mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Russell Crowe is hot. Joan Rivers is your mom. And sweatshirts with snowmen on them.

Oh my good lord in heaven. If you know what's good for you, you'll go look at those pictures. Because.. they are just.. oh my goodness.

Here's a little thingy I stole from the wonderful and mysterious Cerebrate.

15 years ago I...

1. Was 7 years old.

2. Was in 2nd grade.

3. I learned what abstract expressionism was, and it changed my life.

4. Was not yet in my obsession with boys stage.

5. I got in trouble because instead of doing my work, I talked to my friend all day at school.

10 years ago I...

1. Was in my first stages of Axl obsession.

2. was 12 years old, in 6th grade. A very ackward time for me, indeed.

3. Was in the middle of the whole Nick Stahl embrolio.

4. My parents were about to get divorced.

5. I had two puppy dogs, a golden retriever and a great dane.

5 years ago I...

1. Was in the whole psycho boy relationship thing.

2. I was having a whole lot of sex.

3. I was a junior in high school, and I couldn't care less about school.

4. My mom was getting really annoyed with this relationship.

5. I was very frustrated with life in general, and I was almost ready to run away.

2 years ago I...

1. Was living in an apartment by myself with absolutly no friends, but had a lot of candles.

2. Seeing BB quite often.

3. Obsession over Charlie and how he was surely being mistreated.

4. I was 20 years old.

5. Eating a whole lot of Taco Bueno and Whataburger.

1 year ago I...

1. Was in the process of making my friends.

2. Was fighting with BB an awful lot, cuz we were having some issues.

3. Eating a whole lot of Taco Cabana.

4. Was in a bit of a depression because my classes were hard, I was having roommate problems, and I had no motivation to do anything.

5. Watching Blind Date a lot.

Yesterday I...

1. Played a lot of Scrabble.

2. Ate a pepperoni pizza pocket and drank some Dr. Pepper. (Yes, lent ended for me about a week and a half ago. God hates me, I know.

3. Interviewed some people, did some work.

4. Talked to BB on AIM a bit.

5. Procrastinated.

Today I...

1. Went to work, interviewed some people, etc.

2. Participated in Crazy Sock Day at work.

3. Went to the most boring class ever and passed notes with Jeep Girl, like we were in junior high or something.

4. Ate some Jack in the Box.

5. Talked to my brother, who is sending my dad an email next week to tell him that he's gay. That's an effective way of dealing with things, isn't it?

Tomorrow I will...

1. Go to work and stress about stories.

2. Have an advising meeting and learn if I really am going to graduate in December.

3. Obsess over Russell Crowe some more.

4. Go to a question and answer session given by Dr. Annie Dawid.

5. Watch Friends.

Five items I have brand loyalty to...

1. Dr. Pepper

2. Deja Blue

3. Victoria's Secret

4. Ban roll on, unscented.

5. Doc Martens

Five snacks I enjoy...

1. Recess Pieces

2. Tortillas from Taco Cabana

3. Krispy Kremes

4. McDonalds Bagels

5. Snickers, sometimes.

Five songs I know all the words to, even without the music....

1. Don't Cry, Guns N Roses

2. Insensitive, Jann Arden

3. You Oughta Know, Alanis Morrissete

4. Everything I do, I do it for you - Bryan Adams.

5. Original Sin, Elton John

Five games I like...

1. Scattergories

2. Trivial Pursuit

3. Yahtzee

4. Monopoly

5. Scrabble

Five albums that changed my life...

1. Fumbling Towards Extacy, Sarah Mclaughlan

2. Use Your Illusion 1, Guns N Roses

3. Laid, James

4. Pretty Hate Machine, Nine Inch Nails

5. Play, Moby

Five things I can't live without...

1. Dr. Pepper

2. Charlie the puppy man

3. My mommy

4. Magazines

5. A pen and paper. (The metaphorical writing tools, if you will.)

Five things I would buy with a $1000...

1. A DVD player

2. Lots of Dr. Pepper!

3. Movie theater tickets cuz I like movies.

4. A ticket to wherever 30 Odd Foot of Grunts is playing (hopefully Austin!)

5. Lots of clothes that fit.

My top five guilty pleasures...

1. The Joan Rivers Oscars show that's going to be on tonight.

2. Russell Crowe Russell Crowe Russell Crowe Russell Crowe Russell Crowe.

3. Pink. I love Pink. She rocks your ass.

4. Does Bobby's love life count?

5. The highlights in my hair. I'm in love with them.

Top five locations I'd like to run away to...

1. Las Vegas

2. Canada

3. Wherever Russell Crowe is, so I can stalk him and he can put a restraining order out.

4. Los Angeles. Because I'm fascinated by it. Completely.

5. Austin. Cuz it's a cool place.

Five TV shows I like...

1. The Golden Girls

2. Philly

3. Boston Public

4. Undeclared

5. Friends.

Five things I would never wear...

1. Halter top.

2. Tube top.

3. One of those sweatshirts with snowmen on them.

4. That dress that Jennifer Conolly was wearing to the Oscar's.

There's a few more thingies in there, but I gotta go to class now.

Thank you and have a nice day.

5. Other such things.

5:34 p.m. - March 27, 2002


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