mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Cast list

Cast List!

Here is where I tell you all about the people in my life so you won't be confused!

BB - Boyfriend Boy. More like Ex BB at this point in my life. We were together 5 years, and that's pretty much over now. He was my best friend/lover/whatever, and now he's pretty much none of those things. That'll teach you, girls - don't ever build your life around one person. They'll just end up dissapointing you and then you won't have anything.

My Mom - My main source of support. She lives about 5 minutes away from me because she married a professor at the other school here in Denton.

Axl Rose! - The object of my obsessions and fantasies since I was 12 years old. I recently had the pleasure of attending a Guns N Roses concert. It was one of the crowning moments of my life. Uh huh!

My Dad - Has custody of my puppy dog, Charlie. That is the main thing we have in common. Also, the fact that he is currently supporting me is another thing we have in common.

Ali-Kat My friend of almost 10 years. I sent her here accidently through a link I had on Literotica, and now here she is. We've been through alot together, and I hope we'll go through even more. Used to have a diary here, but politics made her take it away. I don't see her around here much anymore, but I know she'll always be in my life if I need her.

Psycho Boy - a guy I dated a few years ago. He was psycho. And it wasn't fun.

CHARLIE! My puppy dog. He's two years old, and I love him more than anything. He almost died of parvo when he was a puppy and we all cherish him even more because we almost lost him.

Angel Boy - A guy I dated when I was 15, who I never quite got over. He makes the occasional appearance when he calls me or when I call him, because it's such an event. Somehow, we have stayed in each other's lives for almost 7 years!

Crazy Friend and Diet Friend - I met them last year at a bible study. It took us a while, but now we're good friends, and we're figuring out the lengths and depths and details of our friendship. I call her Diet Friend because she's always on every kind of diet imaginable. I call the other one Crazy Friend because she's just a little on the kooky side, but in a good way.

Jeep Girl! - My old roommate. We have a class together, and I think she's just the bees knees. I like her lots!

Old Friend! - We met in 1994. We soon became best friends. We went to see movies together and shared huge buckets of popcorn and just generally had a good time. Then we had a falling out and didn't talk anymore. And then we saw each other a few years later by a fateful meeting at Lane Bryant. And now whenever we get together, she makes me feel like shit! Hey, good times.

FGG! - Fat Gay Guy. One of BB's good friends. You can read more about him and the whole Charlie situation here.

My dad's girlfriend! AKA The BL - The British Lady - She is british, and she has a 2 year old son. There's a 23 year age difference there.

My mom's husband! - AKA my stepdad. They've been married for a year.It's all very strange. He is very strange. We don't have much in common and we don't talk unless we really have to.

Dorkus Boy! - We met when we were both on the yearbook in high school. We dated a few times but nothing really came out of it. He's a good friend now, even though I never see him anymore cuz he's too busy having deviant sex.

Literotica - I have posted short pornographic stories here, because I'm deviant and that's what deviants do.

My school - The University of North Texas in Denton, Texas.

My brushes with fame:

Robin Tunney

So, there's this chick who is my cousin's girlfriend way back in the day, like the early 90's. And she's an actress, right? She lives in Chicago and was just visiting us in Dallas. She told me a few people she knew, including Lara Flynn Boyle. I was sufficiently impressed. I have her sign my diary so I can have her autograph when she becomes famous.

So, a little while after that, way after she had left Dallas and probably forgot all about me, I decide that since she knows Lara Flynn Boyle and Lara Flynn Boyle was in Mobsters with Christian Slater, if I write her a letter than I can get Christian Slater to come to my 12th birthday party! And umm.. no. He never came. I have always been very bitter towards Robin Tunney because of that.

I check out my diary years later, and who is it? It's Robin Tunney! She was in the Craft and such like this. One day, I turned on my TV and she was in this movie called Julian Po. With.. Christian Slater. *sigh*

Nick Stahl!

You can read about my sordid past with him here. To make a long story short, I went to elemenatary school with him, lusted after him, made a fool out of myself with him, and now he's going to be in Terminator 3. There ya go.

12:21 a.m. - October 11, 2001


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