mymichele's Diaryland Diary


More ghostly Axl, reviewing sucky ass diaries, and my unnatural hatred of Rush.

I know I've updated like 37 times today, but I dunno, I'm on this reviewing spree and I don't want to go to sleep and I have some observations on life in general that I would like to share:

1. First of all, I've been reviewing some pretty crap ass diaries tonight. That's one thing I hate about reviewing.. I have to read a lot of crap, and sometimes in between there's some good stuff.

2. The Girls of Summer video by Aerosmith is on right now, and like.. Aerosmith is cool and stuff. That Jamie Presley chick is a hottie. I want to have hot and wild and greasy sex with Steven Tyler. Is that too much to ask?

3. Def Leppard is pretty groovy too. I think I may get their new CD. But maybe not.

4. BB and I just watched Family Ties and I have come to a conclusion: That show rules! I love the relationship between Michael J. Fox and Tracy Pollan.. I think it's cool that if they want to, they can look back on how they first got together. They're such a cute couple!

And that show was sooo good. BB is a lot like Alex, and he just giggles during the whole show. It's quality family viewing, ya know what I'm saying?

5. VH1's Rock Show is A-OK in my book. ADDENDUM: Well, it was A-OK until they played RUSH! Good lord, if there's anything in this world that I hate more than Rush, I just don't know what it is. I hate Rush. Passionately. And for no good reason other than the lead singer bothers me. Maybe I was married to one of them in a former life and he wronged me somehow. 2ND ADDENDUM! Right after Rush, they played DON'T CRY! Oh man, that made me so friggin happy! That video really makes me feel all squishy inside! Playing Don't Cry ALMOST makes up for them playing RUSH! You know, in fact, I may just write a whole entry on why I love Don't Cry! Because I'm on crack. Well I'm not really on crack, but I really feel like I am today for some reason.

6. Oh holy god.. WHY.. WHY does Dana Carvey think his new movie is a good idea? MAYBE.. MAYBE it would have had a chance 10 years ago. But now? When he hasn't had anything since forever? Urrggg.. I want to hide my face in shame whenever I see that preview. Master of Disguise.. how about master of Disgust!

Look at my new layout. Aint it perty? I mean, there's Axl! Just kinda sitting there, looking hot and ghostly!

Since I forgot to do it with my other entries..


What was MyMichele doing a year ago?

"Sooo, remember what I said yesterday about being anonymous? Welll, everyone say hi to Pervert Girl! Hi Pervert Girl! (Insert foot in mouth here). It's always fun to have someone read your diary when you've said some not so nice things about them. But, I digress.

I didn't mean for it to happen. I just sent her a link to the porn I've written at Literotica, forgetting that I had a link to my diary there. That is okay. Pervert girl took it well, and is indeed thrilled to be known as Pervert Girl. Yay for that.

I am enjoying my late night walks around the school track as of late, although I wish I had use of some Charlie's Angels style Kung Fu tricks, because there's always some kind of seedy looking character whistling at me. Yes, I love being whistled at when I have sweat coming out of every pore of my body. I know I'm just sooo sexy at this point.

I don't have much to say because not much has happened yet today. I'm going to give my mom a key to my dorm so she can come clean it up for me. (Thank you, mommy!) That means I need to evacuate the hardcore porn movies (as one of my nice Christian friends asked me suspiciously yesterday, "What's "Best Friends"? I just said, "oh, it's just a movie." And put it away quickly in the drawer.) and the vibrator that is laying around."

12:48 a.m. - October 27, 2002


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