mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Things I'm actually not bitter about! And southfork Ranch

I am currently watching the greatness that is Toby Keith on CMT. I know most of you don't dork yourself out to country music like I do, but that's too bad, cuz I lurrve me some Toby Keith. You know what I'm talking about, right?Merle Haggard called him on his little live special and he just looked so happy!

On the other hand, a show about Jimmy Buffet is on now. That's enough to make me want to make a quick escape.

But I digress!

Tonight, BB and I went to a little city east of here to see the new football stadium that's being built. Things like that make his pants go crazy.

On the way, we passed Southfork Ranch, and I thought that was way too exciting. For those of you who don't know, SouthFork is where they filmed the TV show Dallas. But it's not actually in Dallas. 45 minutes away, really. So yeah, I just thought that was cool.

I really have to pee.

I got tired of my whining in the previous entry, so as promised, here for you is my list of things I'm NOT bitter about!

Plus, I really like seeing my new entries in my pretty Axl lookin all hot and holding a bible layout!

So, things that I'm NOT bitter about:

1. The song "The Angry American" by Toby Keith.

2. My mommy. I love my mommy.. she's so good to me and she has such a big heart and I admire her so much.

3. My dad - he's very generous. He can be a flaming asshole, but he still takes care of me, even when I'm still a big ol dissapointment.

4. My gift of writing. I write good! Heheeehe!

5. All the teachers that have made me what I am today, especially my english teacher in 8th grade (you remember, McB oy and my journalism teacher in high school.

6. Axl Rose. You know, a lot of the time I wish I could have decided to obsess over someone easier and more visible, like perhaps Bret Micheals or Jon Bon Jovi! I'm sure those guys are approachable! I'm sure those guys would sign an autograph! And they're still touring and stuff! *Sigh* But.. he's still talented, I still have a spiritual experience everytime I listen to Don't Cry on the live CD, and I still think he's absolutly fucking gorgoues. And I would know. Because I've seen him live. In person.

7. My puppy man! Man, I love that silly little puppy dog. He makes me so happy. And also, the concept of Murphy, who's going to be a chocolate lab and who's going to be me and BB's first puppy dog.

8. This layout! I mean, how cool is it, really? Just way too cool. Too cool for school.

9. BB. I lurrve me some BB. He's generous, he loves me, he's good to me, he's funny, he's smart, and he'll be such a good daddy. Sometimes I wonder about the past 5 years, but I know he's the right one.

10. Movies. I love movies! When I watch the previews, I am not happy unless I can name every person in every movie. It's so satisfying when I can do that! I am a MOVIE GENIUS!

Anyway.. I love movies. All kinds of movies. Jerry Maguire, Pulp Fiction, Twister, When Harry Met Sally, The Fast and the Furious.. I love movies. Just give um to me.

11. My friends. I'm not very good at keeping friends, but I've been lucky in the kind of caliber friends that I've had in my life. I just need to work at holding on to them.

12. Yes, I've had all kinds of surgeries. I've had knee surgery, eye surgery, a liver biopsy, countless vials of blood taken, I can't seem to lose weight and I have polycystic ovaries. But I am still relatively healthy. I don't have cancer or anything I can't eventually recover from.

13. I get to see Austin Powers tomorrow! Have I mentioned my love for Mike Myers? Wayne's World? The Wayne's World with Tom Hanks as Aerosmith's roadie? Good god almighty, that was such freakin greatness! Hello, my name is Simon, and I like to do drawrings! Now is the time on Sprockets where we dance!

14. Diaryland. It's a time sucker, but I lurrve it anyway.

15. My car. It takes me a lot of places. Without a car, I'd be screwed, ya know?

16. George Carlin. Who fucking awesome is George Carlin? He is total greatness, as well.

17. Las Vegas, Nevada. Enough said.

18. Working out. It doesn't seem to be urmmm.. working out for me, but I still love to sweat. I love to feel like I've accomplished something.

19. Road trips in general. They're fun! Hotels and getting lost and exploring! Yay!

20. You know.. life in general and stuff.

I'm gonna watch Howard Stern and obsess in general about life now.

8:12 p.m. - July 26, 2002


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