mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Midterms up the ass

Hello, minions.

I have never had such a barrage of tests in one friggin week. Execpt, of course, for finals, but that doesn't really count, now does it?

I had 1 yesterday, 2 today, 1 tomorrow, and 1 on Monday. I am going absolutly infuckingsane.

I thought I was somewhat prepared for the math test. I went to tutoring this morning, and because God loves me, my class was cancelled at 12, leaving me 2 hours to study for math. So that was about 5 hours that I studied. Did it help? Umm, no. I just hope my teacher is susceptible to groveling.

Let's add to the list of people I want to have sex with - one of my math tutors. I realized that he was my Algebra teacher from a few years ago and now he has long hair! He talks like he's always in a hurry, but that's okay, when we're having sex he won't need to be talking.

But anyway. My Earth Science test wasn't so bad. I think I might have gotten a decent grade on it, even. Fucking midterms, I swear.

The traffic chick on this radio station named herself "Jennifer North." She said it was a stage name. Way to go on the obvious Valley of the Dolls reference, brainiac.

I did some more stuff with my story. I'm still gonna have the name of the band be the Rocket Queens even though it has nothing to do with Guns N Roses anymore. But you know.. your mom.

As part of my patheticness, when I was getting tutoring today, my heart broke. It didn't really break, but it hurt, and for a stupid reason. This chick was there with her fiancee and they were both doing math. Why did that bother me so much? Because they probably met at UNT, they're getting married, they go to the math lab together, and they were both really hot. He looked like he drove a nice car and had a high maintanence mom, and she looked like she'd just be a really cool chick to hang out with and like, marry.

I don't have that. I just don't. BB lives 45 minutes away and we don't get to see each other that much except on the weekends and he wouldn't go to math tutoring with me and he doesn't want to marry me. It's just things like this that drive me crazy, and I know it doesn't make much sense, but that's just how I feel.


Still no news about the missing Dallas GNR concert. This is making me sad. Wouldn't it be ironic in a really pathetic way if the concert was on New Years Eve? BB and I got a hotel in Vegas way back in the beginning of the summer because it was cheap and because I was somehow holding onto the idea that GNR would be there again. I don't think they will be, and knowing my luck, they're gonna be there when I'm on that very road trip.

Bad times, people. Bad times.

I'm contemplating driving to Greenville South Carolina to see them, but tickets go on sale in 2 days and it's a 14 hour drive. Sooooo... I'm probably just really screwed. It makes me sad.




What was MyMichele doing a year ago?

"I think I just shamelessly flirted with Math Boy. And when I say "shamelessly flirted" I mean "I've been in a relationship for four years and have probably lost all ability to flirt at all." But anyway."


For Michelle ...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this picture.. I know I'm a freak like that, but it's from the Garden video and he just looks so rock-starish. He looks like he's contemplating life as a big huge star, ya know?

From everyone's favorite video..


3:59 p.m. - October 17, 2002


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