mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Good luck streak with Toni Braxton, apartment fun, and showing them for pregnancy

I seem to be on a lucky streak here, you guys. It's all very strange.. it had me singing "Unbreak my Heart" really loudly in an opera type voice in my car today. I only sing like that when I'm happy. Hence, I must be happy!

So, here's a list!

1. The whole winning $200 at the races thing still makes me giggle. This is a big deal! I've been going to the races for 3 years and the most I've won is like 30 bucks! I like horsies!

2. I am officially going to Cancun now. BB's friend wussed out when he heard he'd have to take some kind of mexican helicopter thing to Playa Del Carmen. Which is a bit worrisome, but hey! Many people have done it before!

3. This whole apartment thing is really exciting to me. I won't get to experience it until January, but I've started looking online and I've found that with $700 a month, I could really get a kick ass apartment in a kick ass location. I'll show you a few places I like when I have some time on my hands. (Like I don't have time on my hands right now. Shut up.)

4. I am talking to a cool chicka! We went to the same school and had the same teachers and all kinds of happy fun time stuff. Ahh, the joys of Diaryland.

5. Also, I got an email from Jeep Girl. She moved out of the dorm because she had a psycho roomate. She said she requested me as a roommate but they didn't put her in with me, and there's a rule that you can't switch rooms in the summer. So yeah, I probably made a bigger deal out of the situation than I should have.

6. I made a decent grade on my French test, so that's good.

Anyway! I'm just happy right now. I worked out and I haven't eat much today because I'm getting back on my diet track. I really went off there for a week or two, but here I am again. I want to go to Reno in October and if I keep the bad stuff up, that's not going to be a reality. Plus, I kinda want to look a little better for Cancun cuz I'm gonna break out the shorts over there! Awww yeah.

So anyway, in my Sociology of Sexuality class today, we watched a video of how kids think of sex these days. I was appalled, really. I think the whole room was appalled. One 5 year old girl in the video (it was a video of Dateline or something) said that "you have to show them if you want to have a baby," meaning boobies. Hello! What are we teaching our children these days!

I have really started to think about this in the past couple of months. Maybe it's my biological clock or something, who knows. But it's driving me crazy wondering how I'm going to raise my kids so that they know the difference between right and wrong, so they respect themselves, so they don't go out and do drugs and have oral sex when they're 13. How does a parent do that when the media keeps telling the kids it's okay?

I know, with myself, that I started sneaking around when I was 13. Me and my boyfriends would look for any place possible in order to do our business, it didn't matter where. We would do stuff at my house when my parents were home. We would do it in the movie theater. Wherever we could. I mean, me and Psycho boy did naughty things in the car, while my mom was freakin driving! Except one of my exes, Ponytail boy, seemed to get it right. He was terrified that his dad would find out we were messing around. I pressured him for sex and he was like, "No, I promised my parents!" But apparently he didn't promise his parents he wouldn't have anal sex, because he practically begged me for that. What a weird guy he was.

And I know it's not just me.. all kids try to sneak around when they're younger, that's what they do. But how can good parenting stop that? And how do you be a good parent these days?

Yes, this is what I'm driving myself crazy with these days. Perhaps I should graduate and oh, get married before I worry about all that. I just want to raise my kids right. I don't want them calling Lovelines and having Dr. Drew and Adam immediately saying, "Your dad fucked you up, didn't he?" I know BB would be an awesome dad. I just don't know how awesome I'm going to be as a mom.


Crazy Friend said last week that we'd get together today at 8, but it's now 9:11 and she hasn't called. Of course, I could have called her, and that would have been good times. But I was reviewing diaries, and isn't that more important than having a social life?

Hmm. Maybe I'll call her later.

Sadly, there was no entry for July 15th, 2002. So umm.. here's some lyrics!



My Michelle

Your daddy works in porno

Now that mommy's not around

She used to love her heroin

But now she's underground

So you stay out late at night

And you do your coke for free

Drivin' your friends crazy

With your life's insanity

Well, well, well you just can't tell

Well, well, well my Michelle

Sowin' all your wild oats

In another's luxuries

Yesterday was Tuesday

Maybe Thursday you can sleep

But school starts much too early

And this hotel wasn't free

So party till your connection call

Honey I'll return the key


Well, well, well you just can't tell

Well, well, well my Michelle

Well, well, well you never can tell

Well, well, well my Michelle

Everyone needs love

You know that it's true

Someday you'll find someone

That'll fall in love with you

But oh the time it takes

When you're all alone

Someday you'll find someone

That you can call your own

But till then ya better...

Now you're clean

And so discreet

I won't say a word

But most of all this song is true

Case you haven't heard

So c'mon and stop your cryin'

'Cause we both know money burns

Honey don't stop tryin;

An you'll get what you deserve


8:42 p.m. - July 15, 2002


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