mymichele's Diaryland Diary


A survey, a huge picture, and 82 degrees

I seriously have no business writing an entry right now. I have a Mass Com Law test tomorrow and someone told me that I should pretty much memorize every single word in the chapters to get a passing grade on this test.

But I'm here anyway. Because I'm a whore like that!

So I spent the night at the BL's last night just because I thought it would be a good thing to do. Okay, I did it because I have $0 and I thought maybe my dad would give me some money. Okay? Okay.

Anyway, it was fun times. I watched Bridget Jones' Diary with my puppy man and did a little studying. It would seem that the BL's ex huasband's dog is now living with the BL, which is pretty awesome cuz now there's two puppy dogs in the hizhouse. I've chilled out on my puppy obsession as of late mostly because all my obsession time is spent on Axl, but I do love me some puppies. This one is some kind of mix and she's really sweet. Her name is Allie. She and Charlie spend most of their time patrolling for squirelles. Is that how you spell it? I completly forgot how to spell squirell!

And my dad gave me $20. Not much, but it's $20 more than I had before!


As much as I like to say that I hate sunny days, the past couple of days have been beautiful. Mostly because there hasn't been any ozone troubles and it's just a clear, not so warm and not so cold day. It's 82 degrees now and it's just really good stuff! I lurrvee the Fall, yes I do.

It seems like something big is going to happen on Tuesday, people! On one hand it's really annoying that Axl just can't come out and tell us when there's gonna be a friggin tour and an album. If there is news on Tuesday, that would be almost exactly a month after the VMA's. Why couldn't he just have said on the VMA's that there would be a friggin annoucement coming in a month instead of just saying "I don't know if it'll be soon..." guhh.

But on the other hand, that's good stuff. All the waiting around and anticipation and impatience is creating a buzz and lots of rumors and stuff. Grrr, Axl, hurry! I'm not going to be young and free much longer!

I now have a large picture to share with you:

I mean.. dizamn. I hate to rehash this again, but that was just from a year and a half ago. What did he do in a year and half to make himself look so wacked out? Because in that picture.. wow. It's just really good looking stuff, right there.

I really need to study now. Like... seriously.


Now, just for your pleasure, is a survey I did a year ago. Feel free to steal it and such.

Have you ever....

Been kissed? I'm a kissing whore!

Done drugs? I think I tried to smoke some pot once, on my 19th birthday, and then I got hungry for hot dogs. But that's about it.

Eaten an entire box of Oreos? No, but bring me some Soft Batch chocolate chip cookies.. watch out

Been on stage? A few times. Once, in a play for Peer Helpers, I played a girl who was addicted to drugs and I got chased around by people in T-shirts that said "Cocaine" and "marijuana" on them.

Dumped someone else? Yes. It's a necessary evil sometines.

Gotten in a car accident? Four of them, and every single one was my fault. I failed driver's ed the first time I took it, what do you expect?

Been in love? Dare I say that I am in love right now? I dare.

In the last week, have you...

(This was originally "in the last 24 hours, but I changed it just because I can.)

Cried? Oooh yes. I couldn't stop crying a few days this week. It was a bad week.

Helped someone? Ummm yah.. I think so.

Bought something? I've bought lots of things this week. But today I bought some Whataburger and some Armor all to clean my car.

Gotten sick? Yeah, I threw up cuz I was crying so much. That's no fun.

Gone to the movies? Not this week.

Gone out for dinner? No, and I'm hungry. I think I might get Subway.

Said "I love you"? Yes, I have several times in the last week. I can't go to bed without telling BB that I love him, it's just a thing I have.

Written a real letter? No way. Email rules! Umm yeah.

Talked to an ex? Kinda.. if you count my best guy friend an ex.. we dated but yah.. I don't count him.

Missed an ex? No, but I thought about one pretty hardcore, because he lives about 5 minutes from my grandmother.

Written in a journal? I have, as a matter of fact! When I was going crazy at the car dealership cuz it was taking them 6 hours and my dad was yelling at me and I was uhh.. frustrated.

Talked to someone you have a crush on? Well, if you count BB as someone I have a crush on. Which I do. :)

Had a serious talk? Yeah, with my mom, and my dad, and myself.

Missed someone? Yeah.

Hugged someone? Oh yes.

Fought with your parents? Yeah. My dad's not happy about paying $1000 to fix my car. Gee, I wonder why.

Fought with a friend? Yeah, BB and I had a little fight about being late for something, but then we ate Taco Cabana and it was good.

Do you...

Wear eye shadow? I'm not a big fan of make up in general.

Kiss on the first date? Sometimes, errr, among other things.

Have a crush on someone? My silly boyfriend!

Chew with your mouth open? I have been known to do that at times.

Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yeah. Hard to believe, but our 4 year anniversary is next month. I met him when I was 17! And now I'm going to be 22! Wow.

Have a best friend? I've had about 3 or 4 best friends in my life, and they've all moved on, but that's okay. Right now, BB is the bestest friend I could ask for. He keeps me in line and makes me keep my shit together, whether I like it or not.

Are you tired? Sorta kinda. I woke up at 7:30 AM cuz yeah.

Are you lonely? Not at this moment.

Are you happy? Well, kinda. I'm coming out of my depression, at least.

Are you wearing pajamas? Nope.. blue jeans and a t shirt.

Are you talking to someone online? Not at the moment.


Coffee or hot chocolate? Hot chocolate. But I prefer Dr. Pepper as a beverage, thank you.

Big or little? Big all the way, babeh.

Lace or satin? Satin!

New or old? Old

Neve Campbell or Jennifer Love Hewitt? Lordy.. this is like.. snakes or crickets? Umm.. Neve Campbell.

Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt? Brad Pitt. But only in Legends of the Fall. Or Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible 2. But thats all.

Vogue or Material Girl? Vogue

Jeans or cords? Jeans.

Sweater or sweatshirt?Sweater. Sweatshirts look funky on me.

T shirt or tank top? T shirt, although it would be a tank top if, you know, stuff.

Skirt or dress? I haven't worn a dress since junior high school.

Wool or cotton? Cotton.

Rose or Lily? I lurrvvee Roses. But Lily is the name of one of my doggies, so I don't know.

Dominant or submissive? Submissive. Oooh yeah.

If you got a tattoo, where would you get it, and what would it be? I'd get a rose on my ankle. Horribly unorginal, I know, but roses are important to me. Urm, Axl ROSE. And umm.. ROSE from the Golden Girls. And the song THE ROSE by Better Midler. And just what it represents. But I don't think I'll ever get one.

What color is your floor/carpet in your room? I don't have carpet, it's a dorm room.

What was the last CD you bought? Eva Cassidy, Song Bird

How did you spend last summer? Going to school, having a crush on my math student teacher, who had man boobs. And then looking for a job, but not that hard, because I'm a lazy bitch.

What are you reading now? On the Road, Jack Kerouac, and Catcher in the Rye.

What song are you listening to right now? I'm not listening to any songs, I'm watching Mr. Holland's Opus. (Remember when we saw that, Ali-Kat? It was good times.)


Do you wear a watch? No.

How many coats and jackets do you own? Two

Most expensive item of clothing: I would say my leather jacket, but it's not real leather. Shhh, don't tell anyone. Probably my Docs. Those there are some expensive shoes, and I have like 6 pairs of them.

Most treasured: I don't have any treasured clothes.

Boots or shoes: Boots!

Scruffy or smart: scruffy.

Your personality (general)

Extrovert or introvert: introvert

Are you confident: I'm confident that I'm a pretty good writer, and that I have a way with animals, and other stuff, but really.. I'd have to say no.

Do you like yourself? No.

Are you popular? Sometimes.

Are you good academically? I have a 2.7 GPA right now. So I guess that would be a.. no.

What do you have a really good knowledge of? Pop culture, dogs, high school football, WWF from 1997-1999, Axl Rose, Journalism, how to make some good fajitas.

Are you good at games which rely on intellect? I am a good trivia player, especially Rock and Roll Jeopardy. I can beat anyone at anytime at that. But like.. tic tac toe and crap like that, I'm not good.

Fictional character you are most like: Not so much right now, but I used to be Angela Chase from My So Called Life. I went through everything she did at every point that she did it. Good lord, do I love that show!

Things friends say to you the most: "Can you come pick me up? I locked my keys in the car/ran out of gas/broke down on Lake Lewisville/don't have working windshield wipers and it's raining."

Can you speak another language? A beginner's understanding of French and spanish.

Your personality (specific)

Are you moody? Not really. Maybe sometimes. But not really.

Use five words to describe what you feel inside: frustrated, confused, lustful, lucky, bloated.

Do people know how you feel? Yes.

What would you change about your personality? I'm lazy. That's all. Just extremely lazy.

Are you perceived wrongly? I don't think so.

What drives you? I know things are going to get better. I know someday I'll have what I want and I'll be happy.

Worst fault: Stuff and some such. Being lazy.

Your friends

Do your friends know you? Some do. My guy friends definitly do. My girl friends.. well, they know who I am now, but they don't know how I got here. And that's reassuring, sometimes.

What do they tend to be like? They have their own little traits and tendencies and things that I love about them and things that I hate about them. They're honest and very uplifting.

Are there traits in you that are universally liked? I think people appreciate my sense of humor.

Few friends or many acquaintances? Few friends.

Can you count on them? Definitely.

Can they count on you? I'd like to think so.


Are you good at it? I don't know.. it's been so long since I've actually had it. (Due to the whole boyfriend is a virgin thing)

Have you ever been criticized about your performance? I've been told that I need to "suck harder."

What does it for you in a sex partner? This is just really not applicable to me, I'm sorry to say.


Favorite bands ever: Guns N Roses, Aerosmith, Tom Petty, Bette Midler, Live, Dido, Smashing Pumpkins, Skid Row.

Most listened to bands currently: Guns N Roses, Dido, bleh. I don't listen to much music. I listen to alot of AM radio.

Can you play an instrument? Yeah, viola. I started The Strings Diary Ring for other orchestra types.

Type of music listened to: Anything that sounds good. Lately, it's alot of country, like "Man of Me" by Gary Allen and "What I Really Meant to Say" by Cyndi Thompson.

Type never listened to: Umm.. latino.

Books: Stephen King, Jennifer Cruisie, Rita Ciresi, ladeelalaa

TV Shows: My So Called Life, Boston Public, Friends, Dawson's Creek, The Practice

4:03 p.m. - September 22, 2002


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