mymichele's Diaryland Diary


The Spin Doctors, Crickets, and stealing things from Davey

I stole this from Davey, because I seem to steal alot of things from him, and because I don't have anything else to write about. And these are in no particular order.

10 things I hate:

10. The Spin Doctors (*cringe*)

9. Crickets (for more on this, go see yesterday's entry. Go see it anyway because I like it.)

8. Sunny days. I prefer rainy, cloudy days.

7. My computer applications teacher. She's just a meanie head!

6. How some people in my life have disappeared from it and I don't know if I'll ever find them again.

5. When my foot is asleep, like right now. Ouuchh!

4. When my credit card gets rejected at Target!

3. Brussel Sprouts. Umm.. vomit?

2. Watching baseball on TV. Even worse, listening to it on the radio. I don't think there's anything more boring.

1. Southern Methodist University. I went there for a year and I'm now going to be bitter about it for a lifetime.

10 things I love:

10. Having friends.

9. Boobs.

8. My school, the University of North Texas.

7. Texas in general, even if it is Africa hot in the summer and 75 degrees in the middle of November.

6. Elton John, in all his big sunglasses and wierd sparkly sequined suit glory.

5. Axl Rose, in all his "I'm an artist and I'm going to take 10 years to release another original album and meanwhile I'm going to have a concert that MyMichele missed even though she was in the same area at the same time and didn't know about it" glory.

4. My puppy. He always makes me happy, and he knows I love him, and he's just sooooo freakin cute! It should be illegal to make puppies this cute.

3. My mommy. She's the nicest mommy ever.

2. McDonalds Breakfast Steak, Egg, and Cheese Bagels. They are gooood.

1. Porn.

10 things I won't forget:

10. The day I looked in the mirror when my doctor told me I had become a beautiful woman and actually thought to myself, "Wow, I really am!" That was the last time I actually thought that.

9. Feeding my puppy with a baby dropper, trying to get him to eat baby food, trying to make him drink water, doing anything I could to make him better. He had parvo, and the only thing that saved him was taking him to the vet, but I tried my damndest to do it myself.

8. Winning tickets to the Guns N Roses/Metallica/Faith No More concert when I was 12, but having to sell them to my next door neighbor because my mom thought I was too young to go.

7. Being in Las Vegas for New Years Eve, and then finding out later that Guns N Roses had a concert in Las Vegas for New Years Eve, 3 days later. That still pisses me off.

6. A few of the concerts I've been to have simply been outstanding. Bette Midler made me laugh and cry. Tom Petty was just awesome. And you all know about my obsession with the Elton John concert I recently attended.

5. Seeing Angel boy at the mall in May, 1995.

4. Upon meeting one of my friends for the first time, she said to me and Ali-Kat, "Hi, my name is ________ and I bring death and destruction everywhere I go!"

3. My mom taking care of my grandmother full time when she got alzheimers. And it wasn't even her mom, it was my dad's. I will always respect that about her.

2. Meeting BB at said friend in #4's house. I hated him and I ran away crying the first time I met him.

1. The generosity of my mom and dad.

Thank you and have a nice day.

3:15 p.m. - November 05, 2001


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