mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Racist puppy dogs, yucky oral sex kisses, and swimming!

Sometimes I really hate laptops. I've done this entry twice and now it's the third time and it was witty the first time and kinda witty the second time but now it's probably going to be neither. Freakin laptops.

SO! I'm having some good times house sitting at the BL's. I really only need to water the plants, but I take that job seriously, okay?

I've already made chocolate chip cookies and a fried egg sandwich, and I got to watch Sex and the City (ewww.. the oral sex kiss. I hate the oral sex kiss.) and Six Feet Under! That almost feels like a luxury, ya know?! No one I know has HBO except the BL, so it's all very exciting.

She has the most comfortable bed ever. I am looking forward to that.

One thing I have learned today is that swimming by myself at night is very creepy. But I got over it, because I really love to swim! I have forgotten how much swimming rules. It's good exercise and makes me feel good all over and I lurrve it! Yay for swimming.

So, I'm feeling kinda sexy these days, my friends. I looked at my arms in the mirror today and I was impressed. Apparently the lifting weights thing is paying off more than I thought. I can almost wear tank tops! I love tank tops and I can't wait for that day to come. I could probably wear a tank top now if I didn't have the farmer's tan going on up in there.

And also, my hair is really starting to get long and that turns me on. I love the feel of my long hair, it's just really nice. I'm gonna be so hot about 30 pounds from now, you guys will just have to see. I'm excited about that.

So, I stole this from the Bunnylicious one. Feel free to steel it from me, it's one of those chain kinda things.

1. Does the full moon affect your behavior?

Yes. Indeed. It makes me horny. When I buy porn, it's usually during a full moon. Kooky, eh?

2. What ways do you wish not to die?

Well, I'd really prefer not to be tortured. Slow painful deaths don't do much for me. I wouldn't mind drowning.. at least it's over reasonably quick. I'd prefer not to be shot or stabbed.. that would suck. Being run over by an 18 wheeler would hurt.

3. If you could be totally honest, what would you say to your mother right now?

I'd tell her that she's beautiful and she's the most wonderful mother of all time and I really admire her so much.

4. What do you do when you're stuck on telephone hold? I curse at the people who put me on hold, and then I doodle, and perhaps even read. I'm a reading whore.

5. It's your last meal ever, what's on your plate?

Creamed chicken made by my mom, pizza, queso fundido and a soapapillia from El Fenix, and Axl Rose.

6. Any run ins with the law?

Well, yeah. I have trouble with traffic laws. I just don't like going the speed limit. Or stopping at red lights. Or stop signs. Also, I got caught shoplifting when I was 13, but I didn't get in trouble for that. They just told me to never come back to the store. Okay, will do.

7. Who's the strangest person you've ever met Besides myself? This chick in my speech class in 9th grade. But she later became one of my best friends and I met BB at her house, so that whole thing worked out for me.

8. Who are you not talking to anymore?

See the person mentioned in the above entry. I don't talk to a lot of people anymore. We all move on and do other things and shit happens.

9. Where on your body do you like to be touched?

Oh.. you know.. everywhere. Especially on my pink parts.

10. Any birthmarks?

I have one on my ass. It's just oh so cute. I have a freakish one on my neck, but it's not like colorful or anything. Oh, just shut up.

11. If you could talk with one animal, what would it be?

It would be with my baby Charlie. Because, folks, my puppy dog is racist. It's true. He tries to bite black people and hispanics all the time, and no one knows why. As we speak, he's at Canine University being taught not to hate people. If I could talk to him, I'd figure out why he's like that. He's weird.

Want to hear something a little disturbing? A nice little outcome of the whole buliemic for a week thing is that my gag reflex seems to have gotten stronger. How do I know this? Well, I'll just leave that to your imagination.

I'll shut up now.


What was MyMichele doing a year ago?

"I went to a very lovely wedding today. I cried through the whole thing, because I am female and that's what we do. I started crying at the beginning because the friend who's getting married's mom has been sick for years and years, and couldn't come, so her father brought a white rose to the front to represent her.

She was the leader of our youth group last year, this is how I know her. Our whole group came together and sat together and it was really nice. If there was ever someone I should pattern myself after, it would be her. There's nothing bad about her. She's so strong and beautiful and special and patient, and it made me so happy to see her get married. I think she's only 20, but when you've found someone, you've found them.

What I don't understand is how she could keep her mind on the wedding and not on the wedding night. She's a nice christian girl and he's a nice christian guy, and they're going to be consumating this marriage tonight, presumably. I know, since BB is a virgin, that's all I'll be able to think about during the ceremony and reception. It's just strange to think about it. We've done so much together, been through so many things, yet there's still something we haven't done. That's just really wacky to think about."


"I had to buy Maxim's music magazine, Blender, today, because it had the 50 sexiest musicians in it. And there, on his own glorius page, was Axl. I had to buy it. This picture is going on my wall, where it will be forever and ever!

I love men's magazines, I must say. I don't care if I'm a traitor to my gender, I love Maxim, FHM, Playboy, all that crap. It's very entertaining to me. I have a subscription to all of the above mentioned magazines. Actually, BB has the subscription to Playboy, but he doesn't even open the plastic before he just hands it off to me."

10:58 p.m. - August 11, 2002


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