mymichele's Diaryland Diary


Steve Nash, Thermasilk, and now I'm the psycho ex

Before I start the proceedings tonight, I have to say that I really want to have wild, raunchy sex with Steve Nash, who plays for the wonderous Dallas Mavericks. I want to do it right after a game, when he's all sweaty and stuff. But that's just me.

Anyway. Thank you, Ilovediaries for my review. It was a good one, and it made me feel all special inside. Giggle!

I told BB about this thing tonight. I didn't exactly tell him it where it was located, but I told him I had an online diary type of thing and that it almost has 10,000 hits. He got a little jealous of that, and said, "So your online diary has more hits than my web page?" Hehe! I'm kinda glad I told him. I told him that I changed my online name thingie a few months ago, but he said he forgot it. So, basically, it would be hard to find this thing. Which is good. And I'm rambling.

After we had this discussion at the pizza buffet place we went to, we then went home and had an hour long nookie session. Wowee, that was some good stuff.

Oh yeah. Maybe my American Legal System teacher isn't so nice and understanding. I thought when I told him my situation, he'd nod and say "Yeah, I was a student once, too, and I know how it is. Sure, I'll let you write another paper!" Um, no. He basically said, "Nope. Looks like you're screwed." This wouldn't be so terrible if I didn't get a 55 on my first exam. Yeah. That's bad, if you're keeping score. But hey, maybe I'll thank him someday for teaching me a lesson. On what procrastinating gets me in this world. But probably I'll just think of him as the jackass who made me fail his damn class.

But one thing happened today that almost had me jumping for extreme happiness and joy. Finally. FINALLY my "research" job is over! When I went there today, I was going to ask the guy just how much longer this crap was going to take, because it's gone on since freakin July! I have just lost complete and total interest in it. He said, very clearly at the beginning, that maybe it would last until the first week of school. Okay, well, it's almost the last week of freakin school! But when he tells me how much money I made today, he finally says the words that I've been waiting so long to hear.. "That's it, we're finished. Come back on Monday and we'll talk about the money." WOOHOO! $218 for research is not bad. Good, in fact! (burp)

Yesterday, during my court adventure in Downtown Dallas, I tried to take a different way home because I'm just a big dork like that. Somehow, I ended up in my ex's (Psycho Boy) neighborhood. This made me very nervous. I'm always nervous in that particular neighborhood because it's like some cosmic force wants to keep me away. I've had 2 accidents over there, for one. And it just gives off some really bad vibes.

I didn't go look at his house. Even though it's been over 4 years since we broke up, I'm sure I could still find his house. I was tempted, but the problem with that is that his house is on a cul de sac, so I can't just casually drive by and honk or something. If I honked, he may come out, and then he'd see me turning around in the circular thingie and wonder why the hell I was driving by his house in the first place. Then I'd be the psycho ex. Is anyone following me here? The only reason why I'd want to go by his house would be morbid fascination. Or something.

Today I filled out an application to work for the school newspaper next semester. I think that would be really good for me. It'll teach me much needed social skills, as well as how not to procrastinate due to scary deadlines. I would like very much to get a job there, yes I would.

I have a new shampoo that I really like a whole lot. Thermasilk. It's heat activated! My hair hasn't looked this good in years.

Good night. And such.

8:29 p.m. - November 29, 2001


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