mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Thoughts on the sniper, November Rain, and paranoia.

You know, with each passing day, I discover that I really don't want anything to do with the media.

Like, last night was a good example. Sitting at a 3 hour school board meeting that discussed bond issues is not a good way to spend one's time. But I had to do it, because supposedly someday I'll get a job at a newspaper and perhaps I'll have to cover school board meetings.

And the way the media is handling this whole sniper thing is just..crazy. They're talking about it 24/7, giving him more air time than he could ever possibly dream of. They are just totally egging the little bastard on.. like.. "Where is he going to strike next?! Everyone beware, it may be you! Take cover! Stay home!" They are glorifying him. They are making him a false idol, someone that people are scared of yet fascinated with. If there was no media attention, do you think this guy would still be getting his jollies by shooting innocent people? I don't think so, friends. I just don't think so.

Do you hear that sound? It's the sound of the realization that 4 1/2 years of college journalism was probably wasted. A sucking sound, if you will. But that's okay, because at least now I know more about libel, the inverted pyramid, and AP style than anyone will ever need to know.

On Sunday, I got tired of my blinds. Because they aren't "blinding" anything and at night when the light is on, people could probably look in and see me in my dainties. (Because, see, my dorm is weird in that it's kinda like a motel. When you open the door, it isn't in a building, you open the door to the outside. Are you following me here?) So I undertook the task of covering my big giant windows in newspaper. Every square inch of the friggin things. Paranoid? Yes. People seeing me in my dainties anymore? No. Muahahaha.

In a few minutes I have to go get my bumper fixed from the accident I got in like 2 months ago. It would have been fixed much faster had I gotten off my fat ass and called the right people. That's a big problem of mine.. there's just like 2 or 3 things I refuse to do, but if I just did them a lot of good things will happen. I don't do it because I fear it. And that's just insane.


I bought "The Dirt," the story of Motley Crue. I don't particuarly care too much about Motley Crue, but I've always wanted to read this book. And since I'm writing my story about life in LA in the early 80's from a rock band's perspective, I'm finding it to be quite helpful. A lot of interesting stories this book has, indeed. And it's weird, but I think Tommy Lee is one cool guy. Awww yeah.

Remember that "diet" I was on?

Well, today when I went to get my Quarter Pounder at McDonalds, I actually went inside instead of the drive thru because everytime I go through the drive-thru, the same chick is there and I don't want her judging me!

I'm not gaining weight.. I'm just maintaining.. which really isn't that impressive.

I wish I had a kitchen so I could cook. Please, get me out of this dorm soon. Ppleeassseee.

(Actually, I get out of here in less than 2 months, so I should stop whining and stop eating McDonalds. But that would just be too easy.)

I was pissed yesterday because my suitemate had to bang on the door and tell me to turn down my music, which happened to be Lose Yourself, by Eminem of course, at the time. I wasn't pissed because she told me to turn it down - I've had to tell my share of people to quiet the fuck down in the 31 years I've lived in this dorm. I was pissed because she got to tell me to be quiet before I got to tell her. She's always a fuckin loud beyotch, and I never tell her to shut up. The one time I'm overy loud and I'm dancing like a white girl on crack to Eminem, I gotta be quiet. *grumble grumble*

Anyway.. eat your cereal with a fork and do your homework in the dark.


What was MyMichele doing a year ago?

"No, I have not called Angel Boy back yet. I have not had time. I need to explain that to him someday.. I need to say "Just because I don't call you all the time doesn't mean that I don't think about you every single day and that you never affected my life in any way because you did, you changed my life forever and I will always be grateful to you for that, and wow, you are really fucking attractive." I would love to have that conversation with him someday. I would love for him to look in my eyes and say, "Elizabeth, I have always felt something for you that couldn't be explained, and I won't try to explain it. But I'm drawn to you, whether I like it or not, and I think we'll always be in each other's lives." Isn't that cute? But I don't think he has the brain capacity to put all those sentences together. Umm.. that was mean. I mean, I don't think he thinks like that, or something."


"Oh good God. Today, in the middle of Denton, in DAYLIGHT! I saw a guy. He had a mullet. He had a TANK TOP that said "SLAYER" on it! I thought I had woken up in 1990 or something! That had me laughing my ass off for a few minutes, let me tell ya."


Okay, so I was watching the Rock in Rio 3 tape again last night, and to watch Axl play November Rain on the piano was incredible. Seriously.. they had a close up of him singing, and he looked like he was really feeling everything he was singing about, and that's so incredible to me. He wrote that song like.. 13 years ago and it looks like he still has every exact emotion he had when he went through what the song it talking about.

Mmmmm.. Axl.

I do like me some Axl. Lots. Come to mama, Axl.

I'm being a dork now.

1:01 p.m. - October 23, 2002


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