mymichele's Diaryland Diary


AXL SPEAKS! More of my racist puppy dog, and vampires

Today was kind of a weird day, and such.

First of all, it rained, and it was really pretty and happy. Also, I burned my finger when I was getting a waffle out of the oven (The BL apparently took her toaster to California with her or something) and it looks really gnarly now. I've never quite seen a burn like this before. Also, I found out I got a C in sociology, which wasn't fun. Also, I went to the gynocologist.

And that was a little unpleasant, to tell you the truth. I'm not really used to having things stuck up there (except for fingers, and you know.. I'm used to that.. anyway.. TMI perhaps) so it was like.. guh. Stop that!

And I'm one of those freaks that gets turned on by getting felt up at the gynecologist. Am I the only one? I can't help it! I'm all nekkid and he's messing around with my parts! Lordy!

And also, I was measured while I was there. I have always gone through life believing that I was 5'4, but I am not. I am a measely 5'2 1/2! I'm shrinking! I'm short! BB is a whole foot and a half taller than me!

Anyway. After that whole ordeal, I picked my baby up from Obediance School, where the chick there said that he "had no problem with the darker skinned people." As I've said before, my puppy is racist, so I'm glad he was on his best behavior at this place.

I then went back to the BL's and watched Friends. The one where Ross slept with some chick and he and Rachel have a big fight. That was good stuff.. the dialogue was really believable and crap. I don't know, I'm a Friends whore. I am fascinated by Jennifer Aniston, first of all. And I'm a big proponent of the whole Ross and Rachel thing. I'm a freak, yes indeed.

BB is still being a little cold to me, if you were wondering, which I'm sure you were. He's bitter about the whole road trip thing, I know, but I just don't want to go on one right now. I want to hang out here and save a little money and just have some good times, ya know? It sucks. I hate seeing him dissapointed in stuff like this. Poo.

After that, I went to my mom's house and we ate pizza and watched Interview with the Vampire. I kinda got bored halfway through, but with a long haired Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise and Antonio Banderas and also Christian Slater and also a Guns N Roses song at the end, how can you go wrong?

Speaking of Guns N Roses, it was a very big day in Axl land! Axl decided to speak out about a lot of stuff at the official GN'R website. They performed in Hong Kong tonight for some reason, which is pretty cool in itself. And then they interviewed him and he apparently had a lot to say. Isn't that exciting?! Axl speaks, finally! Here are some noteworthy things he had to say:

Regarding those who are skeptical as to whether or not Guns N' Roses will actually be performing:

"To the ones who are negative and want to see either myself or the new band fall on their faces, personally I can't pass up an opportunity to upset so many of them in one quick swoop. I get misty-eyed just thinking about it. I feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside! But seriously...this is our tour. This is a collection of performances I've agreed to. That I have personally authorized not someone else's good intentions gone awry or a reckless promoter's personal agenda. These shows are important to us and for better or worse we'll be there. For those who've had my back and are down by us with even a modicum of understanding we hope to give you our best, and look forward to seeing you on this little intro jaunt."

Hehe! See that! He hopes to give me his best! He looks forward to seeing me on this little intro jaunt! Oh be still my beating heart!

On waiting for the new album:

"But if you're really into waiting try holding your breath for Jesus cause I hear the payoff may be that much greater."

Right, right. True that.

He also talked a lot about Slash, and that's just annoying. Everyone knows that Guns N Roses isn't exactly Guns N Roses with Slash. Someday they'll bring him back. Hopefully. I dunno.

And here Axl talks about Player Haters! Who would have thought?!

"People talk about player haters. Well, I don't think it pays to be a 'hater - hater.' You've got the haters out there but the guys in this band it just rolls off their shoulders because they take a certain pride in their work. They're hungry and they want to do this for all the right reasons. They want to get this material out there to the people. Now that we feel that we have clarity as to the album we're trying to make, we're wrapping it up. We've had every obstacle and every strange occurrence that you can have and for us to be playing Hong Kong in a few days is a big step. Everyone's excited and everyone's nervous. As Dizzy put it �Oh no, we're gonna have the Red Army between us and the plane�' "

Isn't that wonderful? Doesn't it just bring a tear to your eye? Well, it does to mine, my friends. It does to mine.

I'm gonna go to sleep now. With a smile on my face and a band aid on my finger.


What was MyMichele doing a year ago?

Displaying a bunch of poems, apparently. Go to the link if you wanna see them.. this entry is already long enough.

11:13 p.m. - August 14, 2002


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