mymichele's Diaryland Diary


liquid putresence, another survey, my anniversary of slacking

Here for you today is a visit to the Halloween past. Oooh, spooky!

2000 - Last year, BB and I drove to Oklahoma and searched for a haunted house to go to. We waited in line for about an hour to get in to really wasn't that great of a haunted house, but it's the thought that counts. We then had some really good mexican food.

1997 - BB and I were about to celebrate our one month anniversary. My dad took me to Santa Fe to look at the College of Santa Fe, because we thought that was the only college I'd be able to get into. And I did get into it, but I decided not to go.

1996 - 17 years old - I was a month away from making the biggest mistake of my life - dating Psycho Boy. I went trick or treating with my friend after staying home from school because I was sick. I put on my homecoming dress and a horrible wig and called myself "Lake Highlands Homecoming Queen". (See, I went to Richardson, and I didn't like Lake Highlands, so yeah, that was supposed to be funny!)

1995 - 16 years old - I went trick or treating with a friend. A few days earlier me and 3 of my good friends went to a haunted house, and I got jealous because my friends were starting to be friends with each other and leaving me out. Anyway, after trick or treating, Angel Boy called me at like 1 AM and I was really happy. This fact alone makes me want to call him tonight. I just might, damnit!

1994 - Me and my friend went trick or treating. We were supposed to be dressed as popcorn. We dressed my golden retriever in a little doggy motorcycle outfit.

1992 - 13 years old - I went trick or treating with my best friend, and I went as a "waver" which was the cool alternative people back then. I wore a long black skirt and my brother's Janes Addiction shirt. Ahh yes, I was cool.

Before that, all that really happened was that my dad took me trick or treating. He loved to take me trick or treating, it was his favorite thing to do.

Consequently, this is my 5 month Diaryland anniversary. Aren't you happy for me? I've almost been wasting my time and everyone else's for 6 months!

Here's a survey I stole from Kristin. It's good times!

What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning? Check my email because I'm a big dork.

What was the first pop concert you went to? Micheal Jackson, when I was like, 7, at Reunion Arena in Dallas. I was in love with him back then, but Thriller always scared the hell out of me.

What was the worst thing that you did as a child? Took the scissors and cut off all my bangs. It traumatized my mom.

What is your favourite song? Your Song(Elton), November Rain, Don't Cry, Black (Pearl Jam). I hate questions like that.. it's so hard to choose. But if I had to choose one song for the rest of life or something, it would be Don't Cry.

What is your most treasured material possession? My happy little puppy dog. How I love that silly little dog.

What is the best advice that you've ever received? My dad told me to always sit in the front in all my classes, and for every semester of college, almost every class, I've sat in the front.

What do you think of Bob Dylan? Sadly, I don't have much of an opinion on him. Sorry about that.

When did you last cry, and why? This weekend, because it's hard to spend alot of time with someone and not cry. Or some such.

What characteristics do you think you've inherited from your parents? My mom always said I have my dad's eyelashes and lips. I didn't inherit my mom's boobs, mine are much bigger. I probably did inherit whatever it is that made her so beautiful, but I'm wasting it away by being overweight. Do you think I have low self esteem issues? No way! (said in a sarcastic bitter tone.)

Are you afraid of failure? Not really. Because I've already failed so much already.

What are you like when you're drunk? I'm not drunk very often, so usually I'm just a giggling dumbass. And my equilibrium is way off. I can't walk very well.

Which actor/actress would you have play yourself in a film? 50 pounds ago people used to say I looked like Liv Tyler. Now it would probably be here sister, Mia, who's a plus sized model.

Pick five words that describe yourself Frustrated, selfish, creative, optimistic, intelligent.

Is there one piece of criticism that sticks in your mind? There have been some people in my life that have been quite cruel. There's alot of criticism in my mind, and really, those people were right. There are things I need to work on, and I recognize that.

Do you believe in God? I do. In my own way, at least. I'm not like Crazy Friend and Diet Friend in the way that they do, which is incorporating religion into everything they do, but it's always a lingering thought, and I know he's there, somewhere.

What is your most unpleasant characteristic? My habit of denial. Oh, and I'm REALLY selfish. Like, terribly. I bet you couldn't figure that out, could ya?!

What is your greatest fear? Abandonment. That and spiders.

What ambitions do you still have to fulfil? I still have to lose weight. I have to, it's just not an option. And I need to get my shit together and grow up, because my head is still in high school, pretty much.

What do you never leave home without? Since I go to BB's every weekend, I can't leave without an assload of clothes and shoes and books.

Who is your best male friend and your best female friend? I have two of each, and they're all different. BB is my best male friend, he knows everything (almost everything, let's not be silly here) about me, he knows my moods, my likes, my dislikes, my "auras", my favorite movies and music and football players. My other best male friend, I hardly ever see, but when I do, we have the best time together. He cracks me up. Sometimes I wish there had been chemistry between us so we could have actually had a real relationship. Well, we tried almost three different times in our lives to do that. Anyway.

My best female friends.. that would be Crazy Friend, who I see 2 or 3 times a week, who understands that I'm not the most social of creatures, who studies with me, who brings me Dr. Pepper, and who drives a really pretty Ford F150. And then there's Ali-Kat, who I've known since I was 12, who introduced me to my first boyfriend, who I've laughed and cried and been mad and angry and bitter and happy with. You can't know who you are until you remember where you've been.

Who would you most like to meet? I'm sorry, but I have to go for the obvious answer here: Axl Rose. And maybe Christian Slater or Stephen King.

What music would you like to have played at your funeral? November Rain! That would be cool. And errr.. Elton John. "Funeral for a Friend" or something.

When you look in the mirror, do you like what you see? When I look in the mirror, I see someone who's in denial about alot of things. So that would be a no.

What is your favorite film, and why? If I had to narrow this down to just one, which I hate doing, right now I'd have to say Jerry Maguire. But that would be leaving out Pulp Fiction, Annie, Adventures in Babysitting, Twister, and Picture Perfect. And I don't know if I can do that.

What first attracts you to a person of the opposite sex? LONG HAIR! I love long hair. I don't really know why, I just always have. And leather jackets, and nice shoes.

What was your favourite subject at school? I always was a fan of english. And I took an awful lot of speech in junior high, but that ended in 9th grade when my teacher was so horrible that I gave her the finger. Well, she wasn't supposed to see it, damnit!

If you could spend the night with anyone in the world, who would you choose and why? Ohh wow. Of course it would be Axl Rose. And not even to just ravage him. I just want to meet him and spend a night listening to him sing or something. And I wanna listen to Elton sing again, and I want to talk to him. So, basically, Axl and Elton. Together would be fine.

What is the most embarassing thing you've ever done? Everything I did in 6th grade. Other than that, the time in 9th grade when I burped loudly in class and everyone blamed it on the guy sitting in front of me, which just happened to be Angel Boy.

Do you have anything to declare? I'm hungry. I think I'll go to Subway.

10:49 a.m. - October 31, 2001


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