mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Computers and Math, more bagels, and forgotten realizations

I think I just shamelessly flirted with Math Boy. And when I say "shamelessly flirted" I mean "I've been in a relationship for four years and have probably lost all ability to flirt at all." But anyway.

I have to make a web page today for my Computer Applications class. And I'm terrified, because aside from the little things I've learned from being at Diaryland, I really haven't learned all that much.

So anyway, I go sign up for an account at the Computer office, and there he is.. (drum roll, please!) Math Boy. Who should also be Computer Boy. Math/Computer Boy? Anyway. There he is, and he's all enthusiastic, and he's like "Hey! Thanks for saying what you did last week, I really appreciate that. It's nice to know that what I'm doing is really worth it!" And I was like.. "Well, you helped me alot!" This is the same conversation we've had everytime we see each other, but thats okay. At least I'm talking, damnit.

So then we just have a kooky conversation and he points to this guy in the office and says "This guy doesn't believe that I'm a good tutor." So of course I have to turn around and let the guy know he's mistaken.

As I'm about to leave, I ask him if he does anything else besides math and computers, because I could probably use his help in other areas. Umm.. blush. Anyway, he said nope, that was all he was good at.

Isn't that fascinating? I sure think it is. Woooeee for Math Boy and Dorkus Girl. (That would be me.)

I seriously have not had a crush like this since before I met BB. I had a crush on my history teacher my freshmen year of college, but after I wrote on the final exam "I think you should know that I have a huge crush on you" and ran out after I turned it in, I never saw him again. (Thank God! Can you imagine! He was like 40 years old! *cringe*) I don't know what it is about teachers that make me so freakin kooky! I never act that way around normal guys. Not that I'd ever act on these crushes. And Math Boy isn't an old man, he's probably close to 25 or some such.

Anyway, in other news, I made two important realizations. First of all, if my old roommate moves back in next semester, and I'm still eating McDonald's breakfast bagels and Taco Cabana and not working out and not doing my school work, it's like nothing would have changed. I would be exactly the same as I was last year, except maybe with more of a social life. And that's not good. I have to change something. I have to change my routine or lifestyle or way of thinking, and I just don't know how. It's a little overwhelming to me! I just don't understand how to do it. But I have to. Now. Soon.

I can't keep promising myself "Just one more day" of bad eating and being lazy, because one more day will turn into one more week which will turn into one more month which will turn into my whole life. That sucks. I have to do something, and I just don't really know what.

And for the life of me I can't remember what the second realization was. It was important, though! Maybe my run in with Math Boy clouded my mind or something.

Okay, procrastination over, I need to do this friggin web page now.

Have good times!

11:29 a.m. - October 17, 2001


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