mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Cheating, Psychology, and yet another survey

Multiple entries on one day = good times!

I just got tired of my whining on the other page. I really hate this roommate situation, but there's not really much I can do about it, so I'll just shut my hole.

BB and I took a Sexual Psychology midterm today. He has yet to ever come to class, I have been to every class. Result: He gets an 80 on the test, I get a 78. I don't really know what to say about that! My goodness. Its kinda strange though, because BB and I have gone to the same school for 2 years now, and we've never been in an actual classroom together. It's like I didn't know how to act around him or something. It was a little creepy.

I have my creative writing class tonight. That means I will be lusting after the really hot chick in my class. I mean.. she's really hot. I can't stress that enough. Thank you.

Some moron IMed me on AOL and asked me if I had a picture. He said, "Well, describe yourself for me, us guys need imagery!" And I said, "Sorry, but I don't think I really want to tell you what I look like, because I don't think it matters. I'm just a bitch like that." And then he stoping IMing me. I hate AOL.

I am a survey whore, so here is a survey for you today! I stole this one from CrankyDragon and umm.. yeah.

Favorite castaway... Ginger or MaryAnne?I never watched the show.. so I'd have to say Tom Hanks.

Where was your last vacation outside of the state? To the lovely Vicksburg, Mississippi. For the Civil War Memorial. Umm hmm.

Color of the shirt you are presently wearing? It's a hunter green type of thing. It's beautiful, really.

Your favorite color for shirts? Black. Black shirts are good times!

Ever have escargot? Oooh yes. I haven't had it in a long time, but it is a good tasty treat. Especially with garlic and butter.. mmmm!

What liquor was the first that you ever hurled? The only time I hurled when I drank alcohol was when I was 15 and my parents let me drink wine while on vacation in Santa Fe. They just giggled while I drank way too much of it. I then spent the night hurling it away.

Has any amusement ride ever made you hurl? Nope. I saw a snake at Six Flags once and kinda freaked out, if that counts.

Ever play ding-dong-ditch? Nah.. I'm too hardcore for that.

Favorite Pet name? Is that pet as in dog or pet as in lovey dovey? I love my doggy's name, Charlie. And I also loved calling one of my boyfriends "Honeybear." No wonder he dumped me for a guy.

Have you ever pulled a full all-nighter? Not for studying, although I would have benefited from it. I think I might have once or twice when I was younger. I'm really not a big stay up all night kinda chick.

What is the latest you ever slept in? 3ish. I dunno.

Ever cheat on a test in school? Yeah.. actually I did today. It was way too tempting not to glance over at BB's answers. I'm sorry! You would have done it too!

Ever shoplift anything in your life? Not since I was 13. I used to be a big klepto at that point in my life. I was "acting out", I guess, since my parents were getting divorced and I was dysfunctional. I stopped when I got caught, and the guy said, "Don't ever come to this store again!" And then it closed a few months later. Muahahaha.

Have you ever flown a kite? I don't recall ever having flown a kite.

What's the biggest fish you ever caught?A shark? I don't know. I don't fish.

Favorite group from the 70's? The Bee Gees! And the guy who sang the Pina Colada song. I have a "Best of 1979" CD and I lurrvee it.

Favorite group from the 80's? Uhh.. Guns N Roses. Duh! And Skid Row. And umm.. that's all I can remember. My brain hurts.

Rather fly in a prop plane or jet or glider? A jet, I think. I'd rather not fly at all anytime soon, but I will be when I go to Reno next weekend.

Do you downhill ski? I used to ski all the time, but less so now that I've had knee surgery. And it's a little scary.

Can you water ski on one ski? I can't even water ski on two of em. Never tried. Doesn't appeal to me.

When was the last time you were terrified? September 11 was a scary day. But also, the day in the summer when it started raining and the fire alarm at my dorm was going off, the tornado siren was going off, there was more rain than I've ever seen in my life, it was cold, and I was alone. That was not a good time.

What are you most afraid of? Spiders. And always being the way I am now, not being able to get off my ass and do things and never losing weight and stuff.

What was your on your first lunch box? Rainbow Brite. I had the sleeping bag, too.

Letterman or Leno? I hate Leno. He is not funny. At all. Letterman rules, damnit.

Favorite board game? Monopoly. Nono! Scattergories! I loveeee that game! And Trivial Pursuit.

Ever given or gotten mouth-to-mouth resuscitation? Nope.

When is the last time you saw a firefly? Not since I was a little girl living in my old house. They are so pretty, too.

Well, there ya go. Another survey. You're probably learning alot more than you really wanted to know. But that's just too bad! Muahaha!

4:43 p.m. - October 16, 2001


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