mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Do you believe in magic? Poo, and pizza

I think today is going to be a little random, because I don't think I can put a whole thought process together to make a structured entry.

I just bought another 3 months of a Gold Membership and bought 10,000 more banners. The banners usually send a billion people here for about a week, and that is fun times, yes it is. Hi Banner people!

I am newly addicted to BoogaBooga. Go see her and tell her she rocks. Also, go tell Sara that Matchbox 20 sucks. Thank you.

Might I gush a bit about BB? A few days ago, at the pizza buffet, he just kinda said something extremely cute. He said, "It's funny. You take all the cheese off your pizza and just eat the dough. I take all the cheese off and just eat the cheese. Together, we make a whole pizza!" I just thought that was cute.

He also pointed out that even though I might think he's a little unromantic at times, he's taken me alot of places. And he has! He's taken me to two different countries (Canada and Mexico), on countless road trips to wierd places in Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana.. we've spent New Years Eve in Las Vegas, we've been to the San Diego Zoo, we've driven up and down mountains, we saw the entire East Coast. Sometimes I forget that. And it's not something I should forget, because it's one of those important things that makes a relationship what it is.

Four years is a long time, people, that's all I'm saying.

I bought a Scrabble Word Building Book today, just so I can be more obsessed. I really need to get another hobby.

It has been brought to my attention that I can really write well, but my grammer is for shit. BB said he read the paper I wrote on the stupid court thing, and it was really bad because it had a lot of "be verbs" and all that crap. It made me feel kinda bad, I'm a journalist, I should be able to write better than that, but it makes sense. I do write for shit sometimes. I'm not really sure how to change that, but I know it's important. Bah!

I think my body is trying to punish me for eating the way I do. Every morning I have to take these long, painful poos. Like, I had to stop at McDonald's today just so I could sit in their bathroom for a whole 10 minutes. I need to eat better. But what would be the fun of that?

I really, really like the song "Stan" by Eminem. I know. It's pathetic. But I like it. Mostly because of Dido. But partly because of the words. I guess you could call it a guilty pleasure.

Oooh, ooh, and here's some more pop culture commentary. My TV doesn't work, so BB Tivo's all the shows I like to watch. The shows he TIVO's (is that a new verb? It should be!) are Boston Public, Dawson's Creek, Undeclared, and Oprah. Oprah is for him. He's a big Dr. Phil fan.

Anyway, we were watching Dawson's Creek, and I couldn't believe what I was seeing! Dawson lost his virginity! To JEN! I thought they were really cute together, but I felt really bad for Joey. She's like all in love with him and crap, and he just goes and has sex with his ex girlfriend. So, so wrong.

And Boston Public. The HooK lady really REALLY creeps me out! Why does she have to do everything with that hook! She made poor Guber bleed with that thing! She is so disturbing. (cringe)

BB called me today, a little sad. Since @home died, he has no ISP and therefore can't get online. It's a total tragedy. He said, "Don't expect to talk to me in the next week because my cell phone only has abotu 15 minutes left on it." Isn't that cute? Especially because he has a real phone at his house. Dork.

I had to explain to a 5 year old yesterday how Santa can get inside an apartment, or a house without a chimney. I thought about this for a second, and said, "Oohh, he has a key." She didn't seem to believe that, so I just said he's magical and left it at that. It was okay. 5 year olds always believe in magic.

For anyone who cares, I'm currently playing scrabble and my opponent played "core" right next to the triple letter thingie. So if I got an S right now, or an EN, I'd be a happy lady. I just played an E on something else because I didn't have an N, and then I got an N, so that sucks. I'm sorry, I'm sure no one cares, but I just felt like documenting the moment.

A few days ago it was 29 degrees during the day. Now: 73 degrees. It's a shame.

I'm not usually this boring.

2:48 p.m. - December 01, 2001


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