mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Give me some break up song suggestions, please!

Okay, so I did an entry at 6:18 AM this morning that I will gladly rebroadcast for your pleasure, but first, a question:

Can anyone please suggest a good break-up album for me to listen to? Not one that will have me in tears all day, throwing tissue after tissue on the floor in a sad and jealous rage. I want one that will have me pumping my fist in the air screaming "HELL YES! I DON'T NEED THAT ASSHOLE! I CAN MAKE IT ON MY OWN!!!" Something like that? Let me know! Thank you. I need some music to go along with this, ya know?

And to make things clear.. yes, I am thinking that this is a break up for the time being. Maybe he's "finding himself" or whatever, but he isn't taking me with him on this journey. Maybe when I'm in Austin he'll realize I'm the true love of his life, but then again, maybe not! I'm just saying that I'm not ruling any possible future relationships with him out, but I may not have any choice in the matter anyway.

Sucks, doesn't it? 5 years with someone, and then it's over. That's just not fun times.

I also started writing again in the depression diary. There's just some things I don't really want you guys to see, ya know? Like when I'm crying and I can barely contain my anger and I'm about to go absoulutly fucking nuts.. yeah, I'd rather you guys not see that. It's not pretty, really.

This has nothing to do with anything, but I really dig the song Always by Saliva. Saliva is a real rock and roll band in my opinion, but I really hate their name. I just thought I'd share that with you guys.

Anyway.. I'm going to my dad's farm today, and I'm not even going to check my email. I need to stay away from the computer for a good 24 hours, maybe that'll help my complete and total insanity.

To add to my insanity, I somehow managed to corrupt my Nanowrimo file! I am just really talented like that. If I hadn't had a backup of it, I would be screwed. SCREWED, people! Cuz I have 20,000 words now, and that's just impressive stuff. So anyway.

Here's the entry I posted this morning, for your viewing pleasure:

There is no reason that I am doing an entry at 6:13 am. I went to bed at 12, and I have no business being up right now. NO BUSINESS!

Well, there's 2 reasons, actually.

1. Hey, lookie there! Guns N Roses actually showed up at their concert last night! They even managed to have no riots, and were only 50 minutes late! How bout that.

2. I keep checking to see if BB wrote me an email or IMed me or something because I'm just a pathetic loser like that. Honestly, if what we have done is break up (I don't know if we have.. he keeps saying we haven't, I just don't know), then that's cool. Right now is the very best time for such a thing. I only have a few more weeks of school and then I leave for a much cooler place and I won't have to worry about waiting for his ass.

But anyway. I didn't talk to him at all yesterday and that really kind of sucked ass.

So that's why I'm up right now. I wanted to see a review of the GN'R concert. And what I saw was not what I would have liked to have seen. (That was the worst sentence ever. My brain is clearly not functioning at the early hour.) Basically, the set list and what Axl wore and everything about everything was the exact same as all the concerts before. This makes me sad.. if you're going to do a new tour, sing some new fucking songs!

Although I was impressed that he did a radio interview. I listened to the whole thing and it was really cool. I love my Axl's voice, yes I do, even his friggin regular voice. I'm a dork.

He said in the radio interview "Yeah, the album will be out in the next year." Thanks, that sure is helpful.

SOOO! In other happy music news, I saw 8 Mile yesterday. Man.. Eminem is one sexy motherfucking beyotch. He has the quick little sex scene with Britany Murphy, and it's a good one, although I was just hoping his boss wouldn't come in and see him doing that, since it was at the plant where he worked.

Anyway! I want me some Eminem and I want it now. I watched him on TRL (are 23-year-olds even allowed to watch TRL?) and dude.. he has the number 1 album in the country, the number 1 single in the country, and he's about to have the number 1 movie in the country. That's just incredible, people. I do love me some Eminem, yes I do.

If any of this made any sense, I would be most surprised. But now I'm going back to sleep and maybe when I'm not such a dork I'll write another entry that makes more sense.

Oh lordy, someone shut me up now.


What was MyMichele doing a year ago?

"I'm at BB's, and as usual, I forgot to turn my alarm off at my dorm. I don't know, I think it's a mental blockage of some sort. Anyway, I called my roommate and asked her to "unplug the alarm so it won't go off." Apparently, to foreigners, "unplug the alarm so it won't go off" means "do everything else in the room except unplug the alarm so it won't go off." So that was an exciting conversation we had. "The plugs are by your bed! Just take them out of the wall! You know, plugs, that you put stuff into?" It is definetly and interesting relationship we have."

11:38 a.m. - Saturday, Nov. 09, 2002


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