mymichele's Diaryland Diary


A lot of crap, including female ejaculation!

People, I am here to tell you something: don't fuck with Friday night Texas high school football. Mother nature tried her hardest, but she just got met with a big "Fuck you! We're finishing this fucking game, damnit!"

I have just seen the most insane high school football ever, and I've seen a lot of them. It's been raining hardcore all day, causing floods and traffic and general chaos. So you'd think that maybe they'd cancel the football game? Well, you'd think wrong.

Have you ever gotten to a point where you're so wet that there is no possible way to be more wet than you already are? Yeah, that was me tonight. But it was fun, cuz our team won and that's all that matters. Yeeyuh.




Okay, well, I'd like to discuss something with you. And I know you're probably asking yourself, "Is Liz ever going to discuss her orgasms with us again? I just can't wait for that!" And the answer, my friends, is yes. I am going to discuss my orgasms with you.

Now, when I listen to Loveline, I always hear chicks asking about orgasms. Mostly about why they aren't having them. I also hear about what a rare thing it is for females to actually ejaculate. It's almost like a freakish thing or something.

Well, guess what folks, I do both these things. We actually had to take the sheets off and flip the mattress over today because of my umm.. overzealousness. Why does this put me in a minority? I keep hearing about chicks who can't have orgasms for the life of them, and damn! They're missing out!

I mean.. pleasurable things happend, I orgasm, it gets all over the place, and everybody's happy!

I don't really know what point I'm trying to make here except that I have orgasms. Frequently. Now that I even know how to give myself orgasms without a vibrator, it's even more frequent. I am an orgasm whore.

I just thought that was something you all needed to know.


I had a whole bunch of crackwhorish dreams last night. This is from my dream diary:

1. Guns N Roses added 700 (literally!) more dates on their tour.

2. I was on Friends. Ross and Rachel were making out, Chandler and Monica were making out, so the only people left were me and Joey. But Joey and I just couldn't do it. He liked me and everything, but he couldn't destroy our friendship like that. Wasn't that nice of Joey?

3. My parents had a dinner party. My aunt wanted a lesbian waffle and I wanted something with chocolate chips in it. I told my dad to fuck off.

4. We were going somewhere on a plane, and I was worried that I was going to miss my midterm this morning. My mom was like, "Don't worry, it'll only take 15 minutes to get there," and I'm like, well why the hell are we taking a plane to get there, then?!

5. I won a whole lot of money doing some kind of thing, and old people tried to steal it from me.

That's all I can remember. Weird, I know.


I'm 1 mile away from 90,000 on my car. I got it 2 years ago with 33,000 miles on it. Yeah, I'm hardcore.

The fun part about that is my dad said I could only put 10,000 miles a year on it. So maybe I can convince him that I really had the car for 6 years. Yeah. I'm sure he'll buy that.


No constructive news on the GNR concert, but I was listening to the radio today and they talked about the concert being on the 21st. If it was cancelled, would the station really announce it? Guhh. I sorta wish they would announce 700 dates, so maybe I could go to one or two of them. Guhhhhh. Come on, Axl!


What was MyMichele doing a year ago?

"And I know that if I didn't have the support of family and friends, if BB just had enough and went away and my mom got tired of supporting me financially and mentally and my friends decided that I was just too needy, I would totally fall apart. I don't really know how to say this aside from the thoughts in my head, but I am not doing anything right now on my own. People have to remind me to do things. People have to nag me. If BB didn't care what I got on my tests or at school, or if my dad didn't pay tuition, I wouldn't give a shit about my grades. I'd never go to class."



Yeah, I know, I don't much like IM conversations either, but I think this one is interesting. It's between me and this GN'R dude that I've been talking to, and it just shows that it is possible to have a hardcore conversation about Guns N Roses. Skip if you wish.

Me: hey

GnR Guy: hey

Me: I was thinking about what you were asking earlier

Me: and yeah, CD (Chinese Democracy, the new album that will come out sometime in my life) won't be able to top AFD (Appetite for Destruction), most likely

Me: but it's not supposed to..

Me: they're two completely different albums made in two completely different times

GnR Guy: true

Me: AFD was made by a bunch of LA punks who did drugs and had lots of sex.. they were babies when they made it, they didn't know anything about fame and fortune..

Me: and now CD is about reflection and 15 years of fame, fortune, back stabbing, what have you..

Me: with a bunch of hardcore musicians who know what they're doing and have already experienced that era of their life

GnR Guy: damn, you should post that

Me: so you can't compare the two because they just aren't the same.

GnR Guy: thats true but I think this nick guy is just totally blind

GnR Guy: my point to him is that the album will never come close to outselling AFD

Me: I just think he's just totally a dumbass

GnR Guy: and the songs on AFD will be more remembered cuz of its rawness and importance to the time

Me: but CD does have potential to be huge.

Me: like Axl said on the VMA's, it's never really been done this way before.

Me: it might not be able to capture the raw emotion and guts AFD did, but it may strike another cord in people.

GnR Guy: true taht, it just doesn't look too good for now cuz the non hardcore fans aren't very intrested (from the people who live in this area).

GnR Guy: we will get the answer when the album comes out :)

GnR Guy: I'm just curiuos to see how the pre adult people will view the album. slipknot fans for buckethead and manson fans for finck LOL JK

Me: well you have to keep in mind that there's something about Axl, even in his 40 year old state of mind..

Me: people are just drawn to him, and he knows that.

Me: I mean, there's a reason that people don't give a shit about Vince Neil or Bret Micheals anymore, but Axl is all over the friggin place.

GnR Guy: thats true

GnR Guy: everybody I asked to go to the gnr show say either they are nto interested cuz the original guys aren't in or that they are just "old" :(

Me: seriously.. he's only been back in the spotlight for a few months and there's articles in every music magazine and he's on the front of right now and he's selling all these tickets without big promotions

GnR Guy: I wouldn't know cuz chicago can't support gnr lol

Me: is there still a lot of tickets left?

GnR Guy: we used to have a good rock station but corporate jerks murdered it and switched it to some pop station

GnR Guy: I do'nt know

Me: well.. in a few months the single and the album will be out and there will probably be a video and tours and stuff and your friends will begin to appreciate them more.

GnR Guy: hopefully.

GnR Guy: VH did it w/ hagar

GnR Guy: they managed to changed their sound and style

Me: or maybe I'm just an optimistic bitch

Me: but I just think everybody is in store for big, big things

GnR Guy: only thing w/ axl is that ther ehas been a huge time gap as opposed to VH continuing the momentum right away

GnR Guy: yes, my friend at school liked madagascar a lot

Me: yeah but maybe that'll end up working out in their favor.

Me: I don't think Axl would keep us waiting for this long and then give us a bunch of crap.

GnR Guy: yes

GnR Guy: I know these new songs will be spectacular but how successful it will be is very hard to say with the current state of music. it hasn't been kind to veterans who've made their return

GnR Guy: but axl is definitely a rock icon so like I said, we'll just have to wait and see

GnR Guy: the hardcore gnr fans who believe int he music will be rewarded

Me: exactly.. he's an icon.. and I just think that will come into play here.

Me: I just really hope it does




Guhhh! I'm not finished yet.. here's from an interview with Buckethead. I bet you didn't think he talked and could put complete thoughts into sentences, did you? Yeah, I didn't either.

MK: You're in Guns 'n Roses now -- I'm curious to know what led up to this intriguing development. How did you hook up?

B: There was this Leatherface doll that Spencers-type stores put out, it's pretty large and puffy, it was on the top of the list. Didn't receive it from the family. Got invited to Axl's on Christmas night; never met him before. Sad about not getting the doll but it is ok, but still sad. Get to Axl's, he presents this box wrapped up. The Michael Myers version has been out for a while, knew it was the same box. Figured it was Michael Myers and opened it up. There was Leatherface. In the brain joined that second.

MK: Are you enjoying yourself in Guns 'n Roses? Are you contributing music to the project and generally being encouraged to be yourself?

B: It has been fun like a ride never been ridden. Every turn is new, it will be interesting to see where this ride goes.


Good times.

12:11 a.m. - October 19, 2002


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