno with a casino, and BB and I went there last year for my birthday. We were there for 3 days and never left the hotel once. We had free food, a free room, a casino, there was no reason to leave. Hopefully we'll do that again this year, but who knows.

One thing I don't like about the fall? Well..

BB is a high school football fan. A hardcore high school football fan. This will be our 5th year of going every single Friday night. I have never really gotten into this phenomenon, which is too bad for me, because whether I like it or not, this is what we will be doing. I used to bring a book and read that, but that apparently embarasses him. And also, his ex girlfriend used to be a cheerleader for the team he roots for, so I'd have her to stare at and make comparisons to and such. But alas, no more ex girlfriend cheerleaders, no books. What is a girl to do? I'm just going to have to teach myself how to really like football, I guess.

I need to admit something here. Yesterday, when I was "researching" my favorite entries, I looked through damn near all of them, so my counter reflects that. So, like maybe 100 or so hits are from me, but that's just from yesterday. I can't help it, I'm addicted to my own diary. I do that with my real diary too, I look through it alot, even though I know practically all the entries by heart.

BB really pissed me off this morning. He sent me a poem that some chick wrote for her boyfriend, and it was really pretty and everything, but it just irriated me. He hates when I show him the poetry I write. He called one of my favorite poems "Cute." For some reason, he has something against me showing him paper that declares my love for him, which sometimes creates a problem, because that's another way that I express myself. For this reason, maybe, I haven't written alot of poetry in last couple of months. But that was just annoying and it sucked.

I am so bored. I can't wait for next week. I'll still be bored, but I'll have school, too.

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12:56 p.m. - 2001-08-22


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