mymichele's Diaryland Diary


boring and strange, anniversary pizza, and taking advantage of dad's girlfriends

Hello, D-land people. I would really like it if you took my friend test! I don't think the questions are that hard, but I could be wrong. BB only got a 60 on it, so maybe it's harder than I thought!


Sooo, I got a review today that I've really been waiting for. I just respect these girls' opinions, because yeah.

She didn't seem to like some of the layout, and said most of my older stuff was better than the new. That's good times, yo. I value her opinion and will most likely take her advice on most of the stuff, but not all.

And damn, I've gotten like 30 hits from that place already.. that's the good stuff, as Kenny Chesney would say.


Hey! I have finals coming up this week, so wouldn't the best solution be to do about 1,000 reviews?! Of course, that's the most wonderful solution I've ever heard!

My thoughts on the subject are that I get these reviews done this weekend, and then I can feel free to study without any reviewing burden the rest of the week!

Good god almighty! Note to all people potentially thinking of starting a review place: don't do it. Please, don't encumber yourself with this burden. It's fun at first, but then it starts feeling like an obligation and you don't want to quit doing it because it brings you joy to see people actually appreciating your reviews! Don't do it!

I know that's lame, because it's just reviews and it's not a job and I don't get money for it and it's basically pointless, but shut up. I'm a lame person, damnit.


Yesterday was rather uneventful after I did the whole gym thing. BB and I did fun bonding activities like water the lawn together, and then we spent an hour and a half trying to ressurect his piece of shit Corsica. His Corsica is his baby, but I'm kinda glad he didn't get it working, because it has no air conditioner. And like.. it's hot. And stuff.

Then we tried out a new italian restuarant that really turned out to be a pizzaria.

Now, like I've said before, every 2 months on our anniversary we go to the same pizza place that we went to on our first date. The problem with that is that they have the biggest pizzas known to man, and we can both eat 6 or more pieces at a time! I think you will agree that that isn't exactly conducive to a diet.

So, yesterday I got two pieces of pizza and he got one piece and some spagetti, and as we were eating pizza together it occured to us that is was our anniversary, and we were eating pizza, and now we might have a new tradition, but that makes me sad. We've gone to this other place for more than 4 years! We've bonded with the people there!

Anyway, yesterday was our 4 year, 10 month anniversary. In 2 months, we'll have been together for half a friggin decade. Wow.


I don't blame you if you think this is the most boring entry of all time. Go see Bunny, she has a more interesting life. I mean, I didn't even get any nookie this weekend, and that's just strange. Boring and strange!


So, my dad has had a couple of girlfriends in the past couple of years, and with each girlfriend, I've gotten something good out of it. With the first one, I've gotten to go to Reno twice, all expenses paid, to stay at her hotel/casino with BB. That's good stuff, right there. With his playboy bunny girlfriend, I got to hang out in his house and spend the night when he wasn't home, which isn't a big deal but I love his house and I like staying there by myself. With the BL, there's actually a lot of things I enjoy. First of all, she has this huge house I can stay in if I need to, and that's always cool. And she gave me guest passes to her gym, where I went yesterday. This gym is mighty impressive.. in the parking lot yesterday, I saw like 10 Mercedes, Lexus' all over the place, and I even saw a friggin HUMMER! Hello. I'm a little dissapointed that I don't have any guest passes anymore, but hey, that's good times.


What's even more impressive as that is that today (well, Friday, but shut up) is my one year anniversary of being a review whore. Isn't that cute? Awwww.


I don't think I'm going to sign up for any more reviews. Most reviews I get these days don't like my content much anymore and say my old stuff was better. I know that sometimes I don't have the most interesting stuff anymore, but hey! I'm in summer school! My brain is filled to capacity! Anyway, that's a little disconcerting to me, so I'm just going to contain myself and hopefully not sign up for anything else. Maybe. Probably Not. I don't know!


What was MyMichele doing a year ago? (By the way, I forgot to put that title thingie on yesterday's entry, so just know that that whole "random thoughts" thing was what happened a year ago.)

"We did end up going to Mississippi, and despite the long ass drive over there (It took about 6 hours) it was kinda fun. We took a tour of the civil war memorial this morning, in Vicksburg, and there's a lot of interesting stuff there. We stayed in a cute little motel and of course had some motel nookie. We spent about 2 hours looking for a place to stay last night, because there's some sort of convention in town, but it ended up well. I did put anohter 800 miles on my car, which should bring the grand total to about 4000 in the last month. Which wouldn't be so bad if my dad didn't specifically say, "No more than 10,000 miles a year on this car!" when he gave it to me. Try 30,000 in one year. Oh well.

On the way back tonight, we stopped by boyfriend boy's mom's house. (From now on, my boyfriend will be known as BB, AKA Boyfriend Boy. I just think that would make things a little easier.) His mom didn't have his favorite kind of drink there, so they got in a little fight and he refused to speak to her until we left. That certainly was pleasant. We then stopped by my dad's farm and hung out with my dad's Anatolian Shephards for a while. They are my babies.

10:25 a.m. - August 04, 2002


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