mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Another sucky birthday, effective advertising, and oh no! Don't cancel that!

Why, hello there.

Yeah, my birthday kinda sucked again. In terms of you know.. hanging out with my boyfriend and such. But for god sakes, not in terms of you guys! You guys are so awesome to me. I love each and everyone of you! *MUAH*

But yeah. BB has no money right now and thus could not really do anything interesting for my birthday. Not that I was really surprised.. we've had a history of suck-ass birthday celebrations with each other. Except when I turned 20.. that was fun cuz he took me to Paris for mexican food. Paris, Texas of course, but still.

I admit, I'm a birthday whore. I do expect the world to stop down and pay attention to me. But that did not happen. My father did not even call me today! I know I'm going to see him tomorrow and everything, but he could have called me at least! He did help in making me! My brother even called and left the most hilarious message of all time on my voice mail. Damn fathers.

BB did get me something cute, it's just not what I had in mind. He got me a poster of my little guy. And that's cute and I appreciate it, but fuck yes, I'd like it a lot better if he bought me a damn necklace or something and took me to a nice hotel in downtown Dallas! Damnit! But you know what? I had some pizza, I had some orgasms, and everything is just fine. There's always next year, right?


I am seriously upset about something. That was Then already got cancelled! Helloooo! There was only 2 shows, and already I fell in love with it. And now it's gone. How can TV do this to me? It was such an awesome premise for a show, gone, without even a thought or a poll of the audience or what have you. There is no justice in this world.


Okay, so now I'm getting really excited about NaNoWriMo. I'm doing character representations right now, just kinda figuring out what my characters are going to be like and such, at my story place right now, and it's quite exciting. I can't wait to start.. I don't know how I'm possibly going to write 50,000 words about a chick rock band, but I have faith in myself. Woot!


Okay, so I've been thinking about Angel Boy a little today. I tried to take a nap today and I just couldn't. Why is that? Because I found myself having fantasies, particularly dirty ones, about Angel Boy. And then I was thinking about him in the car today, and White Zombie's "More Human than Human" came on, and that is like THE song that reminds me of him. Because he just loved White Zombie. Just to show him that I was cool, I bought a White Zombie shirt too. Yeah, that was good fun.

Anyway. I wish I could get this boy out of my mind. I haven't talked to him in almost a year. But unless I dump BB and marry Angel Boy or something, he's not ever going to leave my mind. He's just gonna be "the one that got away" for the rest of my life, and I'm almost content with that. I mean, what else can I do? I don't see a compromise here. *sigh* I feel another story coming on.


Okay, I know you tattoo people out there are gonna be mad at me, but I decided to not get one. I probably will at some point, but not this week! Because the only time Diet Friend could go with me was on Thursday at friggin 9 at night. Which would be fine if I didn't have a midterm at 9 in the morning on Friday. That's just not conducive.

Plus, I wanna spend the money on other stuff. Like shopping! Shopping is fun! And I'm still not quite through with the whole "should I or shouldn't I" debate in my head. So yeah, we'll just have to wait on that.


How advertising worked on me:

That movie, the Transporter? I can't wait to see it. The reason why? Because on the commercial, they said "From the maker of The Professional.." and bam. I was instantly hooked. I have a deep and passionate love for the Professional, so if someone who made that made the Transporter, I'm gonna watch that.

But! If they had just said on the commercial "made by Luc Besson", I'd be like, "oh, that's the dude who made the Professional," but I might not be tempted to see it.

Weird, huh?

Keep it up, advertising industry. You're successful in sucking my brain out of my head!


I was really feeling this song today.. I hope that doesn't make me sound like an angst ridden 16 year old.

Are you aware that I was 16 7 years ago? Gawd, does that depress me. I was 15 8 years ago! Does this not freak anyone else out? I'm 23! I AM TWENTY THREE YEARS OLD! HOLY SHIT!

Okay, sorry, I just had to get that out. Here's the song!

Wish I was too dead to cry

My self-affliction fades

Stones to throw at my creator

Masochists to which I cater

You don't need to bother

I don't need to be

I'll keep slipping farther

But once I hold on

I won't let go 'til it bleeds

Wish I was too dead to care

If indeed I cared at all

Never had a voice to protest

So you fed me shit to digest

I wish I had a reason

My flaws are open season

For this, I gave up trying

One good turn deserves my dying

You don't need to bother

I don't need to be

I'll keep slipping farther

But once I hold on

I won't let go 'til it bleeds

Wish I'd died instead of lived

A zombie hides my face

Shell forgotten

With its memories

Diaries left

With cryptic entries

And you don't need to bother

I don't need to be

(I don't need to be)

I'll keep slipping farther

But once I hold on

I won't let go 'til it bleeds

You don't need to bother

I don't need to be

(I don't need to be)

I'll keep slipping farther

But once I hold on

I'll never live down my deceit


What was Mymichele doing a year ago?

"But in other news, my friends totally rock. The retreat wasn't so great, I'm not really sure why, but it was okay. And then I had been home for a little while and I get a call from my friend telling me that she just came by my dorm and saw that I had a boot on my car. So I went down to check it out, and there wasn't a boot, there was a note to come find her at the car wash. So basically, it was like a scavenger hunt, and they paid for dinner for me, and a car wash, and it ended with them giving me a new Bible. That's how all scavenger hunts should end, right?"


Now here's some fun quizzes!

Which era in time are you?

What Cartoon Will I Lose My Cartoon Virginity To?

Snake Eyes (G.I. Joe): Tall, dark, and.... well you can't really tell what he looks like. Silent and deadly, skilled and sexy. Snake Eyes might seem intimidating, but he is the perfect gentleman.

What Cartoon Will I Lose My Cartoon Virginity To?

I Am The Sex Toy:

Hi-Tech Masterpiece: Some say that I was developed in a top secret lab while others say I was developed by aliens for my probing capabilities, but only I know the truth! My mission here on earth is to launch a full out assault on your genitals with my spinning beads, vibrations, and clitoris teaser. My LCD screen keeps you informed, but only with information I want you to have! Mwua-ha-ha!

Find out what sex toy you are.

What magazine am I?

I am Popular Science: The only thing more exciting then the present is the future. I am always the first to hear about whats going on in the realms of human achievement.

What magazine am I?


1:06 a.m. - October 13, 2002


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