mymichele's Diaryland Diary


An entry from October because I'm a dork.

I have nothing interesting to say today. Here are the things I do have to say:

1. I can't seem to stop hiccuping!

2. I really do know something about page layout and design!

3. I'm a lazy sonofabitch.

4. I can't seem to stop sneezing!

Here is an entry from October to satiate your appetite.


October 09, 2001 - 9:21 a.m.

Well, last night I learned why alchohol isn't really my friend. It seduced me with it's tequila-laced perfumed inner thigh, and I was powerless in its presence. It had me feeling the desired effects for about 5 minutes ("Oooh, look at the pretty moon! Oooh, look, I can't walk very well! Oooh, look, I'm laughing obnoxiously!") and then, within minutes after that, I was left feeling like shit, while the alchohol took off running into the night, off to torture some other fool who never drinks. If you listen closely, you can still hear its laughter. "Muahahahahah! Muahahahaha! Muahahahah!"

Before the whole Margarita incident, my mom gave me my birthday presents. These included the shoes that I mentioned yesterday (ahhh, such pretty shoes!), a gift certificate to a local book store (woohoo, books!), a really terrible looking Pumpkin shirt (she asked if I would wear it and I replied, "Umm no, probably not.") and.. and.. my wonderus Axl shirt! My happy Paul Frank Axl shirt. I went to this dude's web site and it has to be the most annoying thing ever. It has Flash 5 and all this crap and all I wanted to do is perhaps buy more stuff. I saw an Axl purse! Why are they doing this to me? Tempting me with Axl-wear? This isn't good for me.

I got a whole lot of sleep last night. I went to bed at 11 and then woke up at 9:30 today when some kind of phone company called me. I was like.. "Dude, I live in a dorm, I don't really care what phone company they have." And then he was like "That's okay! Blah blah-" *click* I have no patience for bungholes that wake me up in the morning.

I'm still sick, and I still have my ET voice, and it's getting a little annoying. I don't remember what my real voice sounds like. That's okay. My ET voice is probably cooler than my real voice.

I went to Taco Cabana the other night, and hey! I guess they knew my birthday is soon because I am an instant winner of a FREE BEAN AND CHEESE BURRITO!

I guess I should comment on this war thing we have going on in here. (Wow, that made me sound REALLY intelligent, didn't it?) I took a passive stance on this at first, because it didn't seem necessary to go blow up some stuff in Afganistan. But as time went by, and the Taliban kept making ridiculous statements like "Okay, we'll ask Yomamma Sin Laden (I stole that from someone else, it makes me giggle) to leave on his own will. Oh? You don't like that? Okay, then maybe we'll put him on trial here! Under Muslim law! What do you think of that? Don't you think we're taking the law into our own hands and bringing this A-hole to justice? You don't? Well, kiss our ass."

So I think it's necessary that we are doing this. They didn't take us seriously. And maybe now they still don't, but at least they know that we aren't going to put up with their bullshit from our comfy sofas at home in America.

Or some such.

7:24 p.m. - March 12, 2002


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