mymichele's Diaryland Diary


My layout looks Christian. Neat.

Well, it's looking like the whole Guns N Roses tour is near being cancelled. *sigh*

I don't know why. I don't care why. All I know is that this concert was going to be my graduation present. It would be the first time I'd get to see Axl in my hometown. It would be twice that I got to see my all-time favorite band in one year, after wishing I could see them for 10 years.

But you know what? I don't even care anymore. I'm so past my big obsession that I had in September, mostly because I have so many other things to worry about. And really. I'm beginning to think that Axl doesn't deserve my hero worship. He obviously couldn't care less about the fans that have stayed with him even in his botox-hair extentioned ass days, his "I'm not going to tell you when the new album is coming out because that would be too easy" stage, the "I'm going to fall off the face of the planet for at least 5 years stage", the "The tour has only been going for less than a month and already there's been two riots stage," etc. I mean, come on. It's not worth it to be a fan these days.

I'm not completely giving up on him, but I have pretty much lost all hope. I was really looking forward to this concert. And Axl has yet again let me down.

Bung hole.

And by the way Kristin, I don't want him, thanks anyway! And welcome back, too. Rock on.

But, it does excite me a little that on the front page of AOL, they promote the Freddie Mercury tribute concert and have Axl right smack in the middle of the page. Well, near the bottom of the page. But he's there, in all his 1992 glory. Tee hee.


I got this review the other day. Please tell me if this makes any sense to anyone else:

"Design: When I first saw your design, I thought to myself: "This is a christian girl.." I don't know why, but it has this christian-thing over it.. And even though that really doesn't strike my fancy, I liked this one.. "

Uhhh, right. Sure. She also said some of my entries are meaningless. I wish she would have given me examples.. I don't think any of my entries are meaningless, personally. But that's me.


So last night I saw Bowling for Columbine.

First of all, the Inwood is selling Bagel Dogs again! WOOOOHOOOO! These are the bagel dogs of my youth. Mmm mmm good is what I say.

Anyway, the movie. It was the most fascinating movie I've ever seen. I seriously laughed, and I cried, and I stared at the screen with total fascination for 2 hours. Michael Moore is my new husband. He seriously rocks the hizhouse. I've avoided all his other stuff because it just didn't look interesting, but now I might have converted.

He actually got K-Mart to stop selling bullets when he took the kids from Columbine to the corporate headquarters. That gave me goosebumps. It was so awesome.

I reccommend this movie to everyone. It was truly greatness. I'm probably going to rent Michael Moore's other stuff now just because he really knows how to get to the bottom of something. Yay, that's what I say.


A week from now, I will be a college graduate. Exciting, eh?

This week is crazy crazy studying week. My statistics test has been made open-book, but I don't even know if that's going to help me. I guess we shall see about that.

I am going to force myself to study, though. This really is my last week of studying hard, so I need to make myself do it. I'm sure I'll find all kinds of distractions, so I have to pretend that I at least have some kind of willpower. That's always hard, though. You know.

Willpower is over rated, that's what I think.


I miss BB.


Does anyone think that SNL has gotten better in the past couple of years? I'm of the Phil Hartman/Mike Myers/Dana Carvey old skool, but last night I really did laugh a lot. Robert Deniro is a great actor and everything, but he's shit at live TV. I mean, come on. At least try to memorize your shit so you don't have to keep obviously looking at the cue cards. That got annoying.

But I love Jimmy Fallon and Tina Fey doing Weekend Update. It's genius. Total genius.

Okay than.

What was MyMichele doing a year ago?

"I did a bit of Christmas shopping today. Well, when I say "bit" I mean "so much that I'm going to have to live off $1 chicken sandwiches at Jack in the Box for the next month", but that's okay.

I went to the Virgin Megastore. Good lord, I love that place. Just give me a pillow or something and I can spend a few days in there. "

10:34 a.m. - Sunday, Dec. 08, 2002


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