mymichele's Diaryland Diary


A lot of stuff, including more bad things, shopping for underwear among throngs of people, and roommates.

So yeah. My friend test is going well. 10 people have taken it, and that's good times. However, some people's answers just confuse me. Why would you even take the test if you didn't know that I've seen Guns N Roses? Hello? And some person's login in name was friggin "Who's Elizabeth".. umm, yeah, that's me. Thanks for paying attention.

Anyway. Go take it if you haven't. Well, don't take it if you don't know that I've seen Guns N Roses. Thanks.


Last night, I was at my dad's house and he handed me his Neiman's card and said, "Do you want to go shopping? You can spend $200."

And I said, "No way! How dare you think I would spend your hard earned money on such nice clothes! I'll just wait until I get a job so I can buy it myself! I AM NOT A SPOILED CHILD, MR. MAN!"

Actually, I said, "Yeah! Sure!" and snatched the card from his hands. I'm not proud.

I could not wait to unleash fury upon that which is Neiman Marcus. I went right after school and was there for about an hour and a half.

Neiman's is not friendly to big boobed folks, let me tell ya. I could not get anything over these bazoongas.

They were having this humongo sale, and I almost bought a $200 brown leather skirt for $100, but I didn't. Instead I bought this lovely silver shirt that was originally $135 for $38. Awww yeah. The salesperson who rang it up couldn't believe I had found such a bargain.

And for the rest of the money, I bought a $40 day planner and some make-up at Bobbi Brown. Good god almighty is that stuff expensive, I spent a good $105 on a blush brush, sand pink blush, some lipstick for my mom, and lipgloss. Geez louise.

But it was good times. Oh yes, it was good times.


Woop! Someone just signed my guestbook over at my naughty story diary. That's excitement, right there.


I spent last night at the BL's. My dad and the BL made dinner and my 2 fake aunts, my uncle, my fake cousin and my real cousin came. It was some good dinner, oh lordy good. The BL made some yorkshire pudding, and it was sooooo good. GOOD! SO GOOD! And roast beef. And corn. And yum.

Anyway.. I'm really starting to have more fun with the BL's 2 year old son. He's so cute! The most experience I have with little kids is through reading BabySitters Club books, so this is kinda weird. But he likes me, and today I went back to get my laundry and we watched Friends together. He sat in my lap and it was so sweet. Awww, little kiddies.

While I was over there, I saw my baby. He's almost 3 years old! September 1st is his birthday, mark your calenders. Anyway, I don't like how aggressive he's getting. My dad just encourages him, too. When I played with him, he just got crazy and like.. tried to chew my arm off or something. In the past when we've played like that, he's been a lot nicer.

I wish I could have raised him myself, and then I could raise him to have morals and values and not be so aggressive. My dad wonders why he wants to bite everybody that comes in the house, maybe it's because he's teaching him to be so mean! It really bothers me.

And him and the 2-year-old play together, and it really likes like my boy is going to swallow him or something. It's just really disturbing and I don't like it. I just want my baby to be well adjusted and happy!


I did it again. I don't know why. I've never done this before in my whole cycle of trying to lose weight, and I'm not sure why I'm doing it now. Well, yes I do. It's easy. I just eat a whole shitload of food, and then it's gone. A nice way of dealing with things.

It's not good.

I saw Jeep Girl today and we decided we're going to get together this week. That's good, because she's battled this in the past, and she's someone I can talk to about it. It will be nice to have someone to talk to about it.. because it's really starting to scare me.


Wow, 2 people just signed my naughty things diary! What's up with that? 2 in 20 minutes? That's impressive, damnit!


So, yesterday I succumbed to Tax Free weekend. I didn't want to go anywhere near a mall, but I needed some underwear! So I joined the people who had come to Dallas from Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Arkansas to save about $3.00 on their purchases. It was quite exciting.

I just turned off Friends to watch Friends! Heee! I bought this "Best of Friends" tape at the mall yesterday and I was watching it when I remembered that Friends is on right now! So I'm a whore, basically.


I saw Full Frontal yesterday. I mean, really, what the hell was up with that movie? I love Steven Soderbergh, I mean hell.. he did Ocean's 11! But that movie was just.. bah. Yucky.


What was MyMichele doing a year ago?

I just talked to my old roommate, and she rocks. Here for you is my list of former roommates!

1. Smoking Girl - she was my first roommate ever at my first college, and we weren't really matched well. She smoked, and made other friends at the "Smokers Pit" outside our dorm. We were both freshmen, but she got further into everything than I did. She didn't like me because I sat around and looked at porn all day, and because I was messy while she was pretty much a clean freak. This was not a good year. Fortunatly, she left during the second semester and I then had the room to myself.

2. Old girl - She was 37. I was 20. But she was pretty cool and had some good stories from when she was living in Taiwan. She moved out within the month she got here.

3. Japanese Girl - She was japanese, didn't speak much english, and the only conversation we had was about John Travolta. She only lived here for 2 months.

4.Chick Filet Girl (AKA Jeep Girl) - my last roommate, who was the only decent one in the bunch. We hung out socially, we went off our diets together, we stayed up talking until 3 AM, we fought about stuff, she was awesome. We even had the same first and middle name, which made things a little confusing."

9:19 p.m. - August 05, 2002


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