mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Puppies! Laying face down in the pool, and Leon

Ohohoh! The Professional is on, my friends. I can't tell you how much this excites me. It's Natalie Portman at her very finest. I lovvveee this movie so much. I love HBO!

So, today I saw XXX. Oh holy lordy.. Vin Diesel is just hot. A different kind of hot than regular hot people. With those tattoos (especially the one under his belly button.. it was letters and stuff. Like a word. And it was fucking hot.) and that big coat he had on.. oh man. I just want some Vin Diesel here, right now, is that too much to ask? I liked the movie, too. Mabye it's all the extra testoreone I have (thank you, polycystic ovaries), but I love action movies with really nice cars and lots of shooting going on. This had both. And Vin Diesel, so there's not much wrong with that movie. Except at the very end, at the beginning of the credits, they had two guns with a rose in the middle! Hello, if that did call for a Guns N Roses song, I don't know what does.

Speaking of more hot than regular hot people, I got the new Spin today! You should all run out and get it right this very second because guess who's on the cover? Yes, that's right. It's Axl. Axl W. Rose. I was alerted of this fact by the lovely Plaidpapunk, who is not only a fellow review whore but a very nice person who let me know of such total greatness.

Anyway, it's a whole issue on heavy metal and rock and crap, and there's like 5 pictures of him in there. That excites me. I'm not going to lie to you, no I'm not.

I got an awesome review from Low Radiation reviews. I was happy when I read that, and you should go see it too, cuz it's good stuff.

Today I called my mom at work, and she said, "Oh, thank god, I thought you were laying at the bottom of the BL's pool!" She thought that since I hadn't called her back when she called earlier today, I had drowned! My poor mommy was trying to remember how to get over here so she could find me after work! She called BB to find me and he didn't know and it was probably just a bad thing. I must admit, it's almost nice to habe someone freak out about me so much, and it just shows how close me and my mom are. If I don't call her everyday, she starts to worry. I guess it's bad that I'm dependant on my mom, but she's just a nice mommy, okay? I lurve my mommy.

So after I went to see XXX, I called my mom again and she was at an old friend of the family's house, so I went over to see them too. It was nice cuz they have 3 black labs, and you know.. I love my puppies. They loved me too. Black labs are sooo friendly! And cute! And lovealiscious!

I had a dream last night. About working at Express. Apparently I loved working at Express and I told them I could only work on Tuesdays because that's when I don't have school. And they loved me, so they agreed.

That was a weird dream only because I HATED working at Express. I hated it with a damn passion. That's why I quit and basically never came back and why I am blackballed from ever working at a Limited Inc. (Victoria's Secret, Bath and Body Works, the Limited, Lane Bryant, Structure, all sorts of places) chain. I'm still crying about that, really. Not really.

And also, this might be too much information but last night I uh.. took matters into my own hands. In the BL's bed. I figured I would do that to get back at her and my dad for having bare ass naked sex when they knew I was coming over. Revenge is fun, isn't it?

"THIS ONE'S FOR MATILDA!" Ahhh, the Professional is so great. Jean Reno is such greatness. I can do a whole entry about how great this movie is, but I'll try to restrain myself.


What was MyMichele doing a year ago?

Nothing, apparently.

11:29 p.m. - August 12, 2002


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