mymichele's Diaryland Diary


that was not funny, you friggin dorm, johnny knoxville, and pregnant women who stab people in the kidneys.

If my dorm was aiming to scare the living fuck out of me tonight, well my friends, they succeeded.

There was a tornado drill tonight, except I didn't know it was a drill, and it was raining and eerie looking outside, so it made sense. I was seriously in a blind panic for about 2 minutes. I was freaking out hardcore here, people. Then I called my stepdad and he said to chill out because there wasn't anything on TV or what have you.

That was mean, people. Having a tornado drill while it's raining? That's just cruel. And unusual. And punishment.

So as I said before, I went to get my car fixed today and I was impressed.. it took 20 minutes and the price was the same as the estimate! Yayyy.

But there was a point during this whole thing where I was freaking out because the chick that had hit me was gonna pay for the accident, but she wasn't at work at the dealership! She was at a doctor's appointment! And yesterday she told me she'd be there all day! I was so pissed at this point because I was imagining all sorts of worst case scenarios, like I'd never ever get my car back and I'd have to walk 45 miles to see BB on the weekend. Okay, not really, but you get the picture.

So she finally comes after everyone has freaked out enough, and instantly I feel bad and really just want to give her a hug. Why is this?

Because she's pregnant.

I don't know why that suddenly made it all better, but I almost wanted her to put the credit card away so I could pay for it myself! She needed that $200 for the baby she's apparently going to have! It's so weird.. she could have stabbed someone in the kidney 15 times and I'd be like, "But she's pregnant! Leave her alone!"

Does that make sense to anyone else? I just felt really bad. She didn't look pregnant when we first got in the accident! I know, I'm a freak. But someday I'm gonna be pregnant and I'm gonna want the chick who's car I eventually hit to be nice to me too.

I also wanted to say something to her before I left the place since I'd probably never see her again. Like, "I hope your unborn baby has a wonderful life!"

See, my friends. I am a freak. And I'm glad that you know this, because now we can all move on with our lives.

I know I said this in the previous entry, but I am astounded that I have not gotten back up to my pre weight loss weight. I'm not exactly eating salads here, people. And I'm still at the same weight! What is up with that! It's a very good thing, but I feel like I should be fatter.


I wrote Old Friend another letter today because she hasn't answered my big ol "woe is me" letter in like 3 weeks. But she's probably off saving people's lives in a forest fire or saving kitties who climb onto the top of trees. Maybe she's being awared the Nobel Prize. I wouldn't be surprised.

I'm tired, and I'm about to snuggle into bed with The Dirt. Seriously, I bought this book yesterday and I'm already on page 126. It's totally captivating stuff and now I feel like I have to listen to Motley Crue when they come on the radio. I actually sat through a stirring rendition of "Girls, Girls, Girls" tonight.

And that makes me appreciate Guns N Roses more. Sure, they were in LA in the early 80's too and probably had the same drugs and sex stories as Motley Crue did, but their music was quality. They captured a whole generation with Appetite for Destruction, which is in the top 20 of best selling albums of all time, by the way. Thank you very much.

(Of course, Hootie and the Blowfish are in the top 20 too, but we'll just ignore that, right?)

Also, I have to comment on something here. Something shameful.

Tonight I watched the Jackass Edition of Cribs on MTV, and I have to admit my growing appreciation of Johnny Knoxville. He's hottttt. Thank you. (I know you already knew this, seeing you have him on your page and everything, but I'm a little slow sometimes.)


What was MyMichele doing a year ago?

Oooh, I'm sad. A year ago I was getting ready to leave for Reno. Maybe later I'll do a special blowout entry for the hell of it.

I wanna go to Reno!


12:14 a.m. - October 24, 2002


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